Whaa?! :o

I'll be on hiatus from tomorrow to 5th of January! :/ emergency family stuff! I need to leave to korea at like the morning!! :/ my life is seriously unpredictable! -.-;; ill be on once in a while! :/ but im leaving my iphone in aussie.. So my friend will talk to you! :) Junhwa (JunhwaLeadah--) Olivia (--CarrotQueen--) and Aecha (call her hyuna! :L after all that IS her real name :p) well... Ill be on for 2 hours! (packing!) buts still talk to meee!!! T^T


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byunqrins_ #1
Eh? ><"
I hope everything will be alright. ><" Oh well, I'll miss you! Even though we don't talk much! ^^;;;;
iFlyInTheSky #2
:L Take care~ Hopefully anything that happens would be okay (:
I'll pray for your family? Idk.. Just hope everything turns out safe ^^ HWAITING!
x_nilah #3
Wait. When you get back.. / beard
Is whatsapp available for everyone? Like austrailia numbers too? XDD
woah .. umm . suddenly ? ...oooohhh .. Luck ! .. i guess ..(?) with the family thingy
x_nilah #5
That.. Was so sudden. Tomorrow as in today? It's 12 uh? I'll miss you so much Jae <3
Awwww! I'll miss you so much twin! <3
Omo. What happened oppa?o.o
Okay they better talk to me!!!
aigooo i'm also going to korea soon T-T