Calling All HOTTEST!!! (Stolen from -Tigress-)

I AM BEGGING here. Minjun's cousin's group, DGNA (aka The Boss) just made their comeback, and in the almost 5 yars that they have been active as The Boss, they have never wn a music show. Despite having some of the best live performances in all of Kpop!!! So yes I am truly, truly begging. Please watch their MV. Just watch it, that's all, that will help them with the music shows. That is ALL I am asking. I think most of you know that I am a fellow Hottest and I'd do pretty much anything to help 2PM out, so I am BEGGING for your help. <3


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I'm going to be honest now. I read this and honestly thought "Eh, why not help a fellow kpop fandom out and just watch. What harm can it do?" ...I clicked it and watched it on youtube and When it started I was like "Wait, this sounds kinda cool" The further I got the more I ended up saying "Wait, these guys are kinda hot! And the song is awesome and catchy!" By time the video was done I was sitting here jamming and smiling with a stupid grin and I've found another group to add to the list of groups I need to do more research on! These guys are so cool! And note, I know nothing about them and yet have this song on repeat now! XD I really love it!!!
I'm torn.....its like in a way its captivating but its also confusing
they can definitely sing but....dafuq do they got on?!?!lol