ok this 2048 has gotten onto me..

I'm playing this game all day long..

-_- I at it

highest tile-512

higest score-5360

-_- i dont think ill get beyond that!



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My highest was 8192, but I only got that once. I always get the 2048 though, the trick is in lining them near the top, the highest in a corner. You only make up moves, to the left and to the right, and never down. Good luck!
I completed it with the game that has the back button~
But then my phone broke :S
Watch a youtube video on how to win lol
HAHAHAHAHAHA good luck with that. I've passed my 2048 phase.

And you can do it. I tried too, and not to brag, but my highest tile is 1024 and my highest score is 11684 hehe. So as long as you play it enough you'll get it too!
It took me months but now I can easily get the 2048 tile. The tip is to arrange your tiles so it's next to each other in the order!
Simple, yet addicting. I haven't played it for a while. Probably because I managed to get my big sister to play it, but she is so smart and managed to get 2048 in a few days, while I have tried and tried and tried. Then again, she recently found out she had an IQ of 130+, so I shouldn't be annoyed. GOod luck! You can do it!
I hate that game :c
I'm addicted too! My highest tile is 1024 and my highest score is 13712 :D :D
You can do it!!! I did it twice when I was about to give up so if my can do it you surely can lol