London MCM Comic-Con was amazing!! {pics as well}

Hey well yesterday I went to Comic-con in London and I took a 3 hour journey to get there because I live in Hampshire not London. I was really amazing I walked into a bathroom and saw a girl and without thinking I shouted "YOU'RE T.O.P!!!" We looked at each other before bursting into laughter and she was amazing sersiously she was cosplaying as him from the MV Doom DaDa she had the microphone on her back and the blue outfit haha xx I regret not taking a picture though xx 

However I did get to meet Andrew Lee Potts who played Conner Temple in the TV series Primeval and he was my favourite character and I crushed on him so hard hehe xx I had a conversation with him and even had a photo with him xx 


Just before I took the photo with him I accidently poked him with the EXO headband he flinched but laughed around about it and when I looked through some of the other pictures on Twitter he only smiled in mine I felt so special hehe xx He told me that If I posted the picture on Twitter he would retweet it and guess what HE KEPT TO HIS WORD!!!

I was looking for a Alpacasso to buy because I always wanted one ever since I saw ACE

I met some great people and even saw some fantastic cosplays! and what was even more amazing was how many Kpop fans there were, I was behind a GOT7 stan and I just scream "OMG GOT7" without thinking but she didnt hear me :( then I met EXO fans there were B.A.P fans so many hehe I even saw a SHINee fan hehe xx 


However the only thing I really disliked was that I saw a stool with kpop albums and it was the only one I had seen and it had one album I really wanted to get, which was BTS's Dark And Wild album and I have wanted this ever since it was released and the guy said that I would get a free poster with the album if I bought it... I heard him say £25 for it so because I was about to leave Comic-con to go home I gave him that amount but he then turned around and said "No no no £35 3...5" I looked at him in horror like who pays that for an album seriously he went on to say "It's special addition that's why its priced really high" because I was leaving anyway and I really wanted the album my cousin was trying to get the price to £30 but the guy wouldn't have it :( so my cousin gave me the extra £15 that I needed and I got the album with a poster of my choice and I picked an EXO poster, I arrived home and opened my album I have a J-Hope Photocard and a Group photocard inside some other paper and 2 postcard type things, I felt like I had been ripped off so I looked on Youtube and saw unboxings and it was the same as every other album I was shocked *sigh* but still I got the album and a new poster I can't really complain x

 I had a really good time and today I am tired but happy xx I am working on Chapter 4 of The Orphan and His Twelve Vampire Mates today so I better start writing xx

Bye bye for now and I hope you all have a loverly day xx



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