Bruh, seriously?

Alright, some of you know that I'm a big fan of vixx, right? Well, today my brother was being mean and decided to troll me.

He was bothering me, the usual, when he suddenly started banging on my door (since locked it). I swear, he's just super annoying sometimes.

With the thought of my door coming down anytime soon, I reluctantly opened the door to see him wearing a sad expression. He was hitting my arm and pointing at his laptop.

"Hey, guess what happened to Vixx?!"

I just blinked at him and crossed my arms, "What?" I'm pretty updated these days because of the different news and scandals poopin up here and there. 2014 is the definition of "worst year ever" for me. I mean, it was alright at first. E news about Lle Seunggi and Yoona had me fangirling for hours. Then different SNSD members followed before Kris suddenly drops the bomb of him leaving.

There's Sulli and her scandal. (I honestly don't know much about what actually happened to her)

Nine Muses aren't nine anymore. But, they still contact each other so I'm a bit happy. Then, there's the accident Ladies' Code got in and I still can't get over that. I'm sure no one will. Then, Jessica leaves. She's my second favorite member! Hyo's first in my snsd bias list. Yuri's third.


"Haven't you heard?!"

"What? Just spit it out already."

"Two members from vixx left the group." 

At first, I didn't believe it. But then, after everything that's happened this year, it was pretty likely. "WHAT?! WHO?!"


If two of them were going to leave, one of them was probably either Ken or Leo. I'm 70% sure that Hyuk wouldn't leave and I'm 60% percent sure with Hongbin.

"Is it Ravi?"





"That's one of them."

"WHAT?! How 'bout Hyuk?"

"Not him."



I recalled the member's names and came down to only one left. "N?!"


So, yeah. I cried for a good hour and became all sad and . But then, my brother came in my room laughing and dropped the bomb. "You've been trolled!"

Which is why he's limping right now. Never mess with a fangirl.


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I'm sorry about laughing (correction: smiling a little). It was pretty mean of your brother, though it was a little fun as well not being trolled. Best part: vengeance time! (Don't be too mean.. )