I'm so hungry.....


It's the half term holiday for me and I'm stuck at home looking after my younger brother but my mum has left us with no food and she did that yesterday as well.... Me and my brother had to eat what ever we could find and I had to give my last penny's to my brother so he could go get something to eat from the shop, he was kind enough to get me something as well but that's all we had all day.

I woke up this morning to find my mum cooking cupcakes in the oven now I thought they were for me and my brother but when she left for work she called me down and I asked are the cakes ready, to which she replied I am taking them to work...so she took them all with her leaving me and my brother to starve once again, but before she left she handed me £5 to share between me and my brother... It won't go far *sigh* I really need a new job, my work just call me when they need extra staff and I haven't worked for over 2 months I'm getting no income and it's annoying to have no money...I have spent days searching the newspaper for jobs and stuff but have come to nothing .. I will have to go to costa in my town and ask if they have jobs going xx 


IM SO ING HUNGRY THOUGH!! My mum called me fat this morning saying that I eat to much and stuff it pisses me off so much xx 

Anyway Have a nice day everybody !! Xx


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