➳ Detective Ul ➳ The Winter ➳


Han Gyeo Ul

hanraemi16 • raemi • activity rate 9


My profile.

name » Han Gyeo Ul

nickname(s) » Ul

age & birthday » 20 & 22 12 1994

Birthplace » Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

Occupation» Working college student

face claim » Zhang Xinyuan

backup face claim » Park Seul


appearance » she stands 164 cm with a somehow curvy body. She never cuts her raven black hair because it complements well with her snow white skin. At first you might mistake her for a white lady but really, she's not.

style » Ul's image is literally like the ice princess,. She likes it simple but elegant thus explains her love for dresses especially the floral and lacy white ones. She also adores sweat shirts that covers up half of her hips for sleep wear while her house clothes consists of still along sleeve shirt and a pair of leggings. For formal wear, she's into long coats with light colors. She seldom wears pants and shorts because when she does she'll either look a sassy chick or a random hip-hopper. For accesories (earrings, bracelets, flower crowns etc.) she only wears them on very special occasions. As for footwear: If she's at home, she wears a cute bedroom slippers (sshhh it's one of her not-so dark secrets) while if she's going out, she sticks to either her simple flat shoes or her most valued two pairs of combat boots.

" The snow is impeccably beautiful isn't it? Do you like winter?"

" Because of you, I realized how lonely it was to be alone."


my Inner beauty.

personality traits » independent, observant, sensitive, loving, trustworthy

personality »

Because she finds it hard to express her true feelings, Gyeo ul (or Ul for short) has always been judged as a cold, anti-social girl. People around her find it hard to break through her wall of reservation and would give up as immediately as they can without even knowing her. People like Gyeo ul has always found inner peace when spending time alone. She enjoys solitary activities like reading, writing, daydreaming/reflecting and surfing the net, though, there are the times when she takes delight in interactions with her close friends. She does not fear social encounters. Gyeo Ul values that important thing we call trust. For her, trust is a must. She seeks for a worthy companion; A companion who will not betray her. A companion that will notice even the small changes about her. Someone who'll hit her at the head whenever she's lying about her feelings again. Someone who'll stay with her for a long time. Just like everyone else, she wants to belong and yet she's scared of getting hurt. For one thing, Ul is someone you can trust; someone you can tell your problems to, even if sometimes she just stares at you. Don't think she's not listening because she is. she's just taking her time so that she could somehow help you in her own simple way. 

"It's okay. I'm fine on my own..." That was what she always tell herself whenever the sadness of being alone sips in through her system. For a college student like her, and a working one on top of that, being in a group is somehow required in college. It is the time where you need to build stronger relationships and be part of team. It makes work easier and lighter. However Ul didn't want to depend on others so as much as possible, if she can do it alone, she will; despite this "requirement" But hey, reality check: No matter how much she tells herself she'll be fine doing things alone, she still can't help but feel sad when people hesitates to approach her because of her cold facade. I mean people she isn't a three-eyed monster, it will not hurt if you approach her so why? Ul is really nice once you get to know her. She can be as talkative as you want her. She can do the things normal girls do (like spazzing, stalking and crushing stuff), only that it is Ul's version of quiet spazzing, casually stalking and quiet observing. If she likes you, she'll not tell you. Don't feel bad, instead watch her actions. If she remembers all important facts and dates about you, if she makes an effort to give you something even if it's just a piece of candy, if she's starts opening up, if she's always there for you (lurking in the shadows-- okno.)... Then congratulations man. You have just gained the trust of the girl who's willing to catch a bullet for people she loves dearly.

trivias » 
— snow

— food (sweets most especially ice cream or anything cold))
— fluffly stuff animals (her forever companion in alone-ness)
— children (because they have this super ability to melt her insides)
— books and sns 
— quiet places like the library
— earphones/headphones and music

— insects like cockroaches (well who would like them? They disrupt her peace) 
— noisy and rowdy places (where she can't concentrate on her work)
— judgmental people
— horror movies (no matter how much she likes silent places, please anything but ghosts)
— gatherings where she is not familiar with anyone
— public speaking
— writing and reading
— sleeping during her free  time
— cooking for herself
— doing everything by herself (for the reason not to burden anyone)
— biting fingernails when something goes wrong
— messes her hair when she's confused and can't decide
— doesn't make eye contacts whenever she's lying
— covers with her fist to hide her smile
— blinks very fast when she's about to cry
— unconciously pouts or stick out tongue whenever working
— betrayal
— thunderstorms
— studies at Seoul National University (classes are 7am-3pm ) and works at U Haven Cafe, just across her university. (workshift on week days: 4pm-10pm)
— she's bad at aegyo.
— when she was in middle school, she loved to sleep on a tree branch during breaks
— in group projects, if no one doesn't want to do anything, she'll do it. (for herself not for her groupmates)
— she's easy to please. just give her a chocolate candy and she'll smile like a kid
— whenever she's bored, she visits her classmates or anyone around her (teachers, friends, relatives) SNS profiles
— she studied the English language.




My strength

background » Han Gyeo Ul was 17 when she was given the chance to be independent. Her loving and understanding parents, Mr and Mrs. Han had encouraged her to live  on her own and get a part-time job as a stepping milestone before she enters the "REAL WORLD." Even though they were a bit reluctant, they strongly believe that it was a good decision for their daughter. And not to mention how the apartment was also near her college university and work place . Gyeo Ul felt sad and confused at first. It was hard to live alone in an empty house without a brother to annoy you, a mother to make a fuss on your welfare or a father to scold you whenever you make mistakes. As time passes, she got used to living alone. In order to not miss home, she would sleep in during the weekends and special holidays. Soon enough, she realized it indeed was for her own good. It made her independent (a little too independent though.) and she survived living like that for two years now.


family »
Father | Han Jae Hoon | 53 | Office clerk | understanding, hardworking, happy-go-lucky | If you'll rate Ul's closeness with his father, it will be 7 out of 10. Though understanding as he is, when he already makes a decision, then it will be done. Yes he is also hardworking, too hardworking that he's losing time for his family. He thinks positive of all things and fails to see the negative effects that's why he is frequently taken advantage of.As much as Ul loves him, her father's qualities are not complimenting with each other. And because the lack of time he has, she never got the chance to even bond with him for when she wakes up, he's gone and when he comes home, she's asleep. 
Mother | Han Yoo Jin | 52 | Housewife | protective, caring, clumsy | She's like the best of the best mothers that existed in the whole wide world. She's Ul's bestfriend, confider, nurse, teacher, girlfriend and the sister she never had. It's like God had squished in all the person she wish she had in her mother. Her mother was always the first person who'll she call whenever things get too much for her to handle. She was ready to scold Ul when she did something wrong. She would encourage Ul to make friends. She would destroy people who hurts her daughter in any way. In short, Ul is a mommy's girl and she'll do anything for Ul and vice versa. Closeness rate: 10/10.
Younger brother | Han Jae Jin | 16 | High school student | tsundere, annoying, kid-at-heart | Jaejin is like the mixture of their mother and father. Annoying but loving at the same time. He is a big tsundere to his sister. He always tell her the opposite of what he really wants to say. But then he makes up for it through his actions. As much as he hates to admit but he is a noona's boy. (Yes spoiled by Gyeo Ul.) Closeness rate: 9/10.


friends/rivals » 
Bestfriend | Park Sourin | 19 | straightforward, perfectionist, sweet, thoughtful  |If you didn't know the two girls, you'll think they are twins because they almost act the same way, they have the same taste in clothes, in boys and practically in everything. The only difference between the two is that Sourin is more expressive than Ul. Gyeo Ul loves Sourin because she was the sister she never had and Sourin was the only loyal best friend she's got and for that Ul loved her dearly. Closeness rate: 10/10.
Friend | Kim Myungsoo | 20 | quiet, sensitive, straightforward, protective | Myungsoo is Sourin's boyfriend that's why they became friends. Though they are friends, Ul's still awkward with him. She's not to use having a protective oppa in her life. It has always been her annoying young brother so being with Myungsoo is certainly a new feeling for her. However it was a good feeling to have someone to talk to other than your best friend. Closeness rate: 8/10.
Rival | Bae Ju Hyun (Irene) | 19 | well-mannered, perfectionist, envious| Irene is in a friendly rivalship with Gyeo Ul when it comes to academics and extra-curricular. They are civil towards each other and Ul's nice to her. But when it comes to love, Irene is the complete opposite. The moment she saw Taehyung with Ul, her heart blazed with envy and jealousy. She slowly developed feelings for Taehyung and liked him so she somehow became hostile towards Ul. She has this competing mindset that even if it's not a competition, she would always want to outshine Ul. Closeness rate: 5/10.


My stories

How did you/will you meet Lee Seongjun » The day I met Seongjun-ssi? I think it was on during my late shift in the cafe during Christmas break. He first entered the shop at the morning and ordered his usually black coffee. I was the one who served his drink. He nodded with a thank you and stared at me for a while. I remember feeling really uncomfortable back then but hmm customers, I'm used to it. Customers started to pile up and I then forgot his existence only to be surprised that night. When I was the one closing the cafe, he was there outside. "Can I have a couple of minutes, agassi?" he said. "It's not safe for a girl like you to be outside alone." Ahjussi looked like he was harmless so a small talk won't hurt right? After all, he is a police. Or was. /whispers I kind of saw his badge hidden in his coat. Don't tell him I saw it./ I remained vigilant though, I readied my pepperspray in case he was going to do something bad.


How will he ask you to join him »  "Do you know the group of men you served a while ago?" he asked which I don't know what to reply since I was clueless. "They were talking about you a while ago. On how will they kidnap you and sell you overseas." he told me. Okay now I'm sure he was weird. I didn't believe him. It was ridiculous. yes, so I didn't believe him. I bowed my respects to him and went ahead however I haven't even reached the bus stop when I saw a suspicious van with a few men in black coming out from it. My instincts told me I was in big capita T that spelled T-R-O-U-B-L-E. I guess the police was telling the truth. Without any doubt, I returned to where ahjussi was. He saved me and after that, he asked me. "You have a potential miss. Would you like to join my team?"


Why do you think he asked you to join him » I have no idea but I think it was when he was staring at me as I patiently handled the complains of some hysterical customers. There was also this once when a man was supposed to snatch a lady's bag when she was not looking. Even before his hands could get a hold of her purse, I grabbed him and spun him so that his hands would be at his back. Simple self-defense techniques. And maybe he saw me  observing and assessing my surroundings when I'm not busy serving drinks..


How long it takes you to finally accept his request » Almost a week. Yeah it took me that long because I was weighing the pros and cons. He told me that he was a detective and was fired from his job because of a case. Maybe he did something wrong? I don't know. I was afraid of the consequences of joining his little group. But thinking about it, danger might spice my boring life a little bit so why not? /sighs though somehow I think I will regret my decision but what's done is done./


Why do you decide to accept his request » I decided to join him because he saved my life. That simple. He also looked like he needs help badly to the point that he was kicked of his job. I admire people who works hard and even though this ahjussi has the worst personality, I would still help him. So that I could have the chance to remove the smug look on his face every single time he talks to me.


What do you think/feel about being an accidental detective » I feel nervous and scared of course. Dealing with a serial killer of teenage girls is not that easy including the fact that I myself is a teenager. Of course there were a lot of doubts inside me, like can I really do this? Am I ready to die? What will I gain from this? All of which will be answered as I experience the life of an accidental detective. On the positive note, being a detective looks like a fun task. With those mysteries, clues and all.


my soulmate.

love interest » Kim Taehyung - BTS

plotline » The School Boy

backup love interest » Lee Sungyeol


personality traits » 4D, bright, sweet, reckless, stubborn, mature (kind of), possesive

personality »  Meet the extremely made up of sugar, spice and everything nice ALIEN boy who does everything in his own alienish simple way, Kim Taehyung. If Ul was winter then this cutie ball of sunshine is definitely her summer. Taehyung or also known as V is the complete opposite of Ul. (Gyeo Ul: Idek where did his nickname came from... || V: Awww I didn't tell you yet? I chose it because it's next to U!) He is always so happy and bright that you couldn't help but go blind and see no one else but him. He has his charming way with words and is good in flattery. He's super nice and sweet to everyone, making him the adorkable kid that is loved by all. Yes including those who doesn't want to love him will be forced to love him because he is V. Yes he likes the attention. And yes he likes the fact that not even the winter Han Gyeo Ul couldn't stay frozen after hearing him say, "Noona, did you know that  you're more beautiful when you smile?"

On the other side, Taehyung can become extremely possesive of what is his. He doesn't believe in the saying 'sharing is caring' so what is V's is Taehyung's. He won't show it but he easily gets jealous and sulky whenever his noona doesn't notice him. The worst case scenario of his jealousy is a hunger strike and low level of anger management. So he makes sure everybody knew what is his or else he'll go rawr on them.

Although most of the times he thinks and acts like a  cavity-worth five year old, he is suprisingly kind of mature for his age. He knows when it's joke time or serious hour. With his  unique way of thinking, he sometimes make himself useful to his uncle. So no matter how much his uncle wants to throw him out, he can't. He's too precious and useful to him... And worse, his sister might go off and kill him.


First met & impression » It all started with the cheesy line: "You're father must be one great thief. He stole the stars and put it in your eyes-" On a snowy holiday, it was Ul's semestral break so she was full-time in the cafe. The place was filled since it was holidays and everyone wanted something to warm their cold nights. The Cafe was buzzing with people ordering warm hot chocolates and sweet pastries. Ul was going back and forth to deliver the orders when a group of seven familiar rowdy boys entered. They were regulars in the cafe. Since she was busy, she let her co-worker take their order. After 1234567890 years of not being able to choose, the boys finally made their order and it was Ul who was tasked to bring it. And one alien caught her eye. "Hi pretty noona." then came the cheesy pick-up lines. Ever since then she knew he was trouble when he walked in her life and shame on her because she actually kind of like how someone can mess her life in just a matter of seconds.

Interaction »
Gyeo Ul to V: Her relationship with V can be describe in just one word. Simply awkward. She doesn't mind how people stays away from her like she has some kind of disease. It's not like it's new to her. But with someone who constantly stayed by her side and never left? Well that's new. With V (and his friends) it's like having to taste a new flavor of ice cream. It's so refreshing to be around with people who doesn't mind what she is and actually saw through her and she could not be thankful enough. Whenever V visits her in the cafe, she would struggle in maintaining a neutral face when inside she's panicking. She can't concentrate when he's around. She often trips and gets teased by V, "Noona, don't go falling like that with other men. Fall only with me." Even when her ice princess mode is unleashed, V doesn't seem to be fazed. Instead he'll smile and warm her insides with "Noona are you alright?"
V to Gyeo Ul: Being the kid who was showered with sugar, he is caring and thoughtful towards this particular noona. He would visit her in the cafe where she works and ask her how was her day and such. Sometimes  he would come to her college and walk her home. Where or from whom he got her schedule? No one knows. All that Gyeo Ul knows, she would be surprised to see a cute alienish boy leaning on the wall with his hands in his pockets and looking so smooth while waiting for her. Once they got close, or at least he was on the stage where Ul trusted him, V became protective of this noona. His instincts would always tell him, "Watch over her and never let your eyes leave her because once you did, she'll be in trouble." He also likes seeing Gyeo Ul flushed and blushing on his simple gestures, most especially when he calls her noona. I mean who wouldn't blush when someone calls you noona?! (Ul: Freaking noona jalbait.)

Love story » Kind of different from some love stories, it was the male lead who had realized his feelings first for the female lead. And in the case of V, he had undergone extreme jealousy fits because of his uncle, Seongjun. He thought that Gyeo Ul liked his uncle because of some moments when Seongjun would ruffle her hair and bring her out for food (and V thought it was a date). As time passes, he gets more and more frustrated that Gyeo Ul was completely clueless about his feelings even though he dropped a bazillion hints already. However enough was enough when he saw Seongjun leaning towards Gyeo Ul. His eyes saw red, tramped towards the two, punched his unlce and grabbed Ul by the wrist and dragged her away somewhere. (he thought his uncle kissed her when actually he just blew the dirt away from her eyes. Cliche but effective.)

Plot twist: His uncle knew everything from the start, about his nephew's feelings and Gyeo Ul's denial of her own feelings. He was just adding fuel to the burning fire. 

As for Gyeo Ul, she'll only get to accept her feelings when V was endangered in one of their missions. She broke down in front of him and told him everything like how worried she was and how afraid she was to lose him. That's why she was denying the fact she likes him too. Because she was afraid of losing him.


My Farewell.

comments/suggestions » I tried my best ;; though I think I missed on the whole point omg just when will I improve in my apps? /facedesk I just hope it's okay. Oh oh and as soon as I saw the detective part of the title, I immediately became interested. (Blaming my mom and her detective dramas xD) Good luck on your apply fic authornim! ^^

scene requests 
» Taehyung would become jealous of his uncle especially when Seongjun needs Ul in the job.
» Gyeo Ul will have an unexpected encounter with the serial killer (?) Seongjun's searching for and would run away for her dear life.
» Irene would have an extremely bratty fit at Uljust because Taehyung rejected her. Irene will soon become a friend to Ul, though sometimes she's still hostile and bitter towards the rejection.
» And can they have this moment when they thought they have captured the serial killer (when in reality not /hopes crushes down) and Ul was so happy that she hugged Taehyung and in return they do this:


I can't think of anything as of the moment. I' ll just tell you when my mind thinks something creative. Or you can also surprise me authornim! Do as you wish! ^^

password » none


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Hey, I just think.. since her birthplace was in Seoul, so is her hometown (parents' house) in Seoul? Or do they all moved to Busan? I mean since the story's setting is in Busan and I may change her college to Busan National University, may I? :)
"Gyeo Ul: Idek where did his nickname came from... || V: Awww I didn't tell you yet? I chose it because it's next to U!" omg so cute