Mystics | Kim JJ | Lead Vocalist


Kim JJ | Lead Vocalist


USERNAME — Geeky4ever




NAME — Kim Jiu-Min


BIRTHDATE — April 16, 1993

BIRTHPLACE — Kyoto, Japan

HOMETOWN — Daejeon, South Korea
HEIGHT + WEIGHT — Height: 5.5ft | Weight: 123 lbs.


LANGUAGE — Korean | Fluent | Learning English


Jo Ga-Eun


Kim Seul-Mi



She looks very relaxed and cool. But she's actually really cute and does aegyo to her friends. She can be really shy so she looks a little reserved. She has semi-big eyes, a normal sized nose, and small mouth. Her hair goes down to her elbows and is light brown/red.

JJ likes to dress in clothing that she feels the most comfortable with. She can wear a T-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans and she'll be good. She likes to wear sneakers outside and fluffy slippers inside.


Lead Vocalist


1. Committed to her work. When she has a job to do, she does it and works hard on completeing it.

2. Never gives up. She stays with anything no matter how hard it is.

3. Kind and caring. With anyone she likes, she wants to be friendly and kind to them. She wouldn't harm them in any way.



1. Impaitient. She doesn't like waiting for things for too long.

2. Stubborn. There are times where she'll stick to whatever opinion she has or when she's forced to do something she doesn't want to do. She'll do it anyways, but she'll be mad about it later.

3. Shy. She's shy when it comes to new strangers and friends she's just made. But that shy shell will break when you're really good friends with her.


Jiumin’s a shy girl. She doesn’t quite open up to everyone, but when you become friends with her, she becomes this bubbly happy person. She sometimes becomes really impatient when things are taking a while. She's the kind of person that enjoys peace, but she doesn't like to be alone. She also doesn't like it when she messes up a dance or a note in a song. She loves the company of her friends, whether she is happy to be with them or if she's sad and needs friends to cry on. She likes being alone sometimes when she's thinking, but doesn't like feeling alone and being away from her friends and family. When she's angry and/or upset, she becomes really quiet and doesn't talk to anyone. She feels hesitant to give her opinion to other people, so she usually hides it. 



Jiumin is an only child, living with her mother and father. She was born in Kyoto, Japan, and lived there untill she was three, and then her parents moved to Daejeon. Ever since she saw korean pop groups like TVXQ, Big Bang, and Kara singing and dancing on stage, Jiumin wanted to be like them. She was originally a trainee from SM Entertainment, but decided to move to Cube Entertainment for further training. She left SM Ent. because she felt like she didn't get enough training experience there. So she moved to Cube Ent. Even though she left SM Ent, she still stayed in contact with some of her trainee friends there. She's a little bit of a shikshin. She eats like a pig but always remains skinny. Her father studied English in America during his college years. Jiumin wanted to learn more english because she's really intrigued by the language and how it's so popular and she'd be able to speak it when traveling the English-speaking countries. So, her father is teaching her english in Korea while she's training in Cube Ent. Her favortie subjects are Music, Science, and English. Her fave foods are chocolate, carrots and strawberries.

LIKES — +4
— Hyuk~ (Kekeke)
— Being with her friends and parents
— Music

— Food

— Peer pressure
— Being alone
— Not getting things right

— No one liking her

— Playing her ukulele
— Listening to music
— Reading

— Being VERY impaitient
— Bringing herself down
— Playing with her hair when she's bored

— Poking at people cutely

--- Biting her tongue
FEARS — +3
— Not being noticed
— Heights
— Lack of confidence

TRIVIAS — unlimited
— Singing
— Dancing
— Hanging out with friends

— Biking

--- Can play the ukulele

--- Can memorize the names of members in Kpop Groups she likes

--- She's always wanted a sibling





— Mother | Kim Jae-Yeon | 49 | Store Owner | Close 10/10

— Father | Kim Min-Suk | 47 | Scientist | Close 10/10



— Close Friends | Kang Seul-Gi | 21 | Singer | Close 6/10

— Friends | Oh Se-Hun | 21 | Singer | Close 5/10
— Close Friends | Im So-Hyun | 23 | Singer | Close 8/10

— Best Friend | Lee Yoon-Sook | 22 | None at the moment | Close 9/10

JJ is friends with Seul-Gi and Sehun because she was originally from SM Ent.



VIXX's Hyuk

VIXX's Ken


He's the maknae of VIXX. He's very witty and funny. He may not get many lines, but he's happy with the one's he's got. He works hard to make sure he's confident in whatever he's doing. He feels like he isn't cute enough and doesn't express himself well. Hyuk cares about his fans deeply and hates to let them down. When Hyuk is in a relationship with the woman he loves, he would like to give everything he can. He wants to make s, fans, and the woman he loves happy.
MEETING — She and her fellow trainee friend, So-Hyun, went to a music program to cheer on for their label-mates, B2ST. B2ST, at the time, were promoting with Shadow. After B2ST and a couple of soloists performed, a group she had never heard of before called VIXX started performing their song G.R.8.U. She and So-Hyun were both amazed by how talented they were, and one particular member caught JJ's eye. She liked the way he danced and smiled throughout the entire performance, his blonde hair pointed upwards, having all of his face shown. At one point, Hyuk looked into the directing of JJ and she blushed slightly.

INTERACTIONS — Sometimes, when they had no schedules, BtoB, B2ST and VIXX would hang out at each others' companies. She would pass by them and get nervous and shy when seeing Hyuk. They've only exchanged short conversations, only knowing basic info about each other.
CONCLUSION — Hyuk doesn't know anything about JJ's feelings for him. JJ likes him a lot, but is too shy to tell him that.


COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

SCENE REQUESTS— I want at least 1-2 interations with Hyuk and JJ. Like Hyuk doing something nice or being kind to her and JJ being shy about it.

PASSWORD — Fanclub Name: Charms | Color: Magenta


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