Do I go or don't I got that is the question...

Hey so I have a Council meeting tonight and I haven't been to the last 2 meetings due to personal issues and honestly I'm not ready to face it.... I want to remove myself from the group because I'm in my final year and it takes up a lot of my time because I live far from it... 

I was given a lot of work yesterday at school due to the fact I'm actually behind in a few classes... And I am trying to get the work done but I can't if I go to this meeting tonight... I'm just worried that they will be mad at me for not going a third time.. Also I would be walking there and back and it's really dark for a young 16 year old girl to be walking 2.4 miles in the dark on her own, so I don't want to put myself in danger.... 



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Don't continue. Never put your safety after what people think of you. Just stop going
Oh look I'm 16 tooXD
Just allow it