Annyeong! I'm EXO's baby wolf, Chanyeol! *bows then smiles Here are 5 facts about me~ :D 1. I call myself "Happy Virus" because I want to bring happiness wherever I am. :D 2. My asset is my low, deep voice and my pretty good teeth but you can easily recognize me with my ears. 3. My specialty is dancing... No, just kidding~ HAHAHAHA! It's actually rapping. :D 4. I WANT TO BE AN ASTRONAUT! /swoosh/ 5. No matter how difficult and hard something is, I will always be positive and smile like an idiot. :D **{ My bias are L of Infinite and EXO's LuHan } Kamsahamnida! Saranghae! Bbuing~ <3


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{Mianhae! Just had a problem with the internet connection. Hehe}
double double double post
comment to both of your blogpost because why not- /kicked