OKAY. So the word from SONES in my country has been around that Sica will be back? .-. There were dates but they are not sure too so I'm still doubtful. AND. That SM has a SURPRISE this December? TELL ME. IS THERE SOMETHING I MISSED? ANYTHING AT ALL? IS JESUS COMING EARLY THIS YEAR? All I have is Twitter and Allkpop.. I'm not doing much reading since all the rumors can't be roughly 50/50 anymore so yeah. =.= Sorry if I blog about this too much.. I'm trying to stay low as possible.. But thank you for reading it.. And my past ones (if you did) since this whole thing started c: Have a good one~


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Nah I don't think she's coming back. Why would she if she was kicked out.

I don't really think it's Exo then. They had one last year and with 2 members leaving this year, I don't think anybody would be up for a December comeback.
Angel05 #2
Did anyone see what sooyoung said about the issue?
Angel05 #4
Didn't SM's statement say she would be around for 1 last album. (Might of miss read that part ). But maybe this will be her last time since they do have a single in Japan. They would probably have her finish that and then they will probably let her go. The good thing out of this would be that some fortunate dance would get to see all 9 together for the last time. Anyways if you here something new, keep us posted. :)
ArielleKim #5
If Pluto is a planet once again, then Sica should be in SNSD once again! :D
ArielleKim #6
Really? Why didn't I see any articles about that? But there's a rumor that she'll be back but not as a SNSD member, I think they'll continue the collaboration of the jung sisters? their sub-unit. I'm not sure anyway.
I really doubt so any possibility of Jessica coming back to SNSD. I can imagine how awkward it'll be if Sica comes back. I actually prefer her to not come back. If she really was kicked out, I'm pretty sure the members would treat her as an outcast and worse bully her or something.
I hope so too...can't wait for the news
I want Jessica to come back, even if that is her last and final concert with them. I want to see them perform as 9 again for one last time, instead of having her kicked out without any final performance. At least let her see the pink ocean again and maybe let her think through her decision to really leave SNSD for good without fighting SM :<