Electronics and speech issues

So, both my iphone and Ipad had to have updates a few days ago, because I had not updated to the newer stuff yet. Well my ipad when I opened a new page would always be in chinese and stuff and I had no idea why. So I did the update, and now my ipad is in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. But that would be totally cool if it was written romanized, but no it has to be charactered. So if I use the voice control on it like if I wanted to send a message to my mom or something I have to speak in Chinese, Korean, or japanese. So I call the apple store and asked how to fix it because since I updated both my I products now both do it so both my phone and ipad speak to me in a language I only speak like 20% of!!!!

So anyway they told me to bring it to the store and they would fix it. Well, I took the items in today and they claimed they fixed it. But then when I checked it (RIGHT THERE IN THE BLOODY STORE!!!!) it was still in those languages. I have nothing against the languages at all, but I can't read anything.

On apples behalf, they did fix the imortant stuff like messages and my internet pages to be in english, but if I use siri or open a new tab on either product, it is in another language. They say it is because I visited sites that were in that language alot.

I promise I have never been to weibo, and the only site I ever visited that was in any of those languages more than once, is the bloody super junior homepages!!!!!

I guess I better start learning characters and being glad that my phone and ipad now have a saftey security thing from my family.

Voice lock ability is great since noone but me knows either of those three languages.

Sorry for the rant, I just needed to vent. 


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MyeolchiHyuk #1
hahaha.. its okay... i am both iphone and samsung user.. i keep changing.. ahhaa..

for me samsung is better.. hahha..
onbaa99 #2
lol samsung all the way...but the security from your family thing is good too
This is why I hate Apple products

They never work -_-