My first post

Oh what a very intersting title for this post. /sarcasmintended

Well, I'm glad I decided to create an account here. I wanted to find a place where I could post all my fanfics. Believe me, I've written A LOT of fanfics, but I haven't been able to transfer them to MSWord, because it's either I'm too lazy or I just don't feel like it.

So, now... I already have 7 subscribers and I'm really happy! There are actually people who reads my fanfic. I could cry now from happiness. Really... 

Because of you readers, I get inspired and I just want to update and update until I finish one story, or maybe a couple. Also, it would mean so much to us, writers, if you actually comment or say something about what you're reading. For me, I really want to know what readers are thinking.

So far, I have MBLAQ, THE BOSS, SHINEE, 2PM and 2AM. I have a lot more, like TOP, FT Island, ZE:A and more....

and if you want to read them, just let me know. (:


For now, enjoy my updates. I will be posting a sequel to Star Stricken Love (Kim Jonghyun). As a gift to everyone who has read the story for Valentine's day...


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luvphiil #1
@enjiness, omg! I have a CNBLUE fanfic, of course, the main character was jonghyun, but!!! I lost my draft... and when I did find it, and transfered it to my flash drive, my flash drive broke... i lost all my stories.. :(
Hope you write about CNBLUE as well... it's about time you like these guys! ^^