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tsai meifeng
 -hatchin  ivy | ten out of ten

birth name. tsai meifeng
miss meigane ; fans like to call her this because she's a total
megane babe coughs and pluse mei sounds like me in megane

jie jie ; the kids at her gram-gram's house call her this
because she's their big sister!!
the broomstick warrior ; fans and emcees call her this because
of all the stories she tells about how she's chasing away and beating
up people with her trusty broomstick
the queen of hair ; fans call her this because her hair is so
on fleek like damn. her hair is long and thick and healthy and soft
and shiny and perfection.


birthdate. 11/02/89
age. 25

birthplace. taipei taiwan
hometown. seoul, sk

ethnicity. taiwanese
⇾ korean ; native

⇾ taiwanese mandarin ; proficient
⇾ english ; proficient


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everything's pretty

gallery #1.
girls day's park sojin. 
gallery #2.
girls day's bang minah.

meifeng is rather petite for her age, 158cm and 52kg. she has always been a small
child, partially due to genetics and partially due to the fact she was born 3 months
premature due to all the stress her mother was going through. her face is cute and
squishy, and old ladies love to pinch her cheeks. her eyesmile game is on fleek and
her aegyo sal is on ten. meifeng's teeth are straighter than she is to be honest, and
its amazing and perfect, everyone should want to tsai meifeng's teeth. meifeng
can hardly see for crap and is too poor for contacts, so she almost always wears
perscription hipster glasses. meifeng has a booty waaay bigger than the korean
public is used to and she's in a love-hate relationship with her . she's also
really flat chested so that kinda rocks and at the same time. meifeng's
hair is a literal mane it is so thick she is the queen of hair for a reason nerds
and that reason is because her hair is so thick and healthy and shiny and flawless.

— meifeng gets all her clothes from thrift stores, so only old school clothes allowed.
she owns a crazy amount of cosby sweaters and she loves them to death she will
wrestle someone for her cosby sweaters. she also has a lot of ugly mom shorts and
sweatpants and tracksuits. she owns a ton of windbreakers and high waisted pants
and mom pants (her favorite). if she isn't wearing mom pants, she's wearing leggings.
and she wears her glasses pretty much every time the stylists don't make her wear

weight & height. 158cm & 52kg
blood type. ab

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⇾ gram-gram / mei baozhai / restaurant owner / benevolent, omniscent, sly, hip, tough
⇾ younger sister / chime white / high schooler & ballerina / responsible, self-sacrificing, girly, graceful
⇾ younger brother / boon-me chatichai / middle schooler & novie figure skater / energetic, playful, hotheaded
⇾ younger sister / otome himemiya / elementary schooler & red belt in karate / introverted, tough, quiet, hardworking
⇾ baby brother / fa zhaowen / elementary schooler / curious, brave, spoiled
⇾ baby sister / kaliea kittiphan / pre-schooler & full time diva / haughty, charismatic, princess

⇾ lang mei xie / head dumpling maker at her granny's restaurant / blunt, erse, rebellious

⇾ chuan kaewbrusai / uni student / nerdy, lame, naive
⇾ hwang minhyun / mei xie's boytoy / romantic, sweet, gentle


— meifeng's parents were two crazy teens in love. that is, until meifeng's mom got pregnant and her dad left them when she was two months pregnant. running away with a high school sweetheart to your home country of taiwan wasn't exactly the smartest decision, and meifeng's gram-gram had to wire money over to the young mother. she moved into a dirty motel in a crime-ridden neighborhood; gangs and shootings and drug deals were very common and meifeng's mother always lived with the constant fear that she'd be killed there.

her fear was so severe that it caused her to loose hair and eat less and loose weight, and that is a very unhealthy situation for a baby, so meifeng was born three months premature. now her mother was stuck with crippling hospital debt along with her already low funds. she couldn't move to a nicer complex, she didn't have a job. meifeng was a small and sickly child and she had to spend the first two months in the hospital until she could function on her own. instead of lullabies, she listened to gunshots and police sirens, and meifeng developed a phobia of loud noises like that.

eventually, meifeng's mother had enough. she couldn't support her child, she couldn't support herself, so she sent meifeng to live with her gram-gram over seas in korea. the old woman adopted meifeng and showered her with love. meifeng still holds bitter feeling towards her mother, and feels like the woman had abandoned her. but with the loss of her mother, meifeng gained a huge family and a loving place with her gram-gram. as meifeng grew older, everyone in the house noticed she was talented she was, and often enocuraged her to try and become an idol. but meifeng didn't really know what to do or where to go but she felt like she wanted to. so gram-gram sat her down and told her this was a committment that she would have to stick to if she decided to go for it. and meifeng agreed, so she finally decided to audition for sm.

— tsai meifeng has been surrounded by younger children for pretty much her entire life, so its no surprise if she acts like a mother to just about everyone. she's really brave and during a child's emergency, everything else--even her own fears, safety, and life--aren't as important as her little baby. she has a primal protectiveness over children, and while she knows how to let them figure things out on their own, she'll immediately jump in if she sees her kids threatened or suffering. she can make grown men three times her size get down on their knees and beg for her forgiveness. meifeng still thinks about some of the kids who were adopted and still stays in touch with them, and also with the kids who became of legal age to care for themselves. but meifeng is also an ajumma and she'll kick your okay? she can be a bit pushy at times, she's hardworking and aggressive and she will grab her goals by the neck and wring every single opprotunity from them with her bare hands. this chick is a powerhouse and has abnormal strength for her size, and can make grown men cry. this babe has no problem with carrying multiple bags at once, or moving a peice of furniture and does so with ease--check out her arm muscles, they're brilliant. meifeng is basically a boulder, it takes some amazing skill to change her mind once she believes something. even though meifeng is gentle and patient with kids she will not take any crap from an adult and is not afraid to whack people with a rolled up magazine.

meifeng gets excited over weird and mundane things that make people think she's crazy. if she sees bunnies playing she'll coo in adoration, or she'll gasp and place a hand over her heart if a baby grabs her finger, she stops to pet every pet, and nearly cries when she gets extra chicken nuggets with her happy meal. bunny is much more tough than the world gives her credit for. don't be fooled by the big eyes and the giant sweaters--meifeng is a force to be reckoned with. she has no fear of bugs and no desire to be anyone's damsel in distress. if you asked meifeng about the red light district, she'd think it was a congregate of stoplights. she says "dirty things" without realizing until someone bursts out in laughter or horror (honestly. who knew handing someone a bar of soap and telling them not to drop it could be misinterpreted so wrongly??). she's also playful and whimsical, and if you hang out with her enough, you'll find yourself laughing at yourself more and taking life less seriously. meifeng loves expressing her love for everyone, hugs and kisses for all!! skinship is her specialty and she's always cooing over how cute and pretty everyone is. meifeng always seems to be hanging off of someone, especially the kids at her gram-gram's because wowie zowie they're so soft and squishy and cute. she loves seeing happy couples everywhere and she can't help but stare when they kiss and hold hands--in fact, she can't help pointing is disbelief and gaping when she sees a couple because, she can't have a boyfriend and they're so cute! meifeng has to be the biggest drama queen since julius caesar. everything is either really amazing like the grace of god or everything has gone completely, horribly wrong and her life is gonna end, there's no in between. meifeng overreacts to just about everything, someone scared her? wow is she going into cardiac arrest i think she is call an ambulance. one of her fav characters die? it's just like losing a child, losing a part of her and now she's gonna mope around and lock herself in her room for the next week. a child doesn't like her? wow tsai meifeng you are literally the anti-christ you are gonna burn and might as well lock yourself in your room for the rest of eternity because no child will ever love you ever again.


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do you know me?

hair products ; she has to keep that mane under control
soup ; soup is love soup is life
oldies ; hey they're goldies. she especially loves chinese
oldies that her gram-gram always plays
oversized sweaters ; they're so warm and make you look
cute no matter what and no one can tell if you're wearing
pants underneath
muscles ; she is a total muscle and the fastes way to
win her heart is by flashing some abs or biceps or wiggling
your pecs honestly even if you're gastrocs, glutes, or hams
are on fleek she will die. she wants to every fine muscle

ism ; set your foundation with the ashes of susan b anthony
talking about parents ; because y'know. she doesn't feel like she
has any parents to talk about
loud noises ; like balloons popping, gunshots, and fireworks because
hearing that as a baby has really messed her up
amsument parks ; she's tall enough to get on the rides, but the seat
fastens never fit her correctly and it always feels like she's gonna fly 
out and die.
child abusers ; yah how on earth could you harm someone who trusted
you and showed you nothing but love and needed you to raise them?

sewing ; the kid's at gram-gram's house are always ending up with holes
and rips in their clothes, so it's a helpful skill to have.
cooking ; especially taiwanese comfort food because honestly nothing
tastes better.
knitting ; yes it's totally different from sewing. and shut up it isn't an
old lady thing to do!!
childcare ; meifeng loves kids and babies and everyone and she wants
to take care of everyone and make sure they're happy and healthy
and know that they're loved!!

calling everything and everyone her babies ; fans are her babies, members
are her babies, manager is her baby, ceo is her baby, gram-gram is her baby
that plant is her baby, her knitting needles are her babies, you are her baby,
everything is tsai meifeng's baby
threatening people with her broomstick ; meifeng's broomstick
is like an extention of her very soul it is her in inanimate object form.
and just remember if you mess with her babies she will shove her
broomstick so far up your nasty pimply that you'll be having broom
bristles for teeth.
speaking to her broomstick like it's a sentinent being ; meifeng
please, the broomstick is not alive it cannot hear your praise it cannot
hear your rambling it cannot hear you talking about granny stop speaking
to it like it can. it makes people think you're going senile

can you hear me now? good : meifeng's phone has a bunch of cute phone
straps and a decora case
there are kids starving in africa, poor babies ; she literally cannot cook
for less than four people it is physically impossible for her
these are the classics ; loves chen lanli and teresa teng and tsai chin and the
temptations and the jackson 5 and the supremes and ella fitzgerald
all aboard the soul train! ; her favorite show ever is soul train
stay with me, gram-gram ; one of meifeng's biggest fears is her gram-gram 
dying and she honestly doesn't know what'd she'd do without her
don't let them know, well now they know! ; meifeng refuses to go to
firework shows and when she hears fireworks she tries to hide in or beneath
the closest thing. its an involuntary reaction.
happens every other day ; she has been throw up on and changed so many
stinky diapers that it doesn't even phase her at this point
friend to all children ; if there a baby or child at a fan event, meifeng will
give all her attention to that baby child and give them lil candies and smooches
promise me you'll stay warm, alright? ; she loves knitting sweaters for
fans and giving them away at fansign events because it makes them look
so happy and they are her babies
shut up i'm funny! ; tells mom jokes. like she'll highlight the words "my day"
and say "this has been the highlight of my day!!" and "what's the difference 
between a piano, a tuna, and a jar of glue? you can tuna piano, but you can't 
piano a tuna!!" what about the glue? "i knew you'd get stuck on that!" and "have
you heard of the movie constipation? that's because it hasn't come out yet!"


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hall of  fame

stage name. meifeng
stage persona. the adorkable ajumma

fanclub. babies ⇾ blush | #E1B194
talent twins.
singing ; akmu's suhyun
rapping ; snsd tiffany
dancing ; 2ne1's cl

position. triple threat (venus)
backup position. lead vocalist & lead dancer (selene)

trainee life.
when meifeng first started out as a trainee, she had separation anxiety because not once
in her 22 years of life had she ever been separated from gram-gram and the kids for that
long. and after one day she called gram-gram up saying, "i can't do this i wanna come home"
and gram-gram said no. and meifeng kept up this "i wanna come home" attitude for like a year
and a half until gram-gram said "if you quit now tsai meifeng, don't you dare try to come home".
that seemed to get through to meifeng so she promised to work harder so she could debut.
trainee years. 3

sns accounts. 
twitter ; @eosmeifeng
instagram ; iamnotanajumma


falling in love

love interest's name. top choi seunghyun
age. 27
— choi seunghyun still has not grown out of his socially awkward teenaged phase. he is the worst at social situations and he happens to have a blank and judging expression on his face pretty much 24/7, but underneath those glaring eyes is the biggest dork ever who breaks out into cold sweats when it comes to handshakes and making eye contact with people. he's a simple guy who puts his pants on one leg at a time and he honestly doesn't understand why people think he's so cool. he comes from a totally different dimensional plane. he loves dancing even though he has no rhythm whatsoever, he loves being weird in general. he's actually rather timid and shy with impeccable manners. the kind that gram-gram would say, "wOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER" to.

beofre they met, meifeng already like top from his movies because he was so fione. every time she's near him, she wants to curl up in a ball and kiss his face because he's so hot and dumb and perfect that it makes meifeng cry. she's absolutely smitten with top, and if she catches him staring at her like she's the most precious thing in the world, she'll get really flustered and call top and dummy. everyone seems to agree that meifeng and top have some kind of chemistry and attraction towards each other because they're always making goo-goo eyes at each other.

meifeng is just so cute and nice and pretty and tiny and top just has a lot of feelings for her, okay?? he celebrates whenever she does anything to be honest like "yaaaay you made sweaters!!" or "yaaaay you didn't beat someone with your broom today!" and he's always bragging about her to the rest of bigbang and the yg fam. even though they aren't together often, he loves sending her dumb and ugly text messages. she's on top's mind a lot, and he'll often google their latest debate on whether battlestar galatica or star trek was better. top really likes her and gets all sappy and emotional, and he loves eos (especially venus) so he's always playing their songs and dancing along and watching their love performances and he's like their number 1 fanboy and he will fight to keep that title.

as they start dating in secret the two are very close and its almost as if they've know each other their entire lives. they bring out the best in each other, and are often each other's support. top and meifeng like sneaking out to go on cute dates like stargazing after a long day of schedules, they talk about everything and nothing. they go on picnics when its warm and cuddle while watching horrible movies when its cold. they tend to stay in a lot, due to their idol status, but will sometimes venture to the aquarium to look at little fishies and shy sharkies. they go to planetariums and go to concerts. they play a bunch of board games which usually end in meifeng flipping the board or threatening to shove her broomstick up his . they just do a bunch of little domestic things with the little time they can spend together. meifeng's favorite thing is when she's alone with top and they can be gross together. they try and keep their little relationship hidden from the fans and members but honestly they're doing a terrible job because everyone already knows. it's so bad that the eos girls would much rather see them make things official than deal with all this romantic tension because seriously.

how did you meet?.
scene requests for you two?. optional
— meifeng bringing top to meet gram-gram and the family
for the first time and meifeng's like "would you like to stay
for dinner?" and gram-gram shouts, "would you like to stay

— meifeng and top playing games and meifeng looses so she
threatens to shove her broomstick up his


backup love interest's name. jackson wang


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goodbye my love

weeps this is like the first app i've completed in forever
thank you for bringin me out of my applyfic funk ily
hmm i can't think of any!! ; u ;
song/show suggestions.
please let them be on hello baby just let venus
on hello baby i need meifeng on hello baby
4minute - whatcha doin today?
f(x) - rum pum pum

anything else.
i hope your finger heals!!



#beautifullove #application #applyfic #eos


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