sickness and rituals

Ok, so in my family, it is a running joke that my mom is called a witch. Mainly because she cackles and is pure evil when mad. So currently she has been working two jobs and is only home for four hours a day. So one day she came home, ate, and went to sleep on the couch.

It was Halloween, so I decided to play a little trick on her because its her favorite holiday. So I grabbed all of our candy and buried her in it, then grabbed the bible and my music stand and set it up at her feet and placed all my flameless candles around her turning off the lights and letting them be my only source of light.

I then proceeded to get some water and then I dressed in a doctori outfit (look it up if you have no idea what that is) and took position behind the music stand. Reading the lords prayer out loud, I began throwing water at her and shouting "devil be gone" after every sentence.

She woke up and glared at me before tossing candy at me and telling me I recited the wrong prayer and told me to go away. She went back to sleep after that.

Well, flash forward to today, and I wake up sick. So my mom told me to stay in bed and gave me medicine before she went to her second job. I fell asleep so I didn't here when she came home.

I woke up to my three dogs surrounding me, howling, my cat hiding under my covers in my shirt, and my mother standing on my futon at the end of my bed screaming about demons coming and stuff. After she noticed I was now awake and terrified, she asked how my cold was. I tell her it was worse and she nodded her head and told me to eat chocolate, chocolate heals everything according to st. mungo's hospital for magical maladies and injuries.

I swear I have the coolest yet most insane family. I can't wait for thanksgiving when we try and murder each other again for the iron bowl.


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This is so weird I laughed for a good minute