☾irque des M✪nstres Application

Face claim : Kozue Akimoto
Name: Tsukiyomi Miyuki
Age: 24
Skill: Bakeneko Phyisology; She is a cat yokai in that she can transform into a full cat form just just her human form with ears and tails. She can transform into her full cat form which is usually a large panther like cat or her yokai form with which again is big cat with a forked tail that you would see in the animes. She transform quickly into her human-cat form which a lept or flip in which leaves her looking like a human with mid night black ears and a tail. Her eyes are a deep purple with lighter purple flecks in a signuature cat look in that her eyes look like cat's eyes. She has enhanced strength, flexibility, enhanced senses-balance-agility-jump-bite-and speed. She also have enhanced spiritual awarness. She also has control over ghost lights in that is a blue-fire like substance that she can manipulate into being lights or fire. She also has the power of night vision.

Her limiations are that if she stays in her cat transformations for too long then she will start to lose the humanity that inhabits her body. She will no longer have her human form and will only have her yokai form in which she'll look very much more like a cat to where she won't look human anymore. Her insticts will taken over and she'll become more anialistic. She could also lose the ability to form human speech if she loses her humanity as well as keeping human emotions and actions. Also from using her night vision, she could slowly become blind and not be able to do her performances in the dark or perform at all if she can't see.

Member Status: Since March 30 2014

Performance Details: At frist Miyuki was an wandering performer in Japan until the circus found her and let her into their world. Her performance is very much like acrobats and tight waklers with out the net though. She is very good at contorting her body, flipping in the air, and doing cheograph over different objects at strange heights and also in the dark at first. She also uses her fire in lighting candles while flipping in the air and over objects. She also uses her fire in light shows in drawing different pictures from the crowd or Japanese folk tales.
Miyuki is mainly a side performance between shows since she can easily put on a few mintues show between each act and she often doesn't want to stay too long in her yokai/bakeneko forms since she likes humanity very much in so she just does side performances between other main performers and usually does small lights acts before the show or will do one main light show in an intermission section. They also use her light show to infrom the visitors before the show who will be performing on that day.

Personality: Miyuki has always been a friendly girl in that she can make friends just not a total social butterfly. She is easy to approach and doesn't give off a cold or imdiating aura to others. She does find it hard to approach other people afraid of that her honesty and bluntness with scare them off. She is a happy girl but she's not happy and cheerful all the time. She isn't one that you would call a happy virus despite her friendly attitude. The girl is a honest as they come. She doesn't sugar coat anything and doesn't care if the truth hurts you or helps you. She doesn't have a filter so if you don't want her say it to a crowd then don't tell her your deepest darkest secrets. Anything that comes to her mind usually will come out of , and most of the she'll kick herself or get death looks from others for her no filter type mouth. She is very harsh and direct when she speaks. She doesn't really speak in a gentle way even if her voice is a softer lighter tone. Most people will say that her honesty can be considered rude but others applaud her for being so honest while others will beat around the bush. Either you like her for her honesty or you don't like her. It's as simple as that.
Miyuki is very blunt and this goes along with her honesty. She tends to be very straight forward and not complex - complex is too much effort. Often at times she'll just bluntly tell a person that she doesn't like them or things of that nature. She also can be bluntly naggy with things. She doesn't really know if you can be bluntly naggy, but she guesses she is when she nags about things in a blunt and harsh way. The girl knows her way around the world of sarcasm. The girl can be sarcastic and isn't afarid to be it either. It just comes natural for her and is almost like second nature. She does get in trouble consently for being an smart-mouth, but oh well - she thinks it gives her charm. Miyuki can be a responsible girl in that she doesn't really let others down. If she can't do something then she'll will be honest and tell them not to give it to her. Although with the things that she is given then she does take responsible attitude on them. She isn't a lazy person and people know that they can count on her. Miyuki does have a hard head and is a stubborn as an ox. She isn't one to back down from something. She will fight tooth and nail if she is right, but doesn't mind to give in when she isn't - fighting can be too much effort as well. She doesn't really fight her fists but more with her words. She is a protective person but that is different from being a jealous person - which is she not.

Background : Miyuki was born in Japan and was dropped off at an orphanage when she was about five years old not yet knowing that she would soon come into her bakeneko powers. Her father was a bakeneko and her mother was a mortal. Her mother died when Miyuki was young and her father couldn't take care of her properly and so he decided that it would be best until she was old enough to take care of herself to just leave her with people that could take care of her. She was named Miyuki because she was born on a day when it was snowing but she does has midnight black ears instead of white like most would think by her name. She almost had to raise herself becasue know one wanted to adopt a girl with ears and a tail. She had to be homeschooled because the bullying and teasing was so bad that the women that had come to love Miyuki didn't wany her in the that enviorment so they taught the girl themselves. She was cared for but none of them could really teach how to control her yokai side, so she had to teach herself. When she became old enough to leave the orphanage, she started to do street perfoming of her talents in traditional Japanese houses that would allow her since yokai are very respected in traditional Japanese shrines so she was often welcomed but also was chased out because many people didn't like a yokai being in the cities or around normal humans. Some respected Miyuki but others thought of her as a moster in human clothing. She was performing in a shrine that she had become close with and when the circus was in town the got an invation to come see a original Japanese yokai as a part of seeing Japanese culture. Soon after they say Miyuki's performance, they saw that she wasn't readily acpected by most people like them and was approached to join the circus.


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