Updates & Fangirling *O*

Hey guys :)


I'm finally back! After my examss :3


Well, I know I've not been updating as much lately.... ;_; mianhae everyone...

*draws circles in the corner*

Anyways xD though it's kind of late and all but for Halloween pictures :D 

Hee :)


Lol, okay...

Here they be~

My friend's a devil, the black dress girl is...?, the two "crayons" are also my best friends, and the girl in our school's uniform is my friend's friend 

Is that a Rila...kkuma?!! XD (yes XD with two of my classmates secretly hitting the guy (whose also in our homeroom)'s head XD 

Tbh, once he wore it on (the Rilakkuma bearwear is actually someone else's) we had like 6 people against 1 hitting his big head (LOL it was awesome haha

The girl at the bottom is also my best friend XDD That's our sportwear if you're wondering haha

And....my best friend turns into the 3rd crayon!!!! XDD Woo and there's the Nightmare Before Christmas Jack behind us *gulps* XDD (The male classmate who wore the suit/wear actually has really really really, it's true no lie, skinny and long arms and legs--> so he fit perfectly hahaah)

So this is a guy who I used to (sadly, sigh due to some stupid rumours) be really best friends with as Eeyore <3 XDD Isn't the suit adorbs <333 hahah XDD

And so here's a close-up (sadly cutting off my friend's face O.O"") of my makeup that day. I have small freckles if you're wondering xD and the eye shadow is supposedly purple (it became light purple TT) I at group selfies hahah

Hahah, actually the pink crayon girl is my closest BFF XDD And also haha, if you haven't noticed I'm a monolid (small Asian eyes activated now LOL

Okay, automatically...I regretted not standing on the other side, (the small patch of "gold" is not obvious) hahah 

Anyways, have any of you guys seen Spirited Away? :D It's Mister No-Face !!

He's also a homeroom classmate and rumours says that he really acted out his part well (despite it being so hot and suffocating under the entire cosplayXD)

1) We have this small slope upward to our classrooms (to the other department side, students who basically are staying within Taiwan to go to college/university; our side, being the international department, are students who are planning on travelling abroad to study for college/university)

And anyways, he stood there silently, and without moving (much like what No-Face did the in the actual cartoon XDD)

2) In the morning study session (we were very noisy hahha, well we're seniors...but we're the really noisy ones LOL) he walked down the hallway slowly/beckoned his hand out, very much the same as No-Face did in the cartoon

(Alright, No-Face may seem scary but...XD that was my nightmares during childhood

If you want to know what it seems like (the idea, here's a link)


OHNO!! The 3 innocent crayons are going to be fooled and swallowed up by No-Face QAQ!!!!

And a last selfie with my other BFF XDD *my math class buddy :33






Can you guys guess who I wanted to be for Halloween XDD? (LOL, I wonder if it's even obvious --> tbh, it's not even THAT close but haha 










































Alright fine

here's the answer :p

Mother Gothel from Tangled (Rapunzel)  <-- highlight to see XD



So were you shocked hahahhaha XD


Alright, so also about the second part: fangirling 




His new MV for his upcoming movie <3



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BRO YOU WERE ON POINT WITH YOUR COSTUME although does she have bangs? -bad memory- But dang even your eyes :3
I SAW THAT MV the song is pretty nice, although the one thing that prevents me liking whole heartedly is Kris's pronunciation. T-T I'M SORRY MY EARS ARE SO PICKY
It's not even the English part, it's those Chinese words that end in "ao". Maybe it's his Cantonese accent? I just don't like how he says them. (and my Mandarin is probably even worse OTL) LUHAN HURRY UP AND RELEASE SOME SONGS SO I CAN ENJOY YOUR BEIJING ACCENT XD
Wow lol so many crayons

The text isn't really obvious, especially for mobile users like me, but I know what you are