Fractured Finger, can't write that much on here...

Hey, just to tell my subscribers that I fractured my finger and can't update some of my stories for awhile...(even tho i haven't im sorry). 

Im typing this with my left hand and im right-handed so im pretty slow on this..

Here's the story on how I fractured it;

It was in period 1 during p.e., we were playing capture the fish similar to capture the flag where everyone is wear two flags on their waist (aka belt). I was defending the fish and tried to get this persons' flag but somehow I think my ring finger got caught in the shirt and my finger went crooked (freaky). I thought my finger justbent backwards and the pain will go away later but when I looked down it was crooked and I literally freaked out.

I covered my face with the hem of my shirt and walked to my teacher, "mr.! my finger looks weird.." o.o 

He said i should go to the health room (no kidding) and i think the other teacher said omg and maybe two students saw my finger crooked because one of them from my class said "should we stop the game?"

I cried while security was taking me to the health room (the security at my school drive golf carts). I was freaking out and tried to stay calm because it was my first time getting seriously hurt. 

My aunty works at my school as security and she was calling my parents. My dad took me to emergency and had to get my finger x-rayed and splinted. It hurted (its a word k) and really painful. 


So yesterday I went to the orthopedics and the bone doctor numbed my finger and bent it or put it back straight. I didn't want to see how he did it because i'll probably freak out again. 

So my fingers' straight and so far i haven't been to school for two in a half days. 

Lets say i'll try and update my stories. Sorry guys..

Oh and i cant play volleyball for school anymore cause it ends in a month but i still got club ;) 


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Argyle #1
OUCH!!!! I hope you're not in pain much longer.