Today (pt.2)

Today I made a graphic to support my school mates who's going to play at a basketball competition, I made it around 14.30 pm before I go to the stadium.My school won - well the guys tho, the girls had already lost last saturday!!! they won 23-4 from the first round, then my school's dance crew danced (OMG! They are so amazing!! I even recorded their dance moves, pretty sick!) after than the second round my school won 53-20, they are so cool! I'm definetly going to watch them play again tomorrow (Tomorrow, we're compiting our mortal enemy! We've always lost to them, hope tomorrow they win!!! >.<). I never actually went to watch them since 7th grade, but since this is my last year I want to watch them >.< My throat is so soar now XD




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whoaaaa fighting ne for your school team!
23-4 is dazzling!