INFINITUM ADs ∞ Atelier: The Last Sorceress by Lhyric


Atelier: The Last Sorceress
Author: Lhyric
Story Link: Click here.

A story of adventure, fantasy and romance
Starring Atelier (OC) & EXO...


200 years had passed since the Great Cataclysm that shattered the world of Exotreia and sent it into darkness. The glimmer of light from the Spero Flower awakened the surviving eight guardians from their crystal slumber, once again reminding them of their duty to guide and protect the sorceress as she leads the universe back to the glorious entity it used to be.

But first, they'll need to find her.
It was an easy task. The difficult part was what comes after they found her.

Atelier's life is about to change - in ways she never thought possible. She's faced with a duty she didn't know she had; to change the future and save their world. In order to do so, she will have to discover secrets of the past, including that of her own, but at what price? Some things are better remained hidden, while some, she's not sure she's ready for...

The fight for the world has already begun, and it's up to her to end it, once and for all.

Author's Note:
Hi there! I'd really appreciate it if you can give this story a chance c: It's still currently in the early development stages, but I promise you things are only going to get better and more exciting from here!




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Sounds very cool. Nice poster too.