P▲ZZiON || Application

application *

Personal Information

Username: therenegade

AFF profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/85503

Email: [email protected]


Character Basic Information

Name: Shiori Bernard-Teramura

Nickname: Shiloh, Onigiri, Shia

Age: 21

Birthday: 14 January

Height: 153 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Blood type: AB

Horoscope: Capricorn

Nationality: French-Japanese

Hometown: Marseille, France

Languages: French (fluent), U.K. English (fluent), Japanese (moderate), Korean (basic)



Picture URLs: one | two | three | four | five | six

Name of ulzzang: Angelababy

Fashion sense: She sticks to classic pieces like blazers and little black dresses that conform to her body and radiate a sense of sophistication. On days where she is sitting at home, though, she likes to wear sport shorts and a shirt / tank top. Depending on the weather, she would also put on a cardigan at home. During training, she prefers to wear looser fitting pants and a camisole. Sometimes, instead of dancing in Nikes, she would practice in high heels so that she could prepare for stages involving such heinous shoes. On a day out, she would not be caught with casual pieces like sneakers or sweatshirts. The most casual she would go would be a pair of high-waisted shorts with a blouse. The colors of her wardrobe is very consistent and is mostly made up of pastel and monochromatic colors. Her accessories are equally classy and include genuine pearls, diamonds, and gold. If she were to wear more ‘youthful’ pieces, it would have to be part of her enormous collection of Harry Potter-related paraphernalia. She never leaves the house without her precious house rings, and when going to bed or dancing she would often wear shirts with the house insignias upon them.

Casual: one | two

Formal: one | two

Dorm: one | two

Training: one | two



Personality description:

If there is one thing that the Bernard family members could hold to their name, it would be their lack of apprehension. The Bernards are rarely unsure of their decisions even if they are wrong, and this very well applies to Shiori’s character. Although her steadfast certainty could be reassuring in some cases, it could prove to be quite bothersome especially when she tries to convince others that she is absolutely right and they are most definitely wrong. Her elegance, though, is credited to the ever graceful yet cunning Teramura family on her mother’s side. She walks and talks with a certain poise that even if she was in the midst of doing something incredibly asinine, it would still look charming. She uses this grace of hers whenever she is offending someone, or something--an act she does frequently. Her astuteness is also another positive trait of hers, as it could render others speechless and at the same time send them into a state of awe and contemplation. It is also used when she wants to manipulate, something else she does many times in the span of the 20 years of her life.

On the other hand, Shiori’s haughtiness will one day be her demise. She walks in situations without heed to the risks and consequences with the mindset of coming off as brave or untouchable. Her arrogance could be compared to that of a teenage boy with too much ambition. She believes that she can do anything, and that everyone else cannot possibly hold a candle to her so-called superiority. This belief frequently shows up when she is panicking as a facade to cover up her weakness, and when paired with her natural female cowardliness, it proves to be more of a nuisance than an act of bravery. This may also be credited to her constant want of attention. She has been ignored for most of her childhood, and this made her become easily desolate.

When angered or saddened, it is only a matter of time after the initial impact until she explodes and destroys everything in her path into smithereens. These explosions usually consist of large amount of tears, cursing and violence. Her fits of rage come once in a blue moon, but when they do, it can be described as apocalyptic. After the effects of her sudden burst of emotion die out, she lulls herself with a bottle of vodka.

She hates feeling like everyone can depend on her, and when she forms a close bond with someone she tells them multiple times that ‘it's not like she cares.’ It takes a lot to bring out the compassion in this girl, but when it does reveal itself, let's just say that her acts of kindness may just outweigh her acts of malice. Her walls of defense are almost impenetrable, but as a result of this she cannot see beyond her small world. Love is a foreign concept to her, and she only knows how to play around with guys and break their hearts. When confronted with genuine feelings, she would not know what to do. But as for enemies, she has reserved a special spot for them in her being: a place so dark and malevolent that they'll wish they had never gotten on her bad side. A person could instantly become her enemy on many occasions. If any of her enemies start talking to her, her first reaction would be to punch them square in the face, or lash them with insults. She considers all form of communication as threatening, unless of course, that person was looking for forgiveness. Either way, they aren't getting it any time soon--that calls for some serious redemption because Shiori does not simply ‘forgive and forget.’

Shiori does have this habit of jumping to conclusions quickly when meeting someone for the first time. She would start judging the person based on their outer appearance rather than getting to know them better. Although shallow, Shiori is also the kind of person that will admit to being a bit pretentious rather than lying about it and say that she's ‘down to earth.’ She accepts herself the way she is, and that's what sets her apart from most females.



- Winning an argument

- Partying

- Hard liquor - vodka especially

- Luxury goods / money

- Harry Potter and anything to do with it

- Classical music

- Self-motivation books / speeches

- The smell of peppermint (especially on a person)

- Men who can cook (because she can’t)

- Getting her picture taken

- Sudoku puzzles



- Losing an argument

- Tacky wallpaper / bedspreads

- Fast food

- Strong cologne / perfume

- Suede leather

- Manual labor

- Haircuts

- Getting wet

- Peanut butter



- Mixing drinks (as a bartender)

- Contemporary dance

- Collecting souvenirs

- Writing memoirs of her life

- Traveling



- Calls everyone by their last name

- Clicks her tongue whenever someone's wrong and she knows it

- Announces her presence whenever she enters a room

- Rants in French as opposed to English

- Curses whenever possible

- Cracks her knuckles when nervous or intimidated



- Has a fear of dying alone and without family

- Occasionally sleepwalks to the kitchen and makes herself a pot of ramen all while asleep

- Is addicted to peppermint candy: always carries a tin of them with her

- Has a Shiba Inu named Madonna

- Favorite dessert is red velvet cupcakes with a topping of cream cheese frosting

- Worked as a freelance contemporary dancer for two years before getting scouted

- Before sleeping, she would drink chamomile tea and play the occasional PSP game or listen to music on her iPod

- Threw tantrums for a week after the last Harry Potter movie was released

- Likes to drink (as in alcohol)


Relationships / Family

Family members:

Jacques Bernard | French | Father: Shiori’s ambitious, wealth-hungry father. He was once a compassionate, happy man, before he learned about how precious money is in one's life. Although very much alive, his greed would soon take over his being. Because of his determination, he neglected his role as a father as well as a doting husband, and it's because of his voracity that led to the crumble of the Bernard-Teramura family. He needs to learn that the higher he goes, the harder his fall will be.

Isabelle Fumiko Bernard-Teramura | Japanese | Mother: Shiori's heartbroken mother. Even after her marriage to Jacques, she still kept her maiden name, although hyphenated after his last name. This represents her loyal feminist side, although she might not be as loyal as she claims she is. She is alive, but barely hanging by a thread. After being abandoned by her once loving husband, something in her snapped. She began drinking and smoking and having affairs with all the wrong people. Sometimes, she would even cheat on her husband right in front of her daughters' faces without her knowing.

Shinju Bernard-Teramura | French-Japanese | Sister: Shiori's disciplined, headstrong older sister. She taught Shiori how to survive in this dog-eat-dog world. She taught her how to stand up for herself, and punish others when they try to push her around. Shinju currently owns a world-famous accessory line named after herself, and even though it's something that she's been dreaming of doing her whole entire life, she still has this strange empty abyss in her heart.

Shizuka Bernard-Teramura | French-Japanese | Sister: Shiori’s naive, romantic sister. She is currently going through university in England, her major being psychology. Shizuka occasionally visits Shiori in Korea. She's been duped into believing that the world revolves with love and friendship, and she is a hopeless romantic herself. Maybe she's delusional, but she really is the only normal one in this family.

Mathilde Lefevre | French | Nanny (not directly related, but still counts as family): Her eccentric yet devoted nanny. She took the children in after realizing that their parents were neglecting them, and raised them ever since. All three daughters love her, even though she's a superstitious lunatic.


Madonna (dog): Shiori’s loyal Shiba Inu. Like her owner, Madonna acts like a prissy princess. Madonna was given to She would have been named Princess, but Shiori thought it was too common and named her Madonna instead, which means "My Lady" in Italian. Quite fitting for a high maintenance dog.

Best friends:

Stefan de Luca (OC): Stefan is almost like a journal. Shiori can tell him everything on her mind, and he won’t say a word to anyone else. They met while Shiori was in France during one of her father’s parties. Being the only children there, Shiori and Stefan eventually became best friends and still keep in touch even after Shiori left France. They also share somewhat of a friends-with-benefits relationship and if they meet, they don’t seem to mind the amount of skinship that they do.

Josephine Chevalier (OC): She was Shiori’s closest classmate during her schooling years. They were paired up for a project, and although Josephine’s headstrong personality clashed with Shiori’s arrogance, they managed to work it out and eventually become best friends. They keep in touch via telephone, since Josephine is a technology noob.

Idol friends:

Victoria Song of f(x) - She's a bit strange, but her quirks only add to her amazing personality. Even though she has no actual children, Victoria is nothing but motherly to everyone. Daphne relies on her for support when she's feeling left out, since she's the nearest person that she can relate to with being in a strange country as a foreigner.

Lee Taemin of SHINee - Daphne’s personal punching bag. Not really, but whenever she's down, they have an insult-off even though Taemin knows that he'll lose. His innocent personality amuses Daphne to no end, and sometimes, he even reminds her of her little sister. Not that she's questioning his gender or anything.

Kwon Jiyong of Big Bang - He's weird, to be honest. He can be cold and unforgiving at one point, and then five minutes later he goes around giving everyone free hugs. His changes in personality keeps Daphne on her toes, because she doesn't really know when his guard is down. They also share the trait of egocentrism, making them even closer friends.

Jessica Jung of SNSD - The only person that could tolerate Daphne’s offensive behavior. She puts up a cold front in front of many people, but around Daphne, she becomes a romantic, doting on Daphne's (non-existent) love life. Daphne insists that she likes her ice princess persona better than her obsessive side, but Jessica doesn't really listen. She finds amusement in annoying her.

Idol crushes/Boyfriends: n/a

Idol you will end up with: (giving you a choice as to who I should end up with ;D)

Lee Taemin of SHINee - Their friendship began when he accidentally smeared ice cream on her shirt, and being Daphne, she then proceeded to give him a good lashing of insults. To her surprise, he simply took each insult without defending himself, and because of this she found a new respect for him. They share a comfortable noona-dongsaeng relationship, but after a couple outings with them both alone, the line between friendship and love start to blur. Taemin is sure that he likes her, but Daphne knows that she’ll end up breaking his heart considering her semi-playgirl status. She becomes conflicted with her emotions but as Taemin shows more of his mature side, she finds herself falling for him as well.

Choi Seunghyun of Big Bang - To Daphne, he is an indestructible brick wall. So when an unstoppable force collides with an unmovable object, what happens? She is irked by the fact that every time she tries to insult him, he brushes it off with some 4-D comment that she really doesn’t understand. They met while out at a bar when Daphne thought she was only accompanying Jiyong, but it turns out that the whole entire YG Family was there. Although it seems that there is a silent competition between them to see who can annoy the other the most, Seunghyun could really care less. Which all the more infuriates the poor confused Daphne, who cannot seem to move him from his solid foundation. But giving up? No way. ? Possibly. Love? Absolutely not--at least, not yet.

Ok Taecyeon of 2PM - He is the figurative thorn in Daphne’s side. If she needs a good dose of headache, then count on him to give her that and more. They met at a park while Daphne was walking her dog, and he was out for a leisurely jog (with a disguise on, of course). When her dog accidentally tinkles on Taecyeon’s shoe, he starts screaming at her, and she too screams back at him albeit in broken Korean. From then on, he has been out to annoy her every single time he sees her, which is why she tries her hardest to avoid him. However, whenever she needs help, Taecyeon always seems to appear in the nick of time. Perhaps it is coincidence, perhaps it is serendipity. Either way, after every encounter with him, Daphne would always require a good shot of vodka and maybe some aspirin. He is really that perplexing.


Lee Chaerin (CL) of 2NE1 - She seems to be the only person that Daphne considers an actual rival. Chaerin has never done anything bad to Daphne, honestly. It’s just that Daphne always seems to take away what’s hers whether it be on purpose or not. Ever since entering the Korean entertainment industry, CL and Daphne have always been at odds with each other, competing in things like Monopoly to more serious matters like friendship and love. CL thinks that Daphne is taking away Jiyong from her, when really, Jiyong does not mean anything to her in terms of love. Daphne, on the other hand thinks that CL is a show-off and should stop acting so ostentatious up on stage. Who will be the bigger woman in this rivalry and finally apologize for all the misunderstanding? Knowing Daphne, it probably won’t be her.

Basically every other trainee in the company (other than her groupmates) - Daphne seems to have a knack for making enemies everywhere she goes. It’s just that her groupmates learned to get over her standoffish personality, but the other trainees obviously did not. Not that Daphne gives two s about them anyway, since she has other things to worry about.

Idol Life

Stage name: Daphne [다프니] (her French name)

Persona: The Machine Gun

Training years: 2 years

Training story:

During a trip to the US (she was a frequent traveler after turning 18), Daphne ecided to audition for a dance show, knowing that it could lead to business opportunities. She passed with flying colors, since she was a professional dancer for at least 5 years. However, a talent scout from JQ Entertainment was at the auditions, watching the dancers along with the judges. He approached Daphne backstage, asking her if she wanted to train under their company. Daphne, knowing that one could get instant fame by being in one of the companies in Korea, immediately accepted. After backing out from the show, she moved to Korea to begin her training.

She was quite infamous as a trainee, choosing to go on her own path rather than take the path that her trainers had paved for her. Although she did listen to her trainers' criticisms, she didn't really follow along with the type of music that they chose to train her with. After three grueling months, the trainers finally understood her and allowed her to train under her choice of music. The trainees believed that although she was an exceptional dancer, her vocals needed a polish, and that was the main area that she had to improve on for most of her years.

Amidst the other trainees, she was quite feared because of her terrifying personality. They would usually get out of her way whenever she walked by in order to avoid a lashing of insults or a good punch to the face. Nevertheless, they respected her because of her headstrong character as well as the fact that she threw amazing punches--punches? Did I say punches? I meant parties. Actually, she was a great party host; throwing parties for no good reason always kept the trainees on their toes. But she'd be lying if she said that she didn't make any rivals during her trainee years. She did bully a lot of people, and even though many hated her she didn't really bother to return the resentment. There were other, more important pieces of scum to hate on, and those trainees did not even deserve to become one of Daphne's enemies.

Individual fan club name: Daphnamite

Individual fanclub colour:                    

Position: Main Dancer / Sub-Rapper ; Lead Vocalist / Visual

Trained for: Singing, Rapping, Dancing, and Modeling

Other talents:

- Storytelling

- Flexibility

- Contemporary dance

- Speeches / debates



Song recommendation:

- My Style - f(x)

- Candyman - Brown Eyed Girls

- Can’t Nobody - 2NE1

Anything else?: Nope! Sorry if my application’s too long, lolol. Good luck with the story ;)


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flowerywinter #1
Thank you for applying! :) Happy New Year to you too. ^_^ Its okay, the longer the better but it might take some time to read. XD