Why are boys such douches *cries*

Hey x

Well as you can see I'm having boy issues :) the other day I got a boyfriend however yesterday I had time to think.. My bf had been horrible to me before and used to call me a and a just because I would reject him. 

He is known in my town to be an utter douche to everybody. 

He brags about everything.

Is a bit to football maniac.

Is rude and abnoxious to people when he doesn't get what he wants.

He states that he has family with depression. 

He guilt trips.

Always says he has so many girls after him, that I'm lucky to be his. 

He has only ever met me once in person and suddenly loves me oh wait he stated he didn't love me the other day.

He pressures me into things.

Tells me he is going to kiss me on the first day of meeting...I told him no because I haven't kissed anyone before. (And honestly I don't want him to be my first *pukes*) 

The list could go on....

I got so sick and tired of the way he treated me that I told him I didn't want to be with him anymore, oh how he pressured me to change my mind, now I hate and I mean hate being called Princess and he would call me it and then say I treat my princess kindly, I love my princess and so on. 

He turned round to me and said that he had 2 girls messaging him and that he left them for me yet he bragged about these 2 girls to my cousin whose his boss.

I hated the guilt tripping he said that he was on the road to being happy and that I broke his heart... To which I lost it and let my inner self out he is not the only ing person with problems.

He told me that he would help me and He wouldn't hurt me yet he was hurting me and I even said that... I cried I admit it, I cried so ing much because he was making it difficult, I was scared of him yet he wouldn't leave me alone, I knew he would try and me that's just who he is... 

I got so upset and annoyed I just said my final answer is no, so don't bother trying anymore I'm sick and tired of you being so manipulative. And after that I ignored him.....




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