✪ Day&Night; — day — fawn chomkwan atchariyaboonyong — ✪

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fawn chomkwan atchariyaboonyong
-hatchin // ivy // ten out of ten


Full Name; fawn chomkwan atchariyaboonyong
Other Name(s); 
fawn ; it's his common name. in thai culture, people have a legal name that goes on documentation and such, and a common name that they introduce themselves with. you can go your whole life without knowing a thai person's legal name because common names are so... common. other examples: bambam kunpimook bhuwakul of got7, where "bambam" is his common name while "kunpimook" is his legal name
selfie king fawn ; fans call him this because he takes so many selfies and always looks good in them 
crybaby fawn ; also used by fans because fawn is the biggest crybaby ever
hyung ; coughs everyone coughs fawn really loves being showered with attention by his hyungs. especially hot hyungs. yum hyung
thick fawn ; used by fans because fawn's and thighs are phenominal
bambi ; used by his ex boyfriend of many years because fawn was his lil bambi

DOB & Age; 
Hometown; (must be in South Korea)
Birthplace; (anywhere)
Ethnicity; thai

Language(s); (max is four, only two can be fluent)


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Faceclaim; kidoh jin hyosang of topp dogg 1 2
Back-up; (
two galleries or 10 links)
Extra; (like piercings or tattoos, anything minor that is different from the faceclaim)
(how do they usually dress? links are accepted but one paragraph)

Traits; open, nosy, arrogant, quirky, embarrassing, straightforward, crybaby

 fawn's naturally curious about the people and world around him and asks so many (sometimes intrusive) questions about everything. he always wants to know everyone's business. he wants to know everyone's mom, grandma, third cousin twice removed, their entire lineage, how fast the cell fertilized the egg shell to make that person. it actually can get very annoying very quickly, and fawn often times doesn't even know he's bothering people. asking people questions about their personal lives just comes naturally because he's so open with his personal life? like not a second passes by when the members don't hear about fawn's hot evil brother or his precious kitties, 2paws shacute and the notorious c.a.t or her badass granny. day, night, and the fans know pretty much everything there is to know about fawn, even the place he washes first in the shower. they know about his unwavering love for got7 and they know his favorite shows and why they're his favorite shows (he has given them very detailed essays containing info on why they're his favorite shows). fawn doesn't believe in hiding things from others, especially if they're supposed to be like family. fawn is the most straightforward thing on the planet oh my god. he's so straightforward about some things that it can be embarrassing how tactless he is, especially when it comes to hot boys and what he wants those hot boys to do to him. like he will sit there with a straight face in front of anyone and go into graphic detail on how he wants jackson wang to put him in a chokehold and shove his other meaty arm up his who knows where as if it were nothing. he's unafraid to tell boys that he thinks they're cute. nor is he afraid of telling grown men he'd like to call them daddy. fawn came out of his mom falling and embarrassing himself. he's hurt herself so many times that long lasting scars cover his body and mind. life with fawn is like living in a constant infomercial, dropping and spilling and breaking things in the most improbable way ever. putting on eyeliner and mascara is like playing russian roulette because he'll either get it all over his face or jab his eye out. icy surfaces basically equals impending death. he is 24 years old and he still forgets when she has a beverage in his mouth and just starts talking. he tries balancing five drinks made on a tray for four. he's ran into more poles than a stripper, standing too close to him is a liability, he can hardly ever look graceful, except when he's on stage drumming his heart out. fawn's honestly a simple guy who loves attention and puts his shorts on one leg at a time. he's best described as "kool aid in a wine glass" because he looks very high maintenance and unreachable but its funny because fawn is honestly just a pretty thai boy who loves crayon pop and short shorts too much. fawn is not the brightest crayon in the box--not by far. one time he tried to jump over a chair put ended up tripping over it mid-air and was practically split in half by it. fawn still counts on his fingers and uses a calculator to get "2+2". he once said, "a circle has 8 sides". he once thought the sahara desert was in america and to make it worse, he called it the sahara dessert.

fawn is also the biggest attention on the planet okay. he's very arrogant confident and always has good things to say about himself (and others). like he will gas everyone up so much like "wowie you're so beautiful!!" and "gODDESS" and "she's beauty, she's grace, she's miss step on my face". fawn speaks very highly of himself and even introduces himself to cute boys as, "my name is fawn chomkwan atchariyaboonyong, but since you're cute you can call me: zaddy, princess, leader of the free world, or transcendence". he like needs to be the center of attention and praised for just about everything he does otherwise he begins to wilt. he will make it known when he's not getting enough attention because he will be like, "hey, i'm cute. rIGHT?? DONT YOU THINK SO?? IM CUTE" and eventually they get the hint and agree with him. he thinks he's so talented and good looking and that his booty game on ten. and he's the type to hold a grudge if you betray him because first of all how dare you?? god if you're with fawn anywhere with people around, 9/10 times you will be embarrassed by him. secondhand embarrassment will flow through you because wowie its so bad. he openly told fans that he has gotten passed the stage where he was ashamed to call a hot grown man daddy. or when he met crayon pop for the first time and literally got down on one knee saying, "my name is fawn chomkwan atchariyaboonyong! my hobby is dancing to crayon pop songs! my favorite quote is 'en garde, boy'! my specialty dish is burnt macaroni and cheese! please accept my heart!". fawn has to be the biggest crybaby in the history of crybabies. he'll cry for just about everything and some people wonder if he took lessons on how to cry on cue. it seems like fawn has a never-ending supply of tears because his friends stopped paying attention to him for one second? "/sniffles. yah how dare you y'all are the shadiest hoes i've ever met after all we've been through you've stopped paying attention to me??? fawn chomkwan atchariyaboonyong??". a fan brings him a gift? "/whimper sobs. i-i'm just so happy that i have such nice fans! ah, what should i do, my makeup will run if i cry here!". god forbid the main couple of a drama finally kiss. "/wails. aigoo, what should i do what should i do? i waited so long for this moment, i'm so happy for you crazy kids!! yes /male lead's name/ kiss her and never let her go!!" there's just something about fawn, something that can still draw people to him despite being the biggest loser on the planet. maybe it's his all-natural hidden aegyo. maybe it's his deep devotion to crayon pop & got7. maybe it's his genuine love for his family. he's really thoughtful and wants everyone to be happy mentally, physically, and emotionally and fawn doesn't mind doing some of the member's chores so they can have fun or relax.

Likes; (+eight)
Hobbies;  (+four)
Habits;  (+three)
my name is esteban julio ricardo montoya de la rosa raMIREZ the third ; when meeting people he thinks are cute, he will introduce himself with his full name instead of just "fawn"

Trivia; (+infinite)
lil green monster ; fawn is the jealous type, especially if his love is paying more attention to someone who's not him


Family; (guardians & siblings)
      relationship // name // age // occupation
​      relationship // name // age // occupation
​      relationship // name // age // occupation

Friend(s); (include besties and friends; only two besties and four friends)
      relationship // name // age // occupation
​      relationship // name // age // occupation
​      relationship // name // age // occupation

Rival; (optional)
      relationship // name // age // occupation

Background; (two paragraphs)


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Lover's Name; applicant kim sunchul (soonyangel)
DOB & Age; (no more than five years older or two years younger)
(one paragrapth)
How You Met; (be creative! one paragraph)
Interactions; (be creative! one paragraph!)
Relationship; (boyfriend? girlfriend? friends? rivals?)


Stage Name; fawn
(be creative)
Group & Position; day ; lead vocal, drummer, visual + face
Fanclub Name & Color; 
(be creative!)
Trainee Years; (two - four years)
Trainee Background; (one paragraph)

comments; (anything to say?)
scene suggestions; 
(anything that you think should happen?)
song suggestions; (any songs you like?)
(read cheatsheet!)




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