Let me give my heart a break

Looking at Lu Han's issue, the title of this blog is all I can think of

I have been standing with EXO through everything, but right now I don't know if I can do it anymore, at least not for a while. Of course I support him and the other members, but I think I need to take a break from following them so closely. My heart hurts knowing they hurt, and if more drama comes up I don't want to watch it from first row. 

I hope I don't sound selfish, but I believe sometimes we need to take a step back and get away from chaos to get a better picture of things. I'm very sorry the other members are being dragged down time after time, and since SM won't give them a break, I hope us fans will. 

Let's make our boys mood better, especially deer Lulu's, and not create more rumors and drama :) Right now I think it is the only way in which we can help.


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