....I'm confused..


Firstly I want to say a late Happy Halloween! 

Secondly yesterday I went to my grandmothers for the day along with my brother, my grandma has a history of calling me fat but recently she stopped calling me that to then say I was to skinny... But yesterday I was out shopping with her and we were looking around Primark (a clothes shop), she stopped at the leggings and said I need new leggings so I was like okay but when I picked up my size which is a size 10 she was like oh they won't fit look go for the size 12, I looked at her saying I'm a size 10 no and she returned to say you're not skinny look at your thighs a size 10 won't fit around thoughs thunder thighs.... I stood there for 10 minutes listening to her and my brother gang up on me calling me fat... There was a girl standing near us and she kept looking at me to give me support which was kind of her.... But I was on the verge of crying by this point and I just didn't know what to do..so I just stopped talking and let them call me fat and stuff ..... I told her to just get the size 10 which she did but she made me look for tops to then get told again that I look fat in everything... I picked up a top on size 10 but it looked a bit big so I picked up an 8 to which she said 'that won't fit you what are you thinking, the size 12 would fit you fine just get that...' My brother said next 'your fatty roles will show in that just look at you...' I had, had enough at this point I just picked up a 10 in one top and she made me get a 12 in another to which it was to big when I tried it on at home... I got some over the knee socks and I was done with them... 

They call me fat and she said I will never be skinny... Yet my mum used to be a size 0 because she was anorexic but she is a size 16 now.. So just because I'm size 10 doesn't mean I can't get to size 8 it pisses me off the amount of times I've cried because of that women... But she calls me all that but gives me countless of chocolate bars, crisps,fatty meals.. What am I supposed to do seriously



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That's horrible. First you should just ask her what she wants. Then you should stand up to your brother and show him you are not one to be messd about with. Also just remember if you are going to be skinny do it for the sake of yourself, not because someone is forcing you just because YOU want it.
That's my advice for you. Sorry if it is not helpful