While l Still Can

Hi everyone. This post is to inform you as to why l failed to continue my stories, as well as share to you a very important piece about myself and most importantly, is to share my heartfelt happiness and gratitude to all those who have subscribed, read and commented on my stories.


First of all allow me to introduce myself. I am just your average guy who enjoys reading any kinds of outputs especially books. I recently graduated from college and already started working. It was last year when l took interest in writing my own stories. But unlike my stories here in this site, it was mostly about my travels and daily life encounters. Posting stories online never crossed my mind until a very special person told me to do so. Her point was that it could make other people smile, laugh and give some thoughts to ponder. I was hesitant at first but then l realized that it is never wrong to share ones endownment so why not, right?.

So l posted one story and was so glad to receive such great responses  different readers. I honestly never expected such kindness and reaction and so to express my gratitude l posted a continuation of the story. Story cut short, one story lead to another until it now became 5 stories in total. Out of the 5 stories l posted l have finished two already and the rest are still in progress. 

I don´t know if most of you can still recall, but when l was not able to update my stories, most of the time, the reason was either my studies or health problems. Unfortunate, l was not born with a healthy body.These past months, l have been spending the majority of my time in the hospital.

Though my stories have other characters, mainly exo and especially Xiumin, they are actually inspired by true to life story, which is my story. Each story l wrote contained a piece of the story of my life. It enabled you guys to take a glimpse of my world.

Earlier today, l found out that l will soon take a bigger challenge to make my condition better. The duration of the treatment is still not certain but l really hope it will just be worth it in the end. As l received the news, l came to contemplate about the time that l still have and the things that l still can.

As someone speaking from experince, l would say, do the things you wish to do as long as you think it is right and as long as you can. Better have failed than have regrets right. And like most of my stories tell, if you love someone, let them know, not just in words but more importantly in actions. Because words without actions are empty words. And without letting someone know what you feel or think, they won´t know for sure. Not everyone are mind readers so say it and put it out there. Also, always be thankful of the things you have and strive hard to attain those that you still don´t have. 

Life is a gift and it could be taken away from you anytime. So while l still can, l will try to finish my remaining stories and hopefully give it to all of you as a farewell gift. Everyone in this site have been very welcoming and kind to me, l really appreciate that. My deepest and sincerest apologize for making you all wait  for new chapters to come. Last but not least, l thank you with evry fibre of my heart for the time you have invested in my writings, for the nice and heart warming comments you left, for the funny remarks that made me smile and for the opportunity to have my ideas shared to more audience than l could ever have imagined.

Take care everyone and au revoir (until we see each other again).


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I am new here and to know that one of the author's l like is under such circumstances is devastating.

Your stories are really well written and l would have loved to continue reading new chapters of it and see it through the end.

Thank you for sharing your endownment and l sincerely wish for you to get better soon and return. #getwellsoon #nevergiveup
Get well soon!

Always remember that all things work together for good.^^

Btw, are you from the Philippines?
i'm really sorry to hear this, but i wish you the best of luck because you obviously deserve it.
thank you for your continuous support within the fandom (and to me of course, i frickin love your comments)

hopefully, you'll get to read another chapter of 'aged innocence' ( or even maybe get to read the whole completed story *fingers crossed*).

ugh i really want to say something meaningful or deep to get you motivated in such a stressful situation such as this, but i'm at a loss for words.

just know that when you do get better, come over this site and give me a holler (im pretty sure i'll still be here even by then LOL)

man you seemed like such a cool person, i wish we could've been such FRICKIN COOL friends ugh i need to get out more ugh internet friends are my life LOLOLOL. we could've ranted and talked about everything D:


ok ok ok in conclusion to this word vomit, just know that i support you decision and wish you the best of luck.

p.s. i didn't you were a boy, omg so cool. i have yet to meet a boy in this fandom, there is just so more estrogen in here i cry

bananaicecream #4
I hope you get well. be healthy. for me, health is no. 1 :)
i'll miss you. you are always kind to me and many people here. please be healthy. be healthy and comeback here ^^ haha just kidding, i'm not forcing you (eventhough I want to). but really, i'll miss you ;;
Oppa! Why you never tell me?
I will miss you tho
Please come back healthy, I know you can
Don't say it's farewell, you'll come back right?
Please be strong, and come back healthy
See you again oppa
Please get better ♥
Fighting! You know we love you!
gottaloveyourjongyu #7
Wow! I never knew. I wish you luck and hope that all will go well for you in the future and I also send my deepest prayers to you and your family, so please get better because I'm here cheering for you!:) And when you do come back to AFF I'll have open arms and a sign saying "Welcome Home" cause even though we never talked that much, I still feel a connection with every writer on this site, we are a universal family and for you it is simply a wait for you to return from your journey back home to your family , I wish you al the best until the next time we meet.