New Year's Time!! DANCE!

Well, it's New Year's Eve and I'm watching the Drop the Ball thing at Times Square in New York ( , but other than that, there really is no sense of the New Year in my family. Except for the fact that my brother is usually in bed at 9PM..and it's 11:24 PM at the moment.

Are you having fun wherever you are? Or is it already January 1, 2012 for you? Either way, Happy New Year!

新年快乐!(I want to say pangapsumnida for some reason...)

Je souhaites que vous avez une bonne année!

etc. etc.

I'm not Teukie, so I'll stick with three languages.

I had a great year, started here in March and hung on to the site until around June and life really caught up with me. Now I'm back again after finishing up December exams alive. Yes! The feeling's great. I hope everyone had a great year!

There's not much to say, we all have our own lives, have a great life!

...Cue the laughing at me part.


P.S. I'd fail as an idol. Maybe I could survive as a translator? (laughs)

P.P.S. Happy New Year once again!



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You would not fail as an idol XD Happy New Year~