Get To Know Me (Taken from Glurpy, who took it from B2STFAN3)

1. What is your name? Sandra

2. Are you still in school? Yes? Sort of. I go back in January

3. What is your zodiac sign? Cancer

4. What's your favourite colour? Teal

5. What's your lucky number? 7

6. Do you have any pets? No

7. Where are you from? Upstate New York, USA

8. How tall are you? Short af (5'2") [157 cm]

9. What shoe size are you? 7.5 woman's US

10. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 9

11. What was your ;last dream about? Absolute Bull. I don't rember it, but I'm sure it was bull

12. What talents do you have? Ummm. I'm an okay writer? I'm good at talking loud, and completely botching song lyrics. And making people think I'm smart.

13. Are you psychic in any way? Sort of? I get feelings. And have dreams sometimes.

14. Favourite song? All of them

15. Favourite Film? Live ActionQueen of the Damned [circa 2000] AnimatedPokemon 2000 and Howl's Moving Castle

16. Who would be an ideal partner? It just has to do with the chemistry. I get along with many different personalities.

17. Do you want children? Eventually

18. Do you want a church wedding? Not really. I don't have a personal preference though.

19. Are you religious? I believe in something other than worldly life, but idk if that counts as religious? I don't worship anything or have any pray rituals.

20. Have you even been to hospital? Ya

21. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? No. My life is dull

22. Have you ever met any celebrities? Yes. But I don't want to talk about it I still get feelz attacks.

23. Baths or showers? Showers

24. What colour socks are you wearing? Birthday suit

25. Have you ever been famous? Noppe

26. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Nah. I like my privacy too much

27. What type of music do you listen to? Mainly K-Pop. Otherwise I'm an Alternative + Rock type of gal

28. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No, but I have swam in jeans before. They don't actually squeeze your stomach and make it hard ot breathe.

29. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3

30. What position do you usually sleep in? Everyway until I fall asleep, which takes up to 3 hours

31. How big is your house? It's a good size. Three bedroom with a big den and huge basement.

32. What do you typically have for breakfast? Whatever the I want

33. Have you even fired a gun? Does a BB Gun count?

34. Have you ever tried archery? It was one of my skill classes at the summer camp I went to every summer as a child

35. Favourite clean word? ???????

36. Favourite swear word? , since i say it all the ing time

37. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?4 days

38. Do you have any scars? Yeah.

39. Have you ever had a secret admirer? How would I know?

40. Are you a good liar? No. I don't like ot lie, anyways

41. Are you a good judge of character? I s anybody?

42. Can you do any other accents than your own? I can do the bull accent, which consists of being an

43. Do you have a strong accent? Idk???

44. What's your favourite accent? I don't care really, but if your voice deep, lemme your .

45. What is your personality type? I've been told I'm pretty 4-D. I  am approachable??? And a super free spirit. Don't piss me off though, I'll mentally you up. Like, you will turn into a potato

46. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Spent 15 dollars on a cute pair of leggings.

47. Can you curl your tongue? Into a HOTDOG YAASSS WITH ME

48. Are you an innie or an outie? Rollercoasters: Innie
Belly Button: Innie
Beds: Innie
ConcertsOutie. Don't touch me, or attempt to nail my in the face with your ing light stick cause you don't know personal space.

49. Left-handed or right-handed? Right

50. Are you affraid of spiders? Don't ever say this ing word again I SWEAR TO GOODNESS

51. Favourite food? Bagels, but i can't eat them rn cause weight loss. I miss you, bagels. I'll be back soon

52. Favourite foreign food? Spicy Chicken Miso Ramen

53. Are you a clean or messy person? Clean but lazy

54. Most used phrase? Don't touch me

55. Most used word? Stop

56. How long does it take you to get ready? From bed out the door, 45 minutes

57. Do you have much of an ego? I don't have much of an eggo, my parents don't buy waffles and I don't waste my money

58. Do you of bite lollipops? Both, I like to try new things

59. Do you talk to yourself? Constantly. If I could clone myself, I would be less lonely

60. Do you sing to yourself? Oh yaaa all the time

61. Are you a good singer? Idk???

62. Biggest fear? Threats I can't see

63. Are you gossiper? No

64. Best dramatic movie you've seen? My parent's relationship

65. Do you like short of long hair? Short 

66. Can you name all 50 states of America? No.

67. Favourite school subject? Lunch.

68. Extrovert or introvert? I'm seriously in between.

69. Have you ever been scuba diving? Yeah. And I saw a Great White, which causing I'm so afraid of sharks. I see them behind my eyelids when I'm showering and I freak out

70. What makes you nervous? Not being able to pay for the things I need to support my dream.

71. Are you scared of the dark? Not unless I'm by myself

72. Do you correct people when they make a mistake? If they absolutely need to be, yes. Otherwise no.

73. Are you ticklish? That's why I am constantly saying don't touch me. I have an image. (no i dont im such a er)

74. Have you ever been in a position of authority? No.

75. Have you ever started a rumour? Nah

76. Have you ever drank underage? Yes

77. Have you ever done drugs? Who is drug?

78. Who was your first ever real crush? There was this boy in 4th grade who I had feelings for up until I moved to a new school in 9th grade.

79. How many piercings do you have? My ears. And I'm never getting more. I pierced my ears when I turned 16 and cried from the pain.

80. Can you roll your Rs? If I try hard enough.

81. How fast can you type? Sanic fast.

82. How fast can you run? I ing hate running

83. What colour is your hair  Naturally: Dirty blonde. Dyed: Blonde af

84. What colour are your eyes? Blue

85. What are you allergic to? Nothing that I know of

86. Do you keep a journal? No

87. What do your parents do? Birth parents are unemployed. Step-Dad does construction. Step-Mom works with the elderly. Foster father is a legal drug dealer. Foster mother owns her oen doll clothing business

88. Do you like your age? Yes?

89. What makes you angry? Being nosy, being rude out of context, being a slob all the time, being unresponsible, not respecting my privacy.

90. Do you like your own name? I never really thought about it. I'm name after both of my grandmothers, who are wonderful woman.

91. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? If I have a son, I'm naming him Armand. I am in love with that name.

92. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? Doesn't matter. They each have their pros and cons

93. What are your strengths? I haven't really thought about it. I just really got over crippling self-esteem problems. I'm still learning to love myself

94. How did you get your name? My grandmothers.

95. Were you ancestors royalty? Apparently my great-great-great-great grandfather on my father's side was a Native American chief?

96. Do you have any scars? Double Question?

97. What is the colour of your bedspread? Red and I hate it cause I can't decorate my own room. My bed constantly makes me feel hungry. I like blue better. It's more relaxing.

98.  Colour of your room? Sand. It would look better with blue but my mom is a fart.


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