
Hey... So this week I had parents evening {seriously I was dreading what my teachers were going to tell my mum} 

we got there early before any of my appointments but my mum was like just go we might be able to jump the queue if not many are here and I want to go home... So we went to maths...evil subject but I'm predicted to get a B if I work at the standard I am at the moment, which I am quite happy about since I have been getting E's and D's throughout my subjects... Second was Geography now I feel like I'm hopeless at geography because to be quite frank I can't read a map to save my life, I don't understand all the terms and stuff but I just do my work silently my teacher is new and well I didn't like her at first because she made me sit in between to A* students who always think people in Y band (at my school we have X band for the smart A* students and Y band for the people who need a little help with stuff) I'm in Y band because I'm dyslexic and I am slower than a lot of people, I did mention this to my teacher last night saying how I don't speak or move because I honestly feel uncomfortable where I'm sat, I also mentioned that my form of dyslexia is processing and this means I can't actually process what a teacher physically says but I have to write everything that's written on the board which causes more problems because the A* students don't like to be kept waiting..... But she thinks I will get a B or A or even A* in geography which I don't see how she did say my coursework is detailed possibly over detailed but that will get me a good grade on it and that grade will boost up my overall grade if I do badly in the exam...

Third was Science I have 2 teachers both female both super annoying and both treat my class like 3 year old children and it pisses me off but when I got there they were like how do you think you're doing... I was like do you want an honest answer, and said I personally think I'm doing awful but they were oh no you passed BTEC with flying colours and your work has even been used as examples it's so detailed... My mum was like really that's amazing then there's me like oh great how embarrassing people will see my work... But they expect me to get a C-B overall.

English was next and oh the joy of my English teacher being mad that I don't get extra time in English exams but I do in Maths and ICT, she was like you need the extra time because do you feel like you will finish the literature exam in 4 hours, I looked at her and said no and that's what I'm panicking about. But she said if I work with her for the time up to the exam I should be fine and that if I keep going to her I will get the B grade I need to get into my college course.

Music....I just knew it was would be the worst one because my music teacher has a habit of blackmailing me and oh boy she blackmailed me and she got my mum to join in as well so there's me casually arguing with my mum and my music teacher because she was trying to force me to join the Senior Girls Chior (basically a snobby lot of year 10's and 11's) I was like no no and no but she wouldn't take no for an answer *cries* however she thinks I'm doing well told me to be more organised (yet I am organised I just ing hate music class since I hate composing my own music as I can't read music) this year I don't mind failing that class...

found out get extra time allowance in every subject not just maths and ICT my school just didn't feel like telling me so I went through all my mocks in year 10 actually allowed extra time but I didn't because I was told it was only in Maths *sigh* 

anyway apart from the negative overall was quite good xx 


But I feel like today I have been hit with a brick as I feel beyond sick and I have been throwing up all night but knowing my mum she will send me to school and I would go to medical and get told my. Mum thinks it's my anxiety blah blah blah but No I will beg for today off I can't sit through classes for 5 hours feeling like this *cries* give me luck let's hope she allows me the day off xx 


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