Knowing Kalthoum more !

Q1. Where are you from?

A. Tunisia , North Africa

2. Has an anime ever made you cry?

A. Yes! One Piece xD

3. Whazt type of music do you listen to?

A. Kpop 

4. A musical artist you love that isn’t well known?

A. None

5. How would you describe your sense of humour?

A. I Laugh at myself and my friends jokes that aren't funny though . 

6. Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s?

A. I don't know . I just love myself so much .

7. Did you make any resolutions for this year? What were they?

A. Yeah , never run after someone who don' t want you and like Baek says ' Life is just a path full of efforts '

8. Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own.

A. About Sm , Luhan and EXO

9. Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 3 songs

A. Hyorin ' One way love ' , Sistar ' Mask ' , EXO ' Don't go '

10. Can you curl your tongue?

A. No , lmao

11. Can you do any other accents other than your own?

A. Yes . Tunisian's specialities that they can prounounce any letters on the whole world and do any language accent . That's why I am lucky , duh.

12. Who would be your ideal partner?

A. Someone like Baekhyun , but I'd rather have him. 

13. Who is your favorite anime character?


14. Most used word?


15. Most used phrased?

A. What's so wrong with you ?

16. Inspiration behind your URL?

A. Uh ?

17. Inspiration behind your blog title?

A. Just want you to know your crazy author .

18. Is there something you would never do?

A. Eat an insect 

19. Is there anything you should be doing right now?

A. Writing a new chap 

20. Is there a song which can bring you to tears instantly?


21. If you could study anything, what would it be?

A. I'm quite good in korean and I write well , but I want extra-lessons

22. If money was no object, where would you move to?

A. South Korea

23. If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

A. South Korea. It is a beautiful place that has past , present and future view and is full of historical events that I'd like to know plus I want to meet my oppas .

24. Have you ever online dated?

A. No

25. Have you ever been in love?

A. Yes

26. Have you ever had a secret admirer?

A. Yes

27. Favorite song?


28. Favorite food?

A. donno . But I adore noodles .

29. Favorite movie?


30. Favorite foreign food?

A. Korean Food

31. Are you ticklish?

A. A little 

32. Are you a good liar?

A. Not really

33. Are you pursuing your dreams?


34. Are you scared of the future?

A. No

35. Are you happy with who you are?

A. Yes . I am the most confident and self loving girl on the world and I know it .

36. Are you a clean or messy person?

A. Sometimes this and sometimes that .

37. Are you a good judge of character?

A. No . I don't want judging others . 

38. Are you a very open or private person?

A. Very open 

39. Are you more attracted to men or women?

A. Men

40. How old are you?

A. 15 years old

41. How tall are you?

A. 1.58 m 

42. How did you get your name?

A. Dad choosed it because it's my decent grandma's name .

43. How many posts do you have?

A. I don't Know

44. How many posts have you liked?


45. How are you feeling right now?

A. Fine .

46. How many followers do you have?

A. 7-- I don't know exactly 

47. How would you like to be remembered?

A. I want people to know me by my fanfics .

48. Do you have a crush?

A. I have a love not a crush .

49. Do you want children?

A. NOT NOW LMAO . LATER I'll think about this .

50. Do you have any pets?

A. I had and she escaped .

51. Do you play video games?

A. Nah 

52. Do you have much of an ego?

A. nope

53. Do you believe in soul mates?

A. Yes

54. Do you prefer to text or call? 

A. Text

55. Do you or bite lollipops?

A. . Just lollipops , I swear .

56. Do you like long or short hair?

A. Long, however short is easily to maintain

57. Do actions speak louder than words?

A. Yes. 

58. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?

A. Yeah , even if I don't like it .

59. Do you post mainly reblogs, or your own content?pe


60. Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games?

A. Yes 

61. What makes you angry?

A. People who promise me something and betray then . People who tell me what to do , how I think and how I feel . 

62. What is your birthday?

A. 09/01/00

63. What shoe size are you?

A. Size 5 / 36

64. What are you strengths?

A. I can see blood and act normal 

65. What is your dream job?

A. Artist

66. What color is your hair?

A. Brown .

67. What color is your eyes?

A. Green .

68. What do your parents do?

A. Dad have insurance company and mom helps him .

69. What is you middle name?

A. Souha

70. What are your weaknesses?

A. High places ( Hey Luhan ! ) and places that are on surface of water .

71. What is your zodiac sign?

A. Capricron

72. What’s your lucky number?

A. 2

73. What perfume do you wear?

A. Célébre . 

74. What are you allergic to?


75. What’s the meaning of life?


76. What is your favorite color?

A. Black and pink

77. What is your favorite accent?

A. Korean and Tunisian 

78. What makes you uncomfortable?

A. Talking to my parents 

79. What is your personality type?

A. Bright , Cheerful and sometimes childish . 

80. What is your #1 favorite anime?

A. I don't know

81. What type of music do you like?

A. Kpop

82. What or whom do you miss right now?

A. My love

83. What’s your favourite number, and why?

A. 2 , just because I like how it's wrotten

84. What programs do you currently have open?

A. AFF, Google Trad and Youtube

85. What do you typically have for breakfast?

A. Yogurt

86. What age do people usually mistake you for?

A. 12 years old 

87. What’s the most notes you’ve ever had on a post?

A. Kisses

88. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?

A. One day

89. What are five things you want to do before you die?

A. Live in Korea , become an artist and marry KaixD

90. What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of?

A. Exo-L


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roua-blel #1
Wow Kalthoum souha dridi is going to be in sm<3 a5let 9bal matefless SM