What am I too you...

Hey... Another moan from me,,

basically I have been awake since 1am this morning and I have been feeling sick and I have a migraine around 4am I started vomiting I waited till 6am to tell my mum and ask if I could stay home from school..... She screamed at me telling me that I have to many days off, I have to go to school because I'm always ill... Yet my brother just has to ask my mum and he gets the day off immediately like favouritism much... He came home Sunday night was fine the Monday morning but when I had to get him up he demanded that he is having the day off, I went into my mums room and told her but I got oh he's having a sciver today so don't worry..SO WHEN IM ILL I GET THE OH YOURE GOING TO SCHOOL NO MATTER WHAT BUT WHEN ITS MY BROTHER HE GETS THE OH OKAY DARLING HAVE THE DAY OFF....I can't believe this and I agree I am sick a lot but it's because of my disorders and the fact that my system is weak so I am able to catch things quickly,.. But she never takes me to a doctor and she just says I'm fine...

i was in class yesterday in a lot of pain.. I am known to have sudden stabbing pains in my stomach when I'm feeling unwell and yesterday it was the worse I have ever had them I was so uncomfortable and I was not able to concentrate... I won't be today either, I am looking at a computer for a lot of today and I have a massive headache...

*cries* I am just so confused with my family am I not good enough for them..

*sigh* Anyway I hope you all have a nice day. X


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