❀ Cherry Blossom ❀ --- Kang Jieun --- Main Vocalist, Dancer

kang jieun
exotic-sone || victoria || 9/10

other names:
— Yang Qing Xue (chinese name)
— Jamie Stephanie Kang (english name)
— Yukimura Yuki ( the japanese name she uses when they head to japan to promote. )

— Angelic Princess ( Most of the fans calls her that as a form of endearment due to her looks, voice and personality. Sehun secretly calls her that as a sign of affection as she calls him Angelic Prince.)
— Eunnie ( Luhan calls her that as a short form of her name.)
birthday & age: 25 December 1994
birthplace & hometown: St. John, New Brunswick, Canada + St. John, New Brunswick, Canada & Beijing, China
height & weight: 173 cm + 57 kg
blood type: ab-

— Mandarin ( Fluent - Jieun lived in China from the age of 13 to 16. Her mother also speaks to Jieun in that language only so that Jieun would still be able to communicate with her mother's side of the family. )
— ​Korean ( Fluent - Jieun learned Korean so that when she went to Korea to be a trainee, it wouldn't be so difficult for her. Furthermore, it's her mother tongue aside from mandarin and English.)
— ​Canadian English ( Fluent - Jieun was born in Canada and stayed there for 13 years.)
faceclaim: Krystal Jung
back-up face claim: Jung Iera

+; Warm-Hearted, protective, brave, responsible, determined, easy to talk to, cautious, soft-hearted
-; emotional, hard to please , picky-eater,pessimistic, short-tempered, mysterious

Jimin is someone who is very very warm-hearted and loving. She is kind to anyone and everyone she meets because she knows what it's like to be treated badly by someone. She is someone who is filled with love and compassion which she shows through her actions instead of words. She tries to help anyone and everyone who is in need of help without caring whether or not the person was her rival. All she knows is that she wants to help people out. Jimin is very protective and she shows it through the way she cares for a person and the way he/she feels. She tries her very best to prevent that person from getting hurt and would do anything to protect his/her feelings from getting hurt even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness.She is also always there for that person to lend a shoulder and a listening ear whenever he/she has a problem and he/she knows that Jimin is trustworthy as she always has their back. Jimin is brave as she has the ability to look at her biggest fear and face it in the eye. She is a person who will risk personal injury and suffering to protect her own beliefs, or to protect another person.She's able to sacrifice anything and everything if it will make the person she cares for happy and safe.Jimin is also extremely firm to her decisions. Once she has made up her mind, she would not change it no matter who was the person who's trying to persuade her which can be both a good and a bad thing. She is also very very determined to show others that she wasn't a push-over nor was she a weakling due to her experiences in getting bullied. Therefore, she is able to stand up for herself. Jimin is responsible and dislikes leaving things messy. She hates having someone pick up after her own mess.For example, she would never leave her towel anywhere aside from the towel rack as she knows how messy it would look. She was simply not the type to mess anything up. Jimin is someone who is very easy to talk to. If there was anything someone needed to let out, Jimin was the person to go to because she would just be there to listen silently without saying a single comment unless it was something comforting. Jimin is also very generous and kind as she often donated to charity andwouldn't mind spending money if it was something that could help another person out. Being raised as a cautious person, she doesn't act without thinking and would never run around without knowing anything about the place.

Like every other human being, Jimin also had her negative traits. Due to her past experiences in getting bullied, Jimin can get emotional sometimes. She often has strong reactions towards a situation, place or a even a person. No matter the emotions, she tend to get deep and strong feelings towards it which also makes her cry easily which makes people often deem her as dramatic or a drama-queen. However, it was also because of those experiences that taught her to be strong. Jimin is someone who is hard to please especially since she was born with a silver spoon in . She is also too careful when it comes to choosing or accepting things.Jimin is also someone who's a picky eater. She mostly only eats food that she likes and is used to otherwise, she wouldn't much less glance at the plate of foreign food set before her. For instance, if she dislikes rice, she would hardly ever eat it unless she doesn't have a choice. Jimin also prefers pasta over rice due to the fact that when she was young, she rarely ever ate rice. Back at home, Jimin was often treated as a princess which gave her the impression that she was much more important than everybody else but of course, this only happens every once in a while when she's in a bad mood or when she's PMS-ing. Jimin is a pessimist always expects bad things to happen whenever she's caught in a situation. She often ends up looking at things in a negative light. She also often tend to think negatively about the future. Jimin blows up very easily which also means that she loses her temper very easily or in other words, she's short-tempered. Pair that up with her emotional trait and it turns her into someone dramatic. Jimin is impatient and dislikes being kept waiting and also making people wait for her. To her, if the other person can't be late, why can she?


— Snow : Jieun likes snow because it was during Winter when she bonded with her older brother.
Fanfiction : Jieun enjoys seeing what the fans would make up of her and another idol or oc.
​ Ancient Chinese Series - Eg. Chinese Paladin 1 : She likes ancient chinese series as she finds it interesting.
— Football : Back in Junior High, Jieun was the captain of the school's female football team.
​​Stargazer Lilies : Jieun likes this flower because of it's beauty and the way it reminds her of her mother.
Sneaker Wedges : Jieun finds it cool and stylish.
​Blue, Purple, Silver : These colors remind Jieun of winter.
​Rainy Days : Jieun likes rainy days despite it's gloomliness because to her, rain is beautiful.
— Roller Coasters : It gives Jieun the sense of freedom.
Ddukbokki : Whenever Jieun was tired while training, she would go out for ddukbokki with her friends so it gives her warm memories when eating ddukbokki.
Patbingsoo : Jieun likes how cold and sweet it is.
Hamburger : Whenever Jieun eats hamburgers, it reminds her of the only sunny picnic she had with her family where everyone just lets go of their stress and worries and have fun.
Pasta : It was the first food her father personally made for her and it was also the one time her father actually tried to bond with her so eating pasta gives her warm memories.
 The number 25 : To Jieun , it's her lucky number.

— Annoying People : It's self-explanatory. Jieun has a short-temper which causes her to hate annoying people.
— Clowns : Instead of dislike, it's more to a fear as Jieun's older brother once dressed as a clown just to scare her. — ​Insects : Insects gives Jieun the creeps especially if they were big.
— Being called "Princess" : Jieun dislikes being called "princess" because she doesn't want people to think of her as someone girly.
— Loud and Whiny People : Jieun finds them annoying.
— Extremely Hot Days : Jieun dislikes being all hot and sweaty.
— Cheaters : Jieun believes to achieve something, one has to work hard.
— Bullies : Jieun had a bad experience with bullies.

— Reading fanfiction and novels especially fantasy themed ones.
— Playing the flute, bass guitar and piano.
— Practicing martial skills.
— Watching Ancient Chinese Series.
— Watching Anime

— Jieun has to cut up her food before eating it.
— Jieun sleeptalks and reveals the truth when asked any questions.
— Before Jieun falls asleep, she would make weird sounds that sounds like she is eating something.
— Jieun , after turning off the lights would race to the bed.
— Jieun tends open and close something repeatedly when she gets nervous.

— Jieun dislikes looking at mirrors in the dark because she often has this paranoia that a murdered person would appear behind her just like a movie she had seen once when she was 5.
— Jieun likes reading fanfics and novels because it brings her to another world thus relieving stress.
— Jieun has the ability to play the piano and already has a diploma for it.
— When Jieun was just 4 years old, her parents sent her for ballet and gymnastic lessons causing her to be extremely flexible (probably more than Victoria.) and good in dancing.
— When Jieun was 5 and 6 years old, she was sent to several different classes by her parents. The classes include, horse-back riding , vocal class as well as useful crafts while when she reached 6 years old, they sent her to an extra class which is archery.
— Whenever Jieun is sad, she would just distant herself from everybody and would just ignore every single person until she was cheered up again.
— When Jieun is happy, she would be just like a little kid who was inside a candy shop.
— When Jieun is mad, she would often kick things to let out her anger.
— Jieun is known as the second Huang Zitao because of her martial art skills.
— Jieun , although has many suitors has never dated before.
— Jieun used to be an internet ulzzang.
— Jieun , despite not being a rapper of the group was actually pretty good in rapping. Her speed in rapping can be equivalent with B.A.P.'s Zelo. She is also very relaxed and calm while rapping and didn't sound as if she was out of breath mostly because of her lung capacity and rapping speed.
— Jieun was also trained to become an actress instead of just singing and dancing.
— Jieun has a teacup pomeranian puppy called Princess.
— Jieun loves watching anime. Some of her favorites include Clannad, Black Butler, Angel Beats, Fairy Tail, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Fruits Basket, Death Note and Keroro.
— Jieun loves Hello Kitty so most of her things has hello kitty on it.
— Jieun's current house is in Gangnam which the family has been staying for a few years already.
— Jieun's mother is Chinese-Canadian while her father is Korean.
— No matter how much Jieun eats, she doesn't gain weight as she has a fast metabolism.
— Jieun fears having her loved ones leave her due to her mother's rash actions in running away,dark places due to the incident with her older brother, clowns due to the incident with her older brother and bjects with irregular holes (Trypophobia)
Stress Overload >>
Jieun was supposed to have the perfect life but from the very moment she was born, her older brother despised her especially since their parents had began to diverse their attention from him to her. At the age of 4, her parents sent her to ballet and gymnastic lessons before beginning to place more weight on the poor girl's shoulders and had began to ignore the older child. When Jieun reached 5 years old, her parents began to send her to piano classes as well as flute classes despite her constant complains which gradually stopped because she grew to love the two said instruments.At the age of 6, Jieun was sent to even more lessons than before as she was sent to even more classes which were horse-back riding, vocal class, arts, as well as archery. The poor girl had more than she could manage on her plate but her parents just kept pilng in more and more schedules for her. Soon enough, she became stressed out and had to keep taking medication to prevent her from killing herself. Because of that, her parents stopped her horse-riding lessons after asking her to choose one class to kick out.

Jealousy >>
At the age of 6, Jieun got scarred for life. At that time, her older brother was 10 years old and yet he already had sadistic thoughts filled in his head. One night, he dressed up as a clown who looked mentally ill before sneakily taking a long,sharp knife from the kitchen. To him, he was doing it because she somehow "stole" his parents from him when that wasn't the case. He sneaked into her room and yanked back her duvet to reveal his sleeping sister. Wearing a creepy smile on his face, he let out a loud maddening cackle causing her to wake up. Quite obviously, she was shocked and scared upon waking up to such a scary face. She let out a loud scream but nobody came because their parents were away for the night and had left her in the care of her older brother. Fortunately, he wasn't crazy enough to kill her. Instead, upon seeing his sister frightened to no end, he pulled off his mask and dropped the knife before climbing onto the bed to comfort her despite her constant shrieks of "Go Away!" That night, she ended up being scarred for life. Her parents didn't do anything about it because they didn't know until she told them. Her older brother got sent to a doctor where he got treated and eventually got better. He got ashamed of his actions and didn't know how to face his younger sister who had readily forgave him. With that, they fixed their relationship a little as it wouldn't be perfect anymore after what he had done.

Tragedy Strikes >>
At the age of 8 to 9, Jieun and Junghwa's parents became overly busy with their business meetings making it seem as if they do not love them anymore when in reality they do. Jieun grew mad and ended up ignoring everybody. Soon after, her parents relationship turned from good to bad because her mother had discovered the fact that her father had another lady behind their backs. Her mother, quite obviously was mad and wanted to get a divorce with him, failing to do so because of their children, Jieun and Junghwa. However, she did something worst. She packed up and left the children alone with their father. To this very day, Jieun remembers that moment. Jieun who was just 9 at that time, was taken aback by her mother's sudden actions of suddenly leaving. The shock left a great impact on Jieun . She lost her voice and didn't regain it until the day she forced herself to speak because her stepmother tried to kick her older brother out of the house.

Playing Hero >>
"D.." Jieun who was just 11 spoke for the first time since she was 9. "Don't.." She paused again, seemingly in pain. "Don't touch him!" She had succeeded in making a full sentence as she thrown herself around her older brother while sending glares to her stepmother who just smirked but as soon as she caught sight of their father, her husband, she instantly pretended to be concern about the fact that the older child was on the floor but as soon as she lost sight of him, pushed the two children to the floor, warning them to be careful. It was at that age and at that moment that Jieun regained her ability to speak because she wanted to protect her older brother. She told her father what was happening around the house while he was gone and instantly, he kicked the woman out.

Moving And Meeting Agian>>
At the age if 13, Jieun's father decided to expand his company to China and had wanted to concentrate on the newly built company there so he made everyone pack up and migrate to China. There, he began concentrating on his work so much, he began to ignore Jieun and Junghwaagain.Jieun who was still mad at her father ignored him as well, opting to treat him coldly.When Jieun was 15,she was in the middle of her school work when the doorbell rang but didn't bother getting up to get the door because they had a butler and maids for that. "Jieun -ah.." Jieun heard the voice she never imagined she would hear again in her life but she stayed stationary. She didn't want her to have any false hopes. She didn't want to look at her and end up having her walls crumbling down again. "Jieun , my little baby.. Come here.." Jieun gritted her teeth as she felt her eyes getting teary. However, before she did anything, she heard her older brother's voice.

"M- Omma.." Junghwa called as he slowly walked towards their mother before enveloping her in a warm hug with tears streaming down his face while Jieun still stayed frozen in her position. Tears were also streaming down her face but she didn't care and continued to cry silently yet freely because her back was turned towards her mother.

"Omma.." She finally allowed that four letter word to slip through her lips as she stood up and ran over to her mother and hugged her tightly. Her mother was surprised by her youngest daughter's actions but she didn't complain. Instead, she let out a smile before hugging her two children back.

"My two precious children.. I'm sorry.. Omma's sorry for her actions.. I made you two suffer so much.." Her mother said as Jieun and Junghwa continued to cry. She herself, was already crying. The three of them stood there crying and holding onto each other, the two children silently forgiving their mother's rash actions. Just like that, they accepted her back into the family. They didn't protest because they were glad that their mother had decided to come back.

Auditioning >>
At the age of 15, Jieun got into K-Pop and because of her voice and dance skills, she auditioned for SM Entertainment and although she was rejected at first, she never gave up because of her mother's support. She decided that at that very moment, her voice and skills weren't what they were looking for just yet so she worked hard and kept trying. At the age of 16, she finally succeeded in getting into the company. When she found out she got accepted, she tried thinking of a way to break it to her father who wanted her to become one of the CEOs of the company so one day, while they were eating dinner, Jieun broke it to her father who obviously didn't take it too well. He behaved coldly towards her for at least 3 days before finally agreeing due to her mother's persuasion. With that, Jieun moved to Seoul, Korea where she trained for one of the 3 biggest entertainment companies in Asia.

Debuting with Red Velvet and a new life with JYP Ent.>>
Jieun was soon set for debuting with a girl group called Red Velvet but she ended up getting kicked out because she was a 'hindrance' to the group. Jieun ,despite the numerous classes she had to go through was still terrible at Korean. At first, she was devastated but of course, she never gave up. After all, she was always determined to go through ups and downs just to achieve her dreams so when SM Ent. threw her towards JYP Ent., she worked hard to get accepted again which she succesfully did because the scouts and casting staff could see the growing potential in her which the staff in SM Ent. could not see.There, she practiced and worked on her Korean before gradually becoming one of the best trainees in JYP Ent.. The girls of Red Velvet who had debuted were all still in contact with Jieun because they were aware that it wasn't exactly her fault that she ended up getting kicked out of their group so in the end, they were all still best of friend excluding Irene who had became enemies with her.

father | Kang Sihoo | 54 | Chairman of Kang Fashion | Egoistic, Ignorant , Slightly Cold, Strict | Jieun and her father are on extremely bad terms because she blamed him for chasing away her mother. She hated him for having another woman behind her mother's back so instead of being the warm daughter everyone expects her to be, Jieun was cold and thoughtless towards her father. Her hatred for him grew when he began ignoring her older brother and her again depsite her giving chance after chance to him in hopes that he'll actually change only to be disappointed again and again. Now, she just tries to ignore him.

mother | Celeste Angel Kwon | 53 | Ex-Model, Fashion Designer | Funny, Warm, Sensitive , Rash , Slightly Strict | Jieun and Celeste were extremely close to one another but after her mother's rash decision in suddenly running away because of her father's stupid actions, their relationship went on a downfall. However, despite their fallen relationship with one another, Jieun still cannot bring herself to hate her mother because of the memories they used to share with one another so when her mother came back, she accepted her whole-heartedly because deep inside, she hopes they can mend their relationship.

older brother | Leo Kang Junghwa | 23 | Soloist | Cheerful ,Sensitive, Over-Protective, Loving, Careful | Junghwa is very very protective towards his younger sister, Jieun and tries to do his best in order to make up for his mistake a long time ago. Now, he just wants the very best for Jieun . Whenever boys try to approach his little sister, he would be the one to chase them away because he feared for his little sister's heart and safety. Despite the fact that he has his own busy schedules as a model, he would be the first to arrive if his younger sister ever needed someone by her side.

best friend | Lee Doryeong | 20 | Actor and Model | Easy-Going , Cheerful , Playful , Kind | Doryeong and Jieun met when they were just 5 years old at a playground where Jieun had found bullies bullying Doryeong who was crying and she had somehow swooped in and saved the day. She had then comforted him which led them to become friends. As time passed, they didn't see each other anymore as Jieun had to move to Changsha, China. A few years later, while she was in high school, she discovered he was a new student there though they didn't recognize each other on first sight. It was then they rebuilt their friendship to what it is now.Doryeong is often overly-protective of Jieun which sometimes, she finds extremely cute though it can also be suffocating at times. To Jieun , Doryeong is just like an older brother from another mother but to him, she was not just a younger sister nor was she just a best friend but something more. He looked at her in another light but he never said anything about it because he didn't want to destroy their friendship.

best friend | Kim Minjung | 20 | Actress and Model | Cheerful , Sassy , Funny , Sensitive | Minjung and Jieun trained together when Jieun was still training to become an actress. Despite the fact that Jieun had succeeded in acting more than she did, Minjung was never jealous of her. If anything, she looked up to her and wanted to one day be like her. Minjung and Jieun are extremely close. Because they share the same nickname which is "Min" despite it being called by different people, they tend to answer at the same time which always makes them end up bursting into laughter. They were close to the point several people have thoughts of them being siblings. They usually share secrets with one another and were always there for each other. However, there was a secret that Minjung kept from Jieun. She was in love with Doryeong and had grown to hate Jieun because she "stole" Doryeong from her.

friend | Suho Kim Joonmyun | 23 | Member of EXO | Kind, Friendly, Understanding, Serious | Suho and Jieun met while they were both just trainees, back before Suho debuted with EXO and before Jieun got kicked out of the company.Suho and Jieun could pass as siblings from the way they treat each other which is well, like any other pair of siblings. Unlike everyone, Suho is her only friend who calls her by her english name, Angel though on stage, he would call her Jieun.

friend | Chen Kim Jongdae| 21 | Member of EXO | Mischevious, Loving, Friendly, Childish | Jongdae and Jieun met back when she had transferred from SM Ent. to JYP Ent., going from an idol to a trainee. He had been the one who helped her with her vocals. They met while she was in a practice room, training her vocals when he heard her and decided to drop by and help out a hoobae. Jongdae and Jieun are so close to one another that often, they would be mistaken as a couple. They would often bicker over tiny things only to be resolved with Jongdae bribing Jieun with cake.

friend | Son Wendy | 20 | Member of Red Velvet | Kind, Friendly, Helpful, Impatient | Wendy and Jieun were groupmates and were closest to one another.The both of them are rather close to one another. They would share everything and could share anything with each other because they understood one another. Although Jieun has already transferred companies and group, they still keep in touch because they didn't want their friendship to disappear just like that.


stage name: Jamie
persona: The Foreign Angel
position: Main Vocalist, Dancer
back-up position: Triple Threat
fanclub name: Jammies
fanclub colour: Jam Purple #520647                
singing twin: Lee Haeri or Jung Eunji [ Back-Up Position : Yoon Bomi ]
dancing twin: Ham Eunjung 
[ Back-Up Position : Kwon Yuri ]
rapping twin: n/a [ Back-Up Position : Park Hyomin ]
talking twin: Krystal Jung

trainee years

— SM Ent. ( 3 years 6 months )
— JYP Ent. ( 1 year )

trainee life:
Because of Jieun's ability to dance, sing and play the piano, she was often envied by the other trainees. They were also often bullying her as they had a belief stuck in their head that she 'paid' to get into the company. Because of their constant bullying and demoralizing, she often lost confidence in herself but was often helped by her best friend and friends who supported her every step.

Jieun , because of her polite behavior towards everyone in the company ranging from the trainers to the sunbaes to the janitors, she was well-liked by everyone. Well, except for a certain group of trainees who were later kicked out because of their foul behavior. However, although she was well-liked she was also treated harshly by her trainers who refused to let her know how well she has done unless it was in exams. They would often try and pin-point every single one of her mistakes in both dancing or vocals to the point she had wanted to quit but of course, she didn't as she kept telling herself that it was for her own good.

Jieun trained alongside the Red Velvet members and the SM Rookies. She was also pretty good friends with them. When Jieun got moved to JYP Ent, all of them still kept in touch because they didn't want to lose their friendship.

pre-debut experiences
— Cameod in EXO's Growl MV
— Cameod in VIXX's Error MV
— Cameod in K-Will's You Don't Know Love MV
— Starred in The Heirs as Lee Bona

love interest: Oh Sehun, Sehun
back-up love interest: Kim Jongin, Jongin
group: EXO
birthday & age: April 12 1994 + 20
He is someone who is very patient and understanding as well as loving. He is also rather kindhearted as he won't hesitate to help those who are in need even if that person is his enemy. He is also someone who is very over-protective especially towards the people he loves which in this case, Jieun. He would often try and prevent harm from befalling her causing him to end up getting hurt instead. He also has a funny side to him which everyone adores and he always seems to be smiling. However, there were times where his negative side shines through. he can be rather indecisive when it came to having to make a choice for something. he'd end up spending hours on just deciding on one thing so whenever he spends time with his friends and family, they'd choose the meal because he'd always end up pondering on what to eat. he can also be rather gullible as he sometimes end up believing what another person is saying without first finding out the truth. it was because of this trait that he gets into trouble. he is also rather playful, always playing pranks and jokes on his friends though it can get rather annoying over time because of the number of pranks he pulls.
After receiving his number very unexpectedly at the fan-meeting, Jieun had waited a few days before finally texting him in hopes that she wouldn't interupt or disturb him. Surprisingly, he had texted back almost immediately as he was actually on a break. Through the phone, they talked to each other for a few weeks before taking it a step further by actually calling each other. Their relationship turned from acquaintances to good friends so when they actually met each other again face-to-face - of course Sehun had to go to her house otherwise the media would've known that he was visiting a female friend, they gradually got to know each other even more until they became best friends. It was as if they knew each other ever since they were kids when it obviously wasn't the case. Every now and then, they'd burst into random english conversations as at first, Jieun found it rather difficult to communicate in Korean,a language she wasn't familiar with at all. Sehun would help her in the Korean language. he was also there to support her when she finally decided to audition for a company, encouraging her whenever she felt as if she'd fail. it was almost as if he was her number 1 fan. Over time,Sehun's kindness and caring manner grew on Jieun and love began growing from her heart for him and vice versa.

Now, they thought the other thought of the other as a friend only so they kept their feelings to themselves. their friends often wonder how they had no clue about the other's feelings when it was literally laid out there for them to see it.
how you meet/met:
Sehun and Jieun had met through a fan meeting back when Jieun still wasn't a trainee at any company yet. It was love at first sight for Sehun as he was intrigued by Jieun's sparkling eyes and cheerfulness as she greeted the members. She was unlike any other fangirls who just pounced on them. Instead, she had kept her cool and was polite and caring towards them. She seemed to understand what it was like to have so many fangirls just pounce on them so she kept her distance. Jieun , on the other hand hadn't realized how Sehun was watching her and had politely greeted him when she approached him.

"Annyeonghaseyo,Sehun-ssi." At that time, Jieun's Korean still wasn't very good so she sounded cute when she spoke in Korean with a slight accent.

"Hello! Thank you for coming! What's your name?"Sehun asked as he uncapped his marker to sign on the album she had offered for him to sign on.

"Jieun . Kang Jieun. And you're very welcome. It's an honor to be here. I hope i'll be able to attend many other fan-meetings." Jieun smiled at him as she patiently waited for him to sign her album.

"So how are you?" Sehun tried to make small talk, wanting this moment to last because he knew if he let her go at that moment, he'd probably lose his chance on seeing her again. After all, she seemed like a foreigner so he took the chance to write down his phone number as well.

"I'm doing quite well, thank you. What about you? I hope you aren't tiring yourself out too much! I know fans are important to you but don't forget about your own health too. We'll all be really worried if any of you were to fall sick or get injured,"Jieun paused upon realizing how she sounded as if she was cursing them. "Not that i'm cursing you guys or anything!" She quickly added causing him to chuckle in amusement as he handed her the album back.

"We're doing quite well, thank you very much." Sehun smiled at her as she bowed. "I hope i'll see you around soon, Jieun-ssi." She smiled shyly at him, bowed again before leaving the queue as Sehun was the last member seated there. When she opened her album to look at the signatures she'd receive, she was very surprised to see that Sehun had left his number. Still surprised, she turned around and was surprised again when he sent her a small wave and a smile before turning to the fan in front of him again. Smiling softly, she nodded to herself and left.
relationship: Best Friends + Crush
comments/suggestions?: Can her love rival be Jongin? 
questions?: None.
scene requests

— A scene where they perform 'Love in an open door' together during a concert and her love interest proposes to her on stage.
— A scene where her love interest plays the piano for Jieun during their 1st anniversary. ( I'd prefer the song to be Maybe by Yiruma.)
— A scene where she goes out to have dinner with her love interest. Because Jieun likes spicy food, he chooses to eat something spicy even though he cannot handle spicy food.
— A scene where a few jealous fangirls tries to hurt Jieun after the revelation of her relationship with her love interest by throwing lightsticks at her in a concert to the point of placing a nail inside her heel causing her to be unable to perform during their next concert.
— A scene where her love interest thought her older brother was her boyfriend and gets jealous.
— A few scenes where her love interest and her got paired up for WGM and Hello Baby. ( *hint hint* /bricked )
— A scene where she sees another female idol (preferably Hayoung) confessing to her love interest and she becomes discouraged since the female idol is very pretty.
— Jieun sees a girl (preferably the same female idol who confessed to her love interest) forcefully kissing her love interest.
— Jieun gets hurt because of a sasaeng fan and her love interest grows worried.
— Jieun and her love interest's relationship gets revealed and her love rival becomes heartbroken.
— The members play YAJA time and Jieun is one of the few younger members who end up bullying the older members. She ends up hiding underneath the table once Yaja time ends and is safe from the older members' revenge.

password: Miss A's I Don't Need A Man


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