finally deciding my major for college

Im a junior now in high school and this year is passing by oretty fast. Senior year will be so close soon not ready...paying bills for my own stuff and then college tuition bills too....x_x someone kill me. Ima be working all summer and studying all summer just to get ahead and earn money for college. not gpa is low too...*sigh* and my major will be biology and then going to med school after 4 Years of undergrad....what is life e_e...8272827e7278e27372883 of my life wasted to become a dermatologist..


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Have you considered Pharmacy? Most of my med student friends (others already a medical doctor now) said it was the most helpful undergrad course among the science courses. They said that most of their lectures in med school were just a repeat of their Pharma lecs. But I'm sure Bio is just as fine, too!

Med school is really tough, but you'll get by with the passion that you have (and samplexes, wink wonk). Wishing you the best, future doctor!^^
You can do it c:
Such intelligence-
You can do ittt mihyunnn~ ^^
Hwaiting! Jiayou!
*huggles you foreverz*

~ D.I