GET TO KNOW ME (Taken from Damien00)

1. What is your name? 


2. How old are you? 

16, 17 soon

3. Are you still in school? 

Yes, and junior year is a ing struggle

4. What is your zodiac sign? 


5. What is your favourite colour? 


6. What's your lucky number? 

Eleven yo

7. Do you have any pets? 

Three cats and I'm getting a puppy tomorrow <333

8. Where are you from? 

Washington, USA, the land of hipsters, Microsoft, and overpriced coffee

9. How tall are you? 

4'11" TAT

10. What shoe size are you? 


11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 

Uh, tons. I can't even walk through my room they're taking up so much space.

12. What was your last dream about?

A couple nights ago I dreamt I was a short black man and I was a football player and I was known for jumping over my opponents, so they called me Hopper, which was coincidentally also my last name

13. What talents do you have? 

I have a fast tongue....which is good for rapping. s.

14. Are you psychic in any way? 

No, but I have an eraser that is. It tells me the answers to my math tests.

15. Favourite song? 

Really into Davichi's Be Warmed and BTS's Cypher Pt. 3 omg

16. Favourite movie? 

I don't watch many movies but I love Napoleon Dynamite <3

17. Who would be your ideal partner? 

I have two ideal types and they're like complete opposites, haha. I like the cold, tsundere type like Leo from VIXX, but also the cute, goofy type like J-Hope from BTS... the struggle 

18. Do you want children? 

Yaaaaas gaga

19. Do you want a church wedding?

Idk, it's probably what my grandparents would want

20. Are you religious? 

I'm a non-practicing Buddhist.

21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 

Yeah, I was born in one.

22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 

Nope, I'm a good girl.

23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 

I hugged Chris Pratt once and it was beautiful. He hugged like a friendly bear or smth

24. Baths or showers? 

Showers please

25. What colour socks are you wearing? 

No socks. I'm in bed.

26. Have you ever been famous? 

My friend and I had a YouTube show and we had like 40 subscribers lol

27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? 

I want to be a kpop idol. I've even auditioned and been called back, but I couldn't make it to the audition site... /cries

28. What type of music do you like? 

I love listening to really chill Korean songs while I'm driving. Stuff like Junggigo, IU, and AKMU.

29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 

Nope, but it sounds fun.

30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 

I used to have two but my mom stole one I think.

31. What position do you usually sleep in? 

Corpse pose. Namaste.

32. How big is your house? 

Berry, berry small. Take ten steps through the front door and you're in the middle of the house.

33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 

What's breakfast?

34. Have you ever fired a gun? 

Nah man

35. Have you ever tried archery? 


36. Favourite clean word? 

Sorry (I completely overuse it)

37. Favourite swear word? 

I don't actually say swear words but I love

38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep? 

24 hours

39. Do you have any scars? 

Everywhere from my cats

40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 

Idk it's a secret

41. Are you a good liar? 


42. Are you a good judge of character?


43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 

Japanese. British, Australian, and Sarah Palin

44. Do you have a strong accent? 

Apparently WA has the purest English...but my Korean accent is bad, haha ladies at the market don't even try to talk to me anymore lmao

45. What is your favourite accent? 

Asians sound oh so cute when they try to speak English but I love African accents, like Nigerian. They sound smart.

46. What is your personality type?

I'm really touchy, like my friends will yell at me because they have to scrape me off on a wall like a piece of gum lol

47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 

Uhhh, probably my $55 band dress, actually hahaha

48. Can you curl your tongue? 

Yes, and a whole lot more.

49. Are you an innie or an outie? 

Innie, thank the lord.

50. Left or right handed? 

Right ayeee

51. Are you scared of spiders? 

Terrified :)

52. Favourite food? 

Give me Taco Bell and I'll be your wife

53. Favourite foreign food? 

Korean pork is delish

54. Are you a clean or messy person? 

I like to keep my house clean, but my room is a whole other story

55. Most used phrased? 

"You're ugly." "Leave me alone." "Hahaha, nope." "I've had to pee since I left my house this morning."

56. Most used words?

"Ew." "No." "Sorry." "Aghh." "Ughh." "Gah."

57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 

About 40 minutes

58. Do you have much of an ego? 


59. Do you or bite lollipops? 

60. Do you talk to yourself?


61. Do you sing to yourself? 


62. Are you a good singer?

 Not really. But I'm a decent rapper and I have the looks to pay the bills so here I am SM I'm waiting for you

63. Biggest Fear? 

Failure. Also, balloons.

64. Are you a gossiper? 


65. Best dramatic movie you've seen? 


66. Do you like long or short hair? 

Mine's short but I miss my long hair...

67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 

Yes sir

68. Favourite school subject? 

Sociology I guesssss

69. Extrovert or Introvert?

Introvert but if you talk to me for at least an hour nonstop I think you'll know more about me than you wanted to know

70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 


71. What makes you nervous? 

Talking to people I don't know or going in front of a classroom. 

72. Are you scared of the dark? 

Yes, and once my friend locked me in the dark choir room and I thought I was done for

73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 

If I know them well enough.

74. Are you ticklish? 


75. Have you ever started a rumour?

I'm not about that life.

76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 

Yeah, but I don't usually do a great job.

77. Have you ever drunk underage? 

My mom and I occasionally share a beer or a bottle of red wine, but I don't do it all the time or anything.

78. Have you ever done drugs? 


79. Who was your first real crush? 

When I was in kindergarten I really liked this bald third grader and I wondered what it'd be like to kiss a bald head so I did it and the recess monitor saw me and I had to sit on the fence for the rest of recess

80. How many piercings do you have? 

I used to have two lobe piercings on each ear but they closed up.

81. Can you roll your Rs? 


82. How fast can you type? 


83. How fast can you run? 

I can sprint pretty fast, but I can't run for more than like ten seconds.

84. What colour is your hair? 

It's naturally black, but it's been brown, blonde, red, yellow, orange, pink, and purple. Right now it's just brown.

85. What colour is your eyes? 

Orangey brown

86. What are you allergic to? 

Dairy, but I still have it

87. Do you keep a journal?

I used to keep a journal of all my ual fantasies, but they got too crazy for me to want to write down.

88. What do your parents do? 

My dad's a college EMS prof and my mom works for an insurance company

89. Do you like your age? 

Yes, but I really want junior year to end. It's killing me

90. What makes you angry? 

Ignorant people, oh my goodness, I can't STAND them.

91. Do you like your own name? 

Not really...I wish I had a legal Korean name. I just have the illegal one #thuglyfe

92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? 

Yeah, I have Leo, Haru, Henry, Sophie, and Kevin right now

93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? 


94. What are you strengths? 

I guess I'm smart? I'm a decent writer too (read my fics yo)

95. What are your weaknesses? 

I get irritated easily

96. How did you get your name? 

Idrk but I sound like a British queen...Madeline Victoria...

97. Were your ancestors royalty? 

Both my parents were adopted, so I wouldn't know, but maybe?

98. Do you have any scars? 

Wasn't this already asked? Why are scars so important? I have them everywhere.

99. Colour of your bedspread? 

N/A I sleep in a sleeping bag on a mattress lmfao

100. Colour of your room? 

Light green


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Hahaha the Sarah Palin accent thing cracked me up!