About meeeeeeee ~ Stolen from Snowflake21

What is your Name?

Gooby, Gibbs, Gibby, Gaby, Gabe, Gabs, Gabi, Gabriela, Sooyun, Aihua, Bi

How old are you?

--- :)

What is the link to your website, blog, etc.?

Uh, just pm me if you want to know? xD

What is your height?

158 cm -10cm off from Ricky YUUSSSS-

What is your weight?


Do you have any siblings?

1 Brohoe

What is your eye color?

Dark brown 

What is your hair color?

Dark brown 

Do you wear glasses or contacts?


Are you left or right handed?

Right handed 

Do you have any piercings?

1 on each side, ye.

Do you smoke?


Do you swear?


Do you get along with your parents?

Yesh :D


Your fears?

Insects, Rotten food :(

Goal you would like to achieve this year:

Go to a kpop concert durin my vacation, and do well in exams, midterms, etcetc.

Best physical feature?

Eyes? ;D 

Your bedtime?

Meh depends on the amount of hw and procrasination w00p w00p.

What time do you arise in the morning?

Weekends something like 7-9 and weekdays 5-6 ish 

What are your first thoughts in the morning?

Time for a neww dayyyy..

Do you shower daily?



This Or That?

Bright or dark room?


Chocolate or Vanilla?


Dogs or cats?


Pepsi or Coke?


McDonalds or Burger King?

NONE. Asian food all ze way. 

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?

I dont mind.

Cappuccino or Coffee?

Ice Cappp


In the last month have you...

Drank alcohol?

Chocolates with rum inside..

Gone to the mall?

2 days ago, buying some tna stuff ;p

Eaten a box of Oreos?

Not in a while.. :<

Eaten sushi?

Today's lunch ;3

Been on stage?

Sadly, yes.

Been dumped?

Nope, I dumped him.



Laughed for no reason?

Everday... o u o

Gone skinny dipping?


Have been caught stealing something?


Been in love?


Fired a gun?

In games? TONS OF TIMES. and laser quest.. xD

Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?

Listening kpop during lecture. hue.

Been called a Tease?


Been beaten up?

People dont beat me up, they touch me, no fight shall be resolved till blood shall spill.



What was the last....

Furry thing you touched?

My keyboard

Thing you have said?

I'll eat the salad later

Movie you watched?

King Kong

Thing you were doing before this?


Time you cried?

Barely doooo

Song you have listened to.

Teen Top - I wanna love (obsession for me rn)

Song you have sung?


(Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?

My mom's friend

Time you looked at the clock?

Right now, 9:34 pm 

Food and drink you have had?

Probiotic yogurt and salad

Flavor of gum you chewed?

barely eat gum anymoar

Shoes you have worn?

Nike max air thea aquamarine running shoes ;D

Store you have been in?

Pharma Plus









TV Show?






How much cash do you have on you?

4k in debit 200 in cash

What word rhymes with 'door'?


What T-Shirt are you wearing?

My pyjama Rick Hansen gym shirt -softball team- and some beach shorts

What brand of shoes are/were you wearing?


What did your last text message say?

I found the hacker

What were you doing at midnight last night?

Laughing at the hacker who took my fake facebook account.

What's your current desktop picture?

Changes every minute from chunji to changjo

What's a word that you say a lot?


If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

Black white Blue

How is the weather right now?

Idk, but its cold outside + the wind

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ?


Are you too shy to ask someone out?


Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)?


Who would you like to see right now?

My bf <3

How many pillows do you sleep with?


Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace?


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Lawyer, or a job that doesnt deal with math/science.

What country would you like to visit?

South Korea, Sweden, Scotland, Australlia

How many CDs do you own?

4 KPOP albums Teen Top's Exito, Infinite's Season 2 & Destiny, and EXO's XOXO repackaged album, regular dvd's for watching, I have tons.

How many things, in your past, do you regret?

Letting my ex- know my password to accounts, which lead me to an pw changing spree, and a whole lot of other shiez

Do you think you are attractive?

Not really

Do you believe in yourself?


Do you want to get married?

Yup ;3


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