[STOLEN FROM Jiwonxoxo]

What is your Name?

- Saf

How old are you?

- 16. Yeay!! *smiles*

What is the link to your website, blog, etc.?

- I don't have any *nods*


What is your height?

- 160 something~ I am short..I know *pout*

What is your weight?

- *laugh* 48kg 

Do you have any siblings?

- No

What is your eye  colour?

- Brown but I wish my eye colour is blue *grins*

What is your hair color?

- Blackie!

Do you wear glasses or contacts?

- None~ ^^

Are you left or right handed?

- right handed ofc!!

Do you have any piercings?

- what is piercing?? *whisper*

Do you smoke?

- No. I would have been killed if I were a smoker 

Do you swear?

- Sometimes :)

Do you get along with your parents?

- Yeah~


Your fears?

- Too many!! But I hate.....dolls *glare*

Goal you would like to achieve this year:

- wanna be my true self *smiles*

Best physical feature?

- hmmm....My voice *laugh*

Your bedtime?

- Depends~~ *shrug*

What are your first thoughts in the morning?

- Where's my blanket?

Do you shower daily?

- Yes of course. Wanna me smell awful? *pout*


This Or That?


Bright or dark room?

-  Bright!!!

Chocolate or Vanilla?

- hmmm...BOTH!!

Dogs or cats?

- Cats..meow~ *purrs*

Pepsi or Coke?

- Pepsi

McDonalds or Burger King?

- None of it...I love Pizza more!! ^^

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?

- Ice tea~~~ 

Cappuccino or Coffee?

- Cappuccino~ >●<


In the last month have you...

Drank alcohol?

- Nope

Gone to the mall?

- sometimes

Eaten a box of Oreos?

- yes!!

Eaten sushi?

- Nope

Been on stage?

- Noooo!!

Been dumped?

- No. Wait yes!



Laughed for no reason?

- Yes! 

Gone skinny dipping?

- whats that???

Have been caught stealing something?

- No

Been in love?

- Yes

Fired a gun?

- hmmm..no

Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?

- YESH!!!! 

Been called a Tease?

- Yes

Been beaten up?

- Yes



What was the last....

Furry thing you touched?

- my cat

Thing you have said?

- *pout*

Where are you going ?

- Nowhere.. 

Movie you watched?

- *shrugs*

Thing you were doing before this?

- Studying

Time you cried?

- watching drama...*sobs*

Song you have listened to?

- Back by Infinite

Song you have sung?

- Back

(Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?

- Noona and my bff

Time you looked at the clock?

- 8.58pm

Food and drink you have had?

- Sweets and cold water

Flavor of gum you chewed?

- Strawberry!!

Shoes you have worn?

- I love slippers

Store you have been in?

- *shrugs*




- Sun!! Kekeke


- I love winter but it always summer here


- 3!!!

TV Show?

- Hello counselor


- Sunflower~


How much cash do you have on you?

- Er.. I dont wanna tell u *tongue out*

What word rhymes with 'door'?

- doom!! Hahahaha

What T-Shirt are you wearing?

- Just a plain grey shirt

What did your last text message say?

- hugging someone ^^

What were you doing at midnight last night?

- sleep as usual..while hugging my cat!

What's your current desktop picture?

- A pic of my cat!!

What's a word that you say a lot?

- ''

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

- White!!! ^^

How is the weather right now?


What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ?

- Eyes

Are you too shy to ask someone out?

- *shrugs*

Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)?

- nope.hahaha

Who would you like to see right now?

- Just one.. my bff!! ^^

How many pillows do you sleep with?

- Er..I dont use pillow~

Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace?

- Eyh.. no

What do you want to be when you grow up?

- Photographer

What country would you like to visit?

- Many~ But the first one is KOREA of course! 

How many CDs do you own?

- *shrugs* 10 or maybe 15?

How many things, in your past, do you regret?

- So many..*look down*

Do you think you are attractive?

- Eyh no! I am childish!! *pout*

Do you believe in yourself?

- Yeap! 

Do you want to get married?

- Yes, of course!! *grins* 


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lalophobia #1
the sun is a big ball of gas so how is that a planet
Hahaha~ You're so thin, just 48 kg? Omg