
so, i'm not going to bother with any editing with this post because this is irrelevant to roleplaying and will be brief. i apologize for any grammatical errors or wrong spellings because icantseethroughmyeyesrightnowineedmyglasses.

so, my grandparents' from my mother's side lived with me ever since i was born. they took care of many things - like my grandfather who drives me to school everyday, and my grandmother who takes care of house chores when my parents are busy working. this continued on until i am in high school. (i'm still in high school js im a child loljk)

a few weeks ago, my grandfather had continuous stomach aches and fell ill. after tolerating it for a few days, my mom decided to take him to a doctor to see what's going on. basically, his liver is damaged thus preventing him from his usual routines. he complained and groaned about it to my grandmother for days which prevented her from getting enough sleep. me, being the useless teenager that i was, took her for granted on her daily routines. her routine consists of taking care of my baby sister, cooking, taking care of the dog, drying clothes, and so on. now that my grandfather was too weak to handle himself, she had more burden to take care on her hands. i regretted my attitude immediately after realizing how stupid and ungrateful i was, but my elder sister never felt the same. so i worked my off to help my grandmother with house work every day albeit feeling tired from school activities and my studies.

a week pasts and my mother had enough and he was admitted to the hospital. my grandmother followed suit to take care of him. i had a bowling match by then so i had to idea what was going on while he was getting treated. when i came back from the tournament, i was told from my mother about how terribly ty and unprofessional the doctor was. the doctor treated my grandfather like because he's a senior cetizen (my grandpa was admitted late at night, and liTERALLY, i'm not lying about this, the first thing the doctor spits is 'why can't you come at morning instead'? like, wow, i didn't know the century was so modern that we could manipulate our health condition on a daily basis.) my grandfather left the hospital once with my oblivious uncle in between because he was scared that the doctor would not treat him properly. fortunately, said uncle, after being told of the situation by my mother, gave the doctor a piece of his mind and rendered him speechless by yelling at him in public. the doctor apologized afterwards and my grandfather was treated with a better and more experienced doctor. i don't know how he looks like, but i don't forgive him and i never will. i also felt bad because i've overheard my mom saying that my grandmother had to sleep on the ground, and refused our offer of bringing her pillows.

my grandfather was discharged from the hospital days later. his condition wasn't any greater, but his pain subsided slightly and all is well. but he had to take pills to excrete/discrete and went to the toilet every hour. i felt so terrible because he would often have accidents halfway. we prayed for his safety together.

this continued for two weeks. gradually my grandfather's condition began to worsen. and my grandmother had a bad case of the worse eyebags known to man. while taking care of my baby sister, i caught my mom crying alone within her room while clutching onto her phone. and it was not once. (i'm not lying when i say she cried again this afternoon on our way to a shopping mall.) another uncle of mine who lives at another city visits and decides to take him back to the city for better treatment in a better hospital as i only live in a small city in the country. my grandfather and uncle's flight was last night. my grandfather rode a wheel chair for the first time as he cannot stay standing for too long. my aunt cried at the airport. i tried to swallow my own tears but ended up tearing in the car ride back home. it was a very sad sight to see.

i've been told that my grandfather's condition is worsening an hour ago and came on to write about this because i have no one else to rant to so i'm sorry if this wasted your time. you don't have to continue reading.

my grandfather is a very strong man. he was a prison guard so he has a really loud voice. he's cranky and often moody. he took care of me and drived me to kindergarten, to primary school, to high school. he says that i'm his favorite grandchild. although he doesn't show it, he cares for me a lot through his yelling. before his flight, he was very happy when i showed him a trophy that i recently achieved the day before. it warmed my heart to see him smile despite the pain in his stomach. now he can barely stand straight. now his voice is weaker than my grandmother's. now i barely see him laugh. i often hear and groaning of pain when i come back from school or during late at night. i never get to see him smile anymore. i never seen him cry, not even once.

my objective to writing this post is to ask if you could pray for him although there's a possibility that he won't make it because he's seventy years old... once again, i'm sorry if this wasted your time. i didn't intend to make this blogpost so long. i just feel like a ty grandchild at the moment because i can't do anything to ease his pain.

ok i'm going to end this because i can't see. sorry if i take too long to reply the wallposts - i don't want to end up giving half-assed responses from personal issues. i love you all, you mean so much to me. xoxo from taemin.


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hey stay strong! #grampsfighting i tend to forget to pray at night bc too tired (what a lame) but this time (and for the following days ofc) i'll make sure to pray and include your grandfather's health in them. i sort of feel you actually. last june we learned that my grandfather had lung cancer (big surprise, he's a smoker) and i was not really close with him bc he didn't live with us and he had another family but like i'm actually thankful that we had to go through that problem because our family got closer and stronger and more united. he was bedridden and he stayed with us (and i can't count how many times we were in and out of the hospital) and i actually did something good for him (like read a whole chapter of a gospel). he left us early last month after battling with cancer for two months and in those months i knew that he felt loved more than ever and that i, at least, in my way conveyed to him that i loved him.

okay so keep the faith, stay strong, don't lose hope, and keep praying until your grandfather is in a better condition and don't forget we all got your back and we'll all be praying for him and your family!
i'm... in loss for words. i don't know how to reply everyone individually because i might mess up my choice of wording - so i'll just say thank you. you all touched my heart with the wishes, and your own experiences taught me a very good lesson. i don't know what else to say akfjek;sjfhie. thank you all for the love and support. <\3 i love you too much.
Hey sweetie ,I know your pain .My grandparents are the same as yours just with different conditions .
A few months ago my grandfather nearly fainted and could barely stand still .My uncle had to send him to a hospital .I forgot what condition it was :/
My grandmother is worser .She had surgery on her left eye in July and in December she have to receive surgery again ,this time to remove a little stone in her stomach .I felt bad that they have to endure so much pain :(
Don’t worry ,your blogpost didn’t waste our time :) I know that you need a place to rant and let it all out ,unlike me ,I keep everything to myself :/
I didn’t get to meet my grandparents from my father’s side because they left before I was born :( So I tried to spend as much time with my other grandparents when I go to my village because you don’t know when you’ll lose them.
I applaud your uncle for shouting at the doctor ,he deserves it :)
All my prayers go out to you and your family ,especially your grandfather :)
( 2 / 2 ) for my grandma, the only thing i can pray for is for her condition not to worsen too quickly and for it to stay stable for the time being so that she can be with us for longer. but i truly hope that your grandfather will be able to recover 100% and that he'll be okay and back to this usual self sooner than you expect!

life is too damn hard and sometimes it doesn't go the way we want, but we have to endure hardships to be the people we need to be. some things are just awfully hard and sad and end up making our heart feel exhausted, but these periods of time are usually the ones that make us value every smile and good moment we've ever had an opportunity to share with the ones we love.

so, be sad, feel tired, feel helpless, feel anything that you need to feel, but always keep being positive and hoping and praying for better days, because the more you hope and pray for it the more chance it has for things to get better and, hopefully, to get better soon.

just be by your grandpa's side and support him the most you can, and about the things that aren't in your power to change, pray, pray and hope for the best. this is your duty as a good grandchild. you aren't responsible for your grandpa's condition - you are just responsible for showing him how much you love him.

and, most importantly, stay strong! because if there's one thing that i'm sure about is that your grandfather - as does all nice grandpas and grandmas around the world - would never want to see his grandchild hurting because of him.

+ also, don't worry about the wallposts, everyone will understand your current situation - just take care and be well. and if you ever need someone to talk to, if you feel like, don't hesitate to pm me - i know how hard it is being in your place and though i don't have a solution to share with you i'm very good at hearing people out.

i hope things will get better for you and your family and, specially, your grandpa. my prayers go to all of you. stay well, sweetie. ♡
( 1 / 2 ) your grandfather and your family will be on my prayers - i'll pray for all of you to have lot of strength during this difficult time because i know from experience how difficult it is for any family to face something like this.

i've lost both of my grandfathers - one before i was even born and the other some years ago. but when i said my family has experience with what you are going through i wasn't talking about one of them, but about my grandmother from my father's side - she's seventy seven and she has been diagnosed with alzheimer's for three years now.

you seem to be as close to your grandpa as i'm to my grandma, so i totally get your feeling about his condition and this whole situation. it's awful to see someone we love suffering, specially someone who has done so much for us in the past, and knowing we can't do anything now that they are the ones in need hurts a lot.

my parents separated when i was seven and my grandma was the one who always took care of me while my mother was at work. she was a very active and lively woman whom always did her best for her family. now, she rarely gets up from the bed; some days she doesn't even have the energy to stay awake and just sleeps all day long. but the worse is that there are moments when she doesn't even remember us or mistakes us for other people. at least these moments aren't so frequent as she still has a good amount of lucidity, but as her disease doesn't have a cure, her condition is doomed to worsen as the time goes by and no one can do anything about it.

so, don't feel bad for not being able to do anything to ease his pain - that's not your fault, and i'm sure that your grandpa knows that if either you or your family could do anything to help him, you would. life just like that.
sxnqkyu #6
oh dear, it's okay.. you don't have to apologise just because of that. i know how you feel since my late grandfather used to be like that too so please do note that i'm always here for you. you're not alone and you have the rest standing by you at the same time. don't worry, stay strong. <3
I get really sensitive and emotional around the topic of grandparents...
I'll definitely pray for your grandad as well as you and your family
my grandad meant a lot to me,and i understand how you're feeling. like your life,my grandparents' from my mother side lived and took care of me since i was born whilst my parents were working in the uk so,I grew a very close bond to them especially my grandad since he usually was the one i went to when I was feeling sad,wanted things,felt lonely etcetera and when i had to move to the uk,i felt really sad,but the good thing was that i was able to contact him through the internet and visit him during the summer holidays,and that was when I would usually cling onto my grandma and grandad. he was a strong man,not showing any pain...he past away this year and i wasn't able to attend his funeral since i lived at the other side of the world, had dofe and i had to do some of my gcse exams,but i was able to watch it through webcam.
anyway, from my experience, stay as positive and happy as you can especially in front of your dad when you have the chance to be in contact with him for if he sees you and everyone else being so sad and all,it may get him stressed. your grandad seems like a fighter so,hopefully,he'll be fine soon enough. almost every grandchild would want to do the same as you with trying to find ways to ease their grandparents' pain. from what i'm reading,you're doing something big to help. stay strong,okay? and we'll always be there to help and support you <3
/gives you a rlly tight squish. omg bby i'm sorry ; ; i wish i could fix things for you < / 3 + high school buddies ftw - but i hope all is well! ;c i'm so sorry
i'm honestly lost for words. i feel grateful that i still have 3/4 of grandparents everyone is supposed to have, while others don't even have grandparents. the trips to hospital and back must be very hard on you and your family, aren't they? i wish you all that best of luck. and you're grandpa seems like a strong man so, if god wills, he'll return home safe and healthy. seventy years is a pretty long life, and i'm glad you made him happy along the way. you would be surprised how many teenagers don't appreciate what grandparents do for them. i will keep you in my prayers and hey — chin up <3
saeron-ah #10
i definitely will pray not only for your grandfather but for you and your whole family as well. ♡ i've never experienced having a grandfather before and truthfully, every time i see young people hanging out with their grandfathers with all smiles and stuff, i feel really envious of them and i'd often get teary-eyed because i always wish i had a grandfather. i get really sensitive when it comes to senior citizens so while i read your post, i had tears in my eyes bah. and to think i've just visited my grandmother at the cemetery last week because it was her death anniversary, aish jinjja. anyway, at least it's not yet too late so be strong and let's keep praying, deh? fighting! ♡ ♡ ♡
making me look at this, I truly wish for your grandad's health,I lost mine June. It was really shocking since your story is similar to my own. just keep all the memories within you and know we're here for you, I'm here for you - this message from mine still makes me smile but cry too aha. but I hope you can see that I truly mean what I say about showing my feelings of importance to my grandad and yours.

( his message to me )
how are you. What is the long silence, too busy in your school. I heard from mama that you have a song number in your christmas party, with your friend. Wow what a girl, pretty na with singing talent pa. How I wish that we are also there in UK so we could watch your show. I am sure that you are so excited to perform already. I think this is your secondtime to perform a number in public. If I can remember it right , the first time was when you were asked by your school to portray as mary. We are so proud of you . By the way when singing , just be calm as if you are only singing inside your bathroom and nobody is watching you. OR while singing just think that you are inside the forest, all alone singing happily and your listeners are only the birds and the beast and not the people all around you. Also inhale exale 3times before going to the stage and say to yourself silently, WHO ARE THIS PEOPLE ANYWAY, they are just like me eating SUBWAY snadwiches everyday. Well okay for now , please tell me a story about your christmas party . Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

he's childish but I love him, I'll pray for yours, stay strong. ♡
Grandfather-nim...please stay healthy! I'm going to pray for your healthy.
I'm seriously going to kill that doctor if I was you.
Just to share, my grandfather like you too. He is sick but now he already gone. My family stay far away from him so we can't get to look at his condition. But my cousin, who took care of him said that she argued with my grandfather because my grndfthr keep asking when he need to go to hospital. Until that one day, she knock the door and he didn't opened the door. She look over at him seeing him already gone. My mom and I abruptly booked a ticket. Now I missed my grandfather. -.-
I agree with Seohyun.
I will pray for your grandfather's health and everything to go safe.
Please be strong!
that was .. the most touching story a.k.a reality bite in my whole entire life.
i am gonna pray for your grandfather's safety and health. he is gonna be alright.
and if he can't make it as he's age states so, i hope he would go up to heaven, or even so a better place than the world of war.
he is a nice grandfather. i never got by grandparents to take care of me, but i think its the same with parents.
i hope all things will go well. <3