LC9 - 에덴의 동쪽 (East of Eden) (WHY DID I NOT KNOW OF THIS EXISTING?!)

No one told me LC9 released this- 
The babies are so cute. I like. 
It's 2:41am. 
Arthur and I are just texting each other word counts. 
Not even conversation anymore. 
I have a 2pm deadline. 
I hate my essay. 
It's really bad. 




Also I really like this song by Big Byung(빅병):




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oh yeah, that was like two months ago, wasn't it? I don't know, I was kind of disappointed with the comeback. we've waited so long for it after "mama beat" (which is still one of my favorite kpop songs tbqh, so ing catchy) and they release /that/. AND they're missing two members... well, technically one member since e.den left, but stiLL. I'm sad that nega network aren't taking advantage of these kids more, they're so talented. :C

the big byung video is amazing. :b you should watch the show, too.