Which microphone are you guys using?

So yeah I'm using a cheap PC microphone to record and it catches you much static noises, and it's really annoying when you mix it to the instrumental especially when you're in collab and you sound out of place like lmao that's what happened to me most of the time So the question is, which microphone you guys are using? I heard that condenser microphone USB is popular in home recording, is it true? Please tell me the brand and the price also, I'm really poor but I'll work my off to afford it orz


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Shure digital I got it for $400. You can convert the money to your country's pricing
yeti blue - got it used for 110€ i think
I use M-Audio microphone but I have 2 microphones. My 2nd one is for rapping but I need to remember what it was called. Anyway, when I go look at it I'll tell you :D