




Mihochan finally updated 'YOU'RE MINE,MINE,MINE AND MINE ONLY! GOT IT?!'......

I'm so happy!!!!!












Dont read this ....








I'm having exams right now......

so its really difficult for me to update.....

and u guys knw my past exam result where i performed worst......


i'm getting freaking new plot everytime i start to study....!!!!!











so i can't focus on my studies!!!!! and when i want to update .....


my net is not working!



Ugh! Just i don't know how to express all things going on my mind right now.........











so i had a crush on a certain boy'friend' of mine.....well i was only 10 so its definitely puppy love.......and he proposed to me when i was 13.....i mean seriously thats insane right........







and then there is my nephew who i liked very much yet he is such a blunt and arrogant guy......

so i hated/liked him....... he is been flirting with me ever since and now he s married but still haven't stopped flirting with me!!!!










then here comes my (ex?)-boyfriend.... we are in this distant relationship you know...... he was really persistent and kept proposing to me till i say yes...... i was excited for our 200th day anniversary.....
























he stopped texting me and also stopped calling......














i waited







































till i got tired of it! so i started ignoring him too......













i sent a really lllloooooonnnngggg breakup txt to officially break it off with him...










guess what?


















he still haven't responded to me.... :(










Then there is my family.........


my mom keeps nagging me to study hard....don't use mobile(like that will happen)







my dad keeps requesting me to study(again)












then my bro/professor is .......really....... demanding,strict:(

they are not leTting mt to use pc.... :(

















Then a guy in fb asked me to be his girlfriend saying that i have y eyes......

Don"t worry man< i will 'donate' my y eyes.....You can date it :P.....

















aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! I want to cry!.














y al dis hpng to me? :(













!! Why am i even bothering to  write this!!!








Just forget it guys!!!!

And Ugghhh!














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GirlieShine #1
OMG Unnie!!! You also write fanfics!! I'm sure gonna read it :) :D
And Oh My! You have so many lovers :o
I hope your boyfriend calls and texts you!
I will wish for good things to happen to you unnie :)
Best of Luck for your exams^^