NaNoWriMo is upon us!

NaNoWriMo is almost upon us! Now, I’m not actually here for kick off for NaNoWriMo, which begins at midnight on the 1st of November, because tomorrow (The 31st October) I’m travelling down to London and on the 1st I’m going to the Harry Potter Studio Tour!

However, I’m going to be writing Acid Teochii(I'm rebelling slightly by doing a story I've already started) and starting BaraHana for NaNoWriMo, so it is very unlikely I’m going to be posting any updates or new stories at all during the length of November.

My plan is to write a chapter a day, since my chapters are usually about 2000 words, and that way, I SHOULD have about 30 chapters to post by December 1st! This way, I can upload them whenever you guys want! Once every two weeks, once a week, twice a week, etc… just let me know what you want!

So, I just thought I’d update you with my little hiatus. Although I’m still going to be writing, it’s going to be rushed and unedited, so it won’t be suitable to be posted right away.

I hope you understand and believe it will be worth the wait! I’ll have a major backlog of chapters for you guys for when I get back!


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