〈 three differences 〉 — the feared ; ono, miyako 。

  ono miyako。
   minori  -minori  4

NAME  ono, miyako


— pink haired freak / well since her hair is pink (pink is a kinda unusual hair colour at yoshima high just sayin), the students at yoshima are like hella obsessed with her hair but yet again since they are scared of her, call her freak.
— yoshima's informant heh miyako is actually yoshima's own famous informant who sells information. since it kinda bothers her when people call her 'miyako the informant', 'yoshima's informant' is what she decided with since it's like a reputation that you have known around the school - which miyako likes.
— kendo killer miyako has taken kendo lessons since she was five which shows as she's considered the best in japan probably. having a reputation of being feared, people assume she's a killer and kills people using kendo except not with bamboo swords but a legit sword (which is not true tyvm)

AGE  17
BIRTHDAY  april 13

BIRTH PLACE  sendai, japan
HOMETOWN  yokohama, japan aYEE

ETHNICITY  japanese
— japanese / native / idk how to explain it i mean really, she never really left the country making her born in raised in japan. and well um.. it's the national language and all and yeah you understand rite

  the  high school appearAnce。
FACE CLAIM  inori yuzuriha
— 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery

BACK UP FACE CLAIM  lol author pass
— 1 / 2 / 4 / 5 / gallery

APPEARANCE  well her natural hair colour was dark brown, has a scar on her back (not the large ones), she also has like two piercings on her right ear and three on her left cause sweggggg, also has been thinking of getting a tattoo but for now, nah. anyway, onto legit details, she stands pretty tall at 170 cm, weighs 52 kg and has long light pink that becomes a bit dark pink going downward at some point, (currently) hair that reaches to her waist. it's usually put in two low pig tails. she has a red clip on the left side of her hair. it's red eyes, not pink, trust me. she looks like a fragile girl (lol 52 kg of fabness) that will have her legs split into two easily, but truth is, she'll beat you to a plup when it comes to kendo.

STYLE  miyako doesn't really care what she wears as long as they don't make her fall easily. to be more specific, she really just prefers sweaters, collared shirts, jeans (not like the tight tight ones though), skirts (not mini skirts though), shorts, combat boots and sneakers. long coats in the winter with a scarf and a pair of boots that almost reach her knees are perfection. you'd probably never see her wear heels tbh. doesn't really have a preference of colour but usually wears colour that are stuck in the middle of 'light' and 'dark'. sup | sup | sup
  the high school you。
— (+) calm, realistic, observant (-) dull, devious, uncreative 

"why is everyone screaming, since it's a fire, let's just quiet down and think of a way to get out instead of pushing people in the fire for an attempt to run." nope, nope do not panic y'all. miyako just really takes everything in a calm and mature manner. well for now at least. she doesn't really overreact to anything and just chooses to just stay calm. it's like when a teacher is yelling at her. she won't have the urge to cry, she won't run out of the room like in the movies (see next trait 'realistic'). she'll just be like "yes teacher" because it's like she rarely shows any troublesome emotion in tight situations.

"no, santa claus does not exist oops sorry not." haha, stop believing. miyako doesn't believe in fairy tale kind of things like love at first sight or or "pOKEMON ARE REAL Y'ALL". hah, that's a no-no for miyako over here. miyako goes for the more realistic things like actually taking time to know a person before fallining in love or how high school is really just the normal people and the ghettos unlike the traditional 'mean girls'. 

"i can see you trying to run, and also, nice lie you came up with, almost fooled me." honestly, miyako doesn't even know if people like this trait of hers. well she's extremely observant and is very quick to notice things. she can notice if you're lying (though that's only like 45% of the time), if you're trying to run away or basically, doing things that you don't want people to see or know. being the nice person she is, if you're attempting to cheat on a test, "teacher, why is ___-san cheating?"

"i'm not really interested or excited at all." people hate the fact that she's dull. she's not emotionless but she just rarely shows interest in anything. most things don't really amuse her or is able to catch her attention. sigh sigh, it's like everything around miyako is the most boring things ever for her. she can't seem to grasp the importance of things and just assumes that they're a waste of her time and that just causes her to be quite uninterested.

"huh? it isn't my fault that you chose to believe me and lose your money." she's good at underhanded things. be it physical or verbal, she's just good at being underhanded and dishonest. being an informant, she likes making money. if she doesn't know information, she lies. she lies just so she can get the money. makes something up and bam, "thank you miyako-san, here's your money,". she will be dishonest as she has to be just so she can achieve her goal of earning money. when it comes to physical, there's a reason some are scared of her. when it comes to playing sports, she can just let her arm drop and elbow someone in the face and make it look like an accident just so she can win if she wants.  

"um, don't ask me, i'm nowhere near creative." no imagination or creativity at all. she goes for the most overused idea because frankly, she can't come up with her own. it's like shooting a a movie. we're all tired of those movies in which the two main roles fall in love at first sight. yeah even if she's realistic, she'll still go for that plot because she can't think of her own. so it's just kind of a thing to not leave the idea planning to miyako if you really want it to be creative.

  the high school life。
PAST  miyako grew up with two older brothers and her mom and dad. typical right? it was pretty much a normal family you could say. not too por nor too rich. all the siblings had some sort of lessons to attend be it kendo, piano or english. miyako was the former. kendo lessons were her life. however, plot twist, this wasn't in yokohama. not even close. miyako wasn't born in yokohama. it was only until she was ten that she moved from sendai to yokohama. reason? "THIS HOUSE IS TOO SMALL LET'S MOVE Y'ALL,". it was then miyako wanted to go do something a little 'crazy'. upon arriving at yokohama, she made one of her older brother take her to a nearby salon and dye her hair pink because pink is freaking fab. it was kinda weird for some people since they weren't used to seeing pink haired people but they eventually got used to it from passing by her often.
now now now, let's get to the interesting part about her school life shall we? it had all started when she was walking pass a neighborhood. she had just come back from school and was walking by when she saw four guys wearing the same uniform as her, signaling that they went to her school as well. HOW NICE. well not really. turns out one was on the ground and the other three was pretty much beating up the poor guy on the ground. here is when she abandoned her calm, realistic, and dull side to save the day yayy. anyway, being the observant girl she is, she noticed that one guy had noticed her and it would be stupid to run now, yet it would be stupid to fight one against three. which choice did she pick? obviously the latter. find a pipe nearby (one of the stupid boys left it there) and started using her kendo skills to save the day. she managed to befriend the guy who was on the ground but the consequences were she would be avoided at school and be feared which she didn't expect but didn't really care. it was actually because the three guys thought she was some killer because she did beat them up pretty badly, oops. 
deciding that making friends was out of the question, she began thinking about some other things to do so that she doesn't waste her time as a high school student. join clubs? the only thing she was good at was kendo. problem? there was no kendo club and the school refused to make one despite her pleads, and well, she decided to give up on forming one. however, she did know most things going on around the school because she managed to overhear conversations and notice some things. first thing that came to her mind? informant. second thing? money. third thing? 500 yen per information. final thing? yoshima's informant. 
PRESENT ♡ her family remain the same. usual scoldings and arguing with the whole family (only rarely including miyako) and instead of the usual "here's your allowance honey" it's more like "hah, like hell i'd give you money, go get a job". her brothers each had gotten a job. one as a piano instructor and one as an english - japanese translator. where was miyako? well she never had a job before heh oops. anyway, she is actually used to everyone in her neighborhood like they are with her but they don't really greet or talk with each other. they know each other yet, act like strangers. however, miyako and her neighbors do care for each other proven when three high school students (the same ones she beat up) were following her home with pipes in their hands. miyako noticed but decided to not do anything since she had also noticed a few neighbours taking out their phone to call the cops and a few heading towards the boys to try to stop them probably. miyako might be dull and everything but that doesn't mean she's emotionless or heartless.
although she has gained a bit respect from the students, she still remains labeled as one of the feared. reason? we don't even know but honestly, miyako couldn't really care because it wasn't up to her to decide her own label as long as she wears the yoshima high uniform. you could say that everything that's happening in her current time period of life is like the same thing as last year except that she managed to gain a bit respect like mentioned previously and make only one new friend aside from her friend that she made last year. also, she had resumed her attempts of making a kendo club and once again, it's a failure each time but pfft like she'd care.
likes ;
-green tea
-her manga and anime
-banana milk
-tofu soup
-people who don't bother her ahh
dislikes ; 
-loud people
-skin ship
-mostly everything
hobbies ; 
-reading her manga
-watching anime
-attempting to cook
-finding out information
trivia ;
-kendo master aye
-has her own bamboo sword at home yay
​-cannot cook
-took gymnastics but that didn't last long oops
-has only made two friends so far when coming to yokohama
  the high school friends and blood。
— father / ono, takeshi 40 / care free, prideful, handsome (?)
it's like a "I TOLD YOU NOT TO WASTE THE MONEY" and "YOU TOLD ME NOT TO WASTE THE MONEY ON STUPID THINGS" relationship vice versa. however, they trust each other like the father and daughter relationship they have. oh yeah bout the handsome part, apparently, he had won a beauty pageant for boys when he was like five how nice.
— mother shiba, mayumi 38 / gentle, caring, realistic
miyako is like the younger version of her mom except she has pink hair and is no where near gentle and a bit off from the word 'caring'. the two have a trustful relationship as mom and daughter. also fun fact, her mom attempted to put miyako in a beauty pageant, "FOLLOW YOUR FATHER'S FOOTSTEPS HUN". 
— brother ono, daiki 19 / charming, energetic, friendly
miyako and her brother are like the complete opposites of each other however, being the nice person Daiki is, he still takes care of miyako despite her protests. aWEEEE. oh yeah, he's the guy who works as a piano instructor.
— brother ono, ryota 20 / kind, talented, intelligent
miyako and her oldest brother are like best friends foreverrrr. okay not really, but the two do look after each other with daiki as well. kind, talented and intelligent, he'll steal your heart. the guy who works as an english - japanese translator.

— best friend tanaka, isamu / 17 / selfless, humble, shy
isamu and miyako are like best friends since birth but the thing is they only met in high school oops. well she saved isamu from getting beat to death and now they're best friends. she ships him with her other best friend so hard that it hurts.
— best friend nakamura, hikaru / 17 / valiant, good natured, popular
hikaru and miyako met at a time when hikaru was the school's main gossip topic. going from popular to reportedly a stripper, everyone was mean to hikaru except for miyako and isamu. when she and miyako met in the washroom, hikaru asked why miyako wasn't making fun of her. after a conversation, they became friends and miyako and isamu helped proved to everyone that she wasn't a stripper and that the person behind it was some girl. then bam, hikaru became popular again but still remained best friends with miyako and isamu. MIYAKO SHIPS HIKARU AND ISAMU SO HARD.

— enemy / sato, haruka 17 dishonest, spoiled, wicked
the one who spread rumours about hikaru. she belongs in the feared because most people are scared of not what she can do but what her family can do to them if they get on her wrong side. rich . haruka and miyako hate each other and miyako doesn't mind spreading fake information about her nor tripping her in the halls because oops, my bad. ironically is in 2-a and is also competing in the competition
  yamamoto takumi。
   author pass lmao

NAME  yamamoto takumi

FACECLAIM  izuki shun 

— 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery (sorry just had to get a close up of dem y eyes)

BACK UP LOVE INTEREST FACE CLAIM ♡ its an author pass, but if i had to choose.. himuro tatsuya i mean hes freaking hawt

— 1 / / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery

SUMMARY  takumi is a straight up jock. jock jock jock, "HERE CATCH THIS FOOTBALL". well he's a basketball player so jokes on you kkk anyway, takumi is like most jocks, competitive and has a huge amount of pride. he belongs to the rival class of 2-b, 2-a and also part of the "jock gang" that are rivals with the jocks in 2-b. when you're not talking about his label as a jock, takumi is someone who is actually kinda playful. i mean sure he gets all dem girls (usually the ones with an iq of fifty or under), but he still make room for dem new friends (except the nerds and some of the feared and most of the jocks who are not on the basketball team). izuki might be a little oblivious to most things but when it comes to basketball, takumi is like "let's do this,". his personality kinda switches off court and on court. off court, he's a pretty friendly and out going guy but on court, he's serious as and being a point guard, he has eyes like a eagle, being able to see everything on the court from any angle. how cool is that holy shiet. anyway, though some can't stand him, some are willing to just wave to him and say a little greeting before making their way. you could say that overall, takumi is kinda that friendly guy who knows his limits but yet refuses to go by them. oh and a really really important thing ; "WHO WANTS TO HEAR THE NEW PUNS I MADE?!"

takumi upon arriving at yoshima high had instantly signed up for the basketball team, being able to make the starting line up after the try outs. he became well known around school as the 'talented first year basketball player' which meant dem ladies were kinda instantly attracted to him (don't ask, yoshima is full of retarded people). just like that, he went from a 'newcomer' to 'the star game maker' and when receiving his own jersey and jacket, to 'jock'. it's been the same thing even as a second year. he was still on the starting line up and stealing da girls hearts and everything. 

TRIVIA   there's really not much to know except he likes puns, plays basketball, belongs to 2-a and attracts girls with an iq of fifty or under. oh and is also competing in the class competition.


  high school love。
FIRST MEETING  they met when miyako was off to go get information on the competitors for class 2-a and got caught by him because of her bright hair, oops.

RELATIONSHIP  well it's usually miyako trying to get information on what 2-a is doing and takumi going off to chase her away. i don't think you could say it's a friendly relationship nor a hate relationship. kinda just a competitive relationship thats just miyako stalking what 2-a is doing and takumi chasing her off. but but but one day, he really wants to know what miyako knows so far so he continues chasing her and being the athlete he is, he catches up to her when she runs of of stamina. after ten minutes of trying to make her tell him what she knows, he gives up and just scolds her. as the next day comes along, it's the same routine as usual but takumi finds himself chasing miyako more longer than he expected and thats when he realize that he might or might not have just tiny feelings for her aWWWWW

CONCLUSION  after the competition in which class 2-__ (hAH LIKE HECK I'D SAY IT. i actually dont even know myself df) wins, miyako starts questioning if she'll be able to stalk 2-a and have takumi chase her again (she says it aloud aw), takumi comes behind her and gives her a back hug (fast paced just sayin) and tells her he's not sure of the stalking part but the chasing part could come true if she'd like causing miyako to accidentally punch him in the because she hates skin ship. but in the end after endless hours of groaning on the floor, takumi asks miyako out in which she accepts. GOING STRONG Y'ALL, TAKUMI X MIYAKO SHIP IT
  the high school goodbye。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS  man ten thousand people be applying for the feared otl. anyway, this took me like ten days (im either too lazy or badminton practice is too gah for me). any way, don't feel afraid to apply for other cliche groups like the fabu nerds or the fabu jocks. you'll get a higher chance of getting chosen just sayin. i hope you can get ideas from this app but please don't copy like everything. sorry if there's mistakes, i'm pretty sure there were though sigh sigh

PASSWORD  since i know that you read the cheat sheet or not regardless if the password is right, i'll post the password that i would post if i was an applicant ; miracle train


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