〈 SUGAR → baek seulmi



evanesce • vikki • five out of five


the basics.

name » baek seulmi

nickname(s) »
     — seul ; it's just a shorter way of saying her full name / called by close friends, best friends and family
     — jagi ; / meaning 'darling' / sehun would call her this teasingly while nudging her if he wants her to buy something for him, but she refuses to.
BIRTHDAY » september 17, 1994

birthplace » los angeles, california, usa

hometown » pyeongchang-dong, seoul, south korea

ethnicity » korean

language »

     — korean ; fluent / her native language
     — english ; fluent / born and lived in the states for almost           ten years

face claim » sori

backup face claim » sun min


appearance » as of now, seulmi's hair reaches down to the middle of back. she has dyed it several times but it's currently a dark auburn color. she has four piercings in total.  on her right ear, she has one on her helix. on her left ear, she has one on her earlobe, one on her tragus and one on her helix. she has a small scar maybe about two cm long under her chin from when she fell in first grade.

style » she doesn't really have a specific type of style or taste in clothes, but she prefers to wear clothes that fall on the chic and pretty side, rather than being on the cute side. she just wears accordingly to the temperature, weather, season or event. she prefers to wear dark colors; like black, navy and gray or pastel colors. she doesn't like shirts that are full of glitter. all her dresses and skirts are all above her knee. all her pants are mostly skinny jeans, shorts, and leggings. for shoes, she's fine with anything, just not opened toe heels

casual- x x x | formal- x x x x | practice- x x x | dorm- x x
airport- x x x | dresses- x x  | shoes- x x x 

" bow down to your princess, peasants "

" dear oh sehun, only you can calm the fire in my heart "


the girl next door.

plotline » lead vocalist
BACK UP » rapper, main dancer
     singing twin: sistar's soyu.  
     dancing twin: snsd's yoona.  link. (back-up position: hyuna.  link.)
     rapping twin: (back-up position: t-ara's hyomin.  


personality »
( positive ) – outgoing, goal-orientated, optimistic
( negative ) – self righteous, narrow-minded, blunt, transparent 

being the outgoing girl she is, she likes to start random conversations with strangers. she isn't afraid of speaking up and asking questions which is why she makes friends easily.  when she's conversing with others, she could sense if the other is feeling awkward or uncomfortable, so she would always come up with something to break the ice. she's also a goal orientated person. once she sets her goals, it's going to be like, there forever until she achieves it. she has a strict mindset of goals and she's willing to do anything to achieve it. to achieve her goals, she's going to be constantly working hard on it, and putting all her efforts in it. if someone gives her a job or duty, she'll do her best to make it perfect. she's also an optimistic person and she's always positive in thoughts and her life. she has hope in everything because she thinks that good things will happen no matter what. she's always taking the positive outlook on things and events. she tends to expect the best outcome. 

seulmi is also a self-righteous person. if you get into an argument with her, she comes up with every single piece of crap in the universe just to win that argument. she's always right and you're always wrong. end of discussion. when she's arguing with someone, she doesn't really care about what she says or how the other feels about her words. she can go to the extreme and be really harsh, or in other words, blunt. she lets out all of her opinions and they can stab you right in the heart. but she thinks she's just being honest. she's kind of like a hypocrite because she's narrow-minded. she tends to say her views and opinions to others but she hates it when other's tell her what they think. she doesn't tolerate what other's think about her. like mentioned above, she doesn't care about what others think. last but not least, seul is also transparent. people can read her mind easily if she has a motive. like you know what motive she has if she does something weird, that isn't like her normal self. if she's trying to find something, everyone would know what she's trying to hide. so which means she's really bad at lying and pulling pranks on people.

- the smell of fresh laundry
- converse shoes-they're comfy
- starbucks- esp. green tea frappucino
- furry animals- the smaller the better
- autumn weather- it's not too hot or cold
- any soy products: tofu, soy milk, etc.
- watermelon-  usually when it's hot out, she would just take half a watermelon and eat it with a spoon.
- roller coasters- extreme rides in general
- pickles
- cheese- the smell or taste of it, so therefore, she doesn't like pizza
- heavy cologne or perfume- it stings her nose
- liquid medicine- it smells and tastes bad so she prefers to take pills inste
- the yolk in boiled eggs- it's too dry
- bugs/insects- any critter crawlers in general
- changing bed sheets- it's her least favorite chore
- linking arms with people she's close with
- clapping when she laughs really loud, usually would hit someone also if she's close with them
- cursing in a mix of korean and english
- drinking a full glass of water before each meal
- waking up really late- she could sleep the whole day if you don't wake her up

- collecting seashells- she has this huge jar of seashells on her table
- composing music on piano or guitar
- art- oil painting, water colors, or sketches. she was an art major in high school
- she has a fear for spiders- if she sees one or even think of one, she gets scared and might get nightmares. if she happens to see a spider, she needs to sleep next to someone in order to feel safe
- she also has a fear of the dark, so she has to sleep with a night light on because she gets scared if it' too dark.

- she's ticklish
- her phone is the samsung galaxy note 2
- doesn't know how to use chopsticks, she uses forks instead
- knows how to play the piano
- knows how to swim
- eats a lot but doesn't gain weight easily
- has two maltese puppies back in her family's house. uyu- the mischievous one. myeon- the quiet one
- ideal type is a tall guy, preferrably older by at most two years. who has a good sense of humor, and likes skinship
- instagram : baekseuls
- she's double jointed, therfore she's flexible
- she can wiggle her left ear only, but not the right
- right handed


home is where your heart is.

background » seulmi was born in los angeles, california on september 17, 1994. her family started out as a normal family which means they weren't extremely rich or poor. seulmi's father, baek junho decided to start his own steel company in south korea. it took a couple of years for him to accomplish this goal. a few years after junho has successful began his company, he had to fly to los angeles for some business matter. and there, he met the love of his life, baek yura, had his first child (baek soomi), then seulmi, and his last two children (baek woohyuk, baek minyoung). the baek family stayed in la for about 10 years. during those ten years, they rented an apartment and the four kids went to school in los angeles until her parents decided to move back to korea.
back in los angeles, seulmi was part of the chorus in her school since 3rd grade and she sang as a soprano. in fourth grade, she became the main soloist for the sopranos, which means she gets to sing most of the solo parts of the songs. ever since then, she's been told that she has a beautiful voice and she started to fall in love with singing. seul knew nothing about kpop until she was around 13 years old. youtube was created by that time so she was just came across one of bigbang's music videos. she thought, 'hey i can be famous too', so her passion for being an idol started then. seulmi talked to her parents about wanting to be an idol. her mother agreed straightaway, but her father said he had to consider about it. junho agreed later on, for the sake of his daughter's dreams. in 2010, she decided to audition for sm with her singing but she didn't get in. she auditioned the second time and she got it. she was a trainee there for about three years and later on transferred to ks entertainment due to the abundance of trainees at sm


family »
father / baek junho / 48 / strict and serious towards his company, considerate to family / ceo of steel company
 one the closeness scale of one to five, their relationship would read a three, a three because they don't really see each other often now, since junho has to look after his company and seulmi's schedule is packed.
mother / baek yura / 47 / passive, kind, calm / stay home mother
the scale would would a five for their relationship. yura is a sweet and kind woman and she loves her family the most. her family is the number one priority. yura would often visit seulmi's dorms and tell her words of motivation.
older sister / baek soomi / 22 / hardworking, intelligent, goal orientated / medical intern
their closeness has decreased a bit throughtout this year so on the scale, it would read four. they used to go shopping together a lot, hang out at diffrenet stores, go to starbucks together, but they can't do those things now since both of them are really busy.
younger brother / baek woohyuk / 18 / shy, book worm, reserved / high school student at seoul arts high school
the scale would also be a three for their realtionship. woohyuk doesn't really talk much to his family. he's reserved, quiet and shy. he would literally turn red when someone compliments him. he always has his face buried in a book or a textbook. but you know, students bully him sometimes because he's a nerd, but seulmi would always stand up for him.
younger sister / baek min young / 16 / bright, adventurous, outgoing / trainee under ks ent.
 on the closeness scale, it would definitely be a five. they're like best friends. sorta like the 'jung sisters', but in this  case, they're the 'baek sisters'. they talk a lot in english with each other, and they get along really well ever since they  were young. min young is currently a trainee under sm, so they see each other a lot often.


friends/rivals »
best friend / jung soojung / 20 / reserved looking, blunt / member of f(x)
known for her reserved personality, and quiet act on screen. but actually, she's quite outgoing, sweet and kinda resembles the girl next door who quite cheerful. they met during seulmi's last showcase, where idols come to the trainee's dorms once in a while to see the trainee's improvements. they get along really well because they're both 94 liners and they have the same blunt side of them. they talk a lot in english, and they spend time with each other a lot. another reason why they get along so well is because they usually talk about people behind their back, and they both agree with each other.
best friend / shin haebom / 19/ calm, considerate, humble, observant / college student, part-time barista in the starbucks seulmi usually goes to 
despite being a year younger than seulmi, haebom seems more mature, and rather than the elder taking care of the younger, it's the other way around between these two. haebom doesn't really social with a lot of people, but she does have a few good friends. she's like the listener. she's always there for a serious talk or if you need some comfort. sometimes, when seulmi's feeling down, the first person to go talk to is haebom, because sometimes she's the only one that is willing to listen and understand.
—  friend / byun baekhyun / 22 / friendly, bright, dorky / member of exo
typical 'tom and jerry' relationship, with "i hate you, i hate you too" going between them, but deep inside, they care a lot about each other and defend each other. they met during their trainee period when seul was still a trainee unfder sm and they've helped each other out a lot. they give each other friendly hugs when they see each other.
close friend / a member of the group / maybe someone that has a good sense of humor
this is optional though, because there might not be a person that fits the personality traits above. but if there is, then these two are often seen together a lot, in like airports, on stage, sort of like an otp fans would ship.  


the one and only.

love interest » oh sehun

backup love interest » byun baekhyun
brat / called by seulmi because he is one
hun / called by his friends and family, it's just an abbreviated version of his full name
oppa / sehun would make seulmi call him this, because seulmi never does cause she doesn't want to. so if seulmi wants sehun to do something for her, sehun goes. "magic word?" and the answer he should get from seulmi is a "oppa", but she has to say it in a cute way.

personality »
sehun is actually like a little beagle puppy despite his physically cold looks. he's expressionless to other's making it hard for people to approach him but as you get to know him, he's really friendly and cheerful around his friends and people he knows, like he's always energeticand happy. he's dorky and he acts like himself around others. he likes to bother his friends when he's bored, like poking them on the cheeks and touching their necks.  he has a high imagination and likes to do weird things, hence the words he makes up, 'yehet' and 'ohorat'. 

sehun is also a very mischievous person. he likes to tease his close friends and play pranks on them. he's also extremely stubborn, and never ever once in his life has he lost an argument.  (or at least he thinks so). aside from being like a happy little 5 year old kid, he can be serious and considerate at times. he cares about others like he cares about himself. he wouldn't do things that bothers someone else or make them feel disappointed. if he does make someone disappointed or pissed, he would apologize sincerely. sehun becomes very clingy and overprotective if he really cares and loves you. he feels that someday, he might lose the ones he care for the most. he likes to cling onto his friends like literally and he likes to hug people a lot. sehun is overprotective to the point where he gets mad and jealous if seulmi talks to other guys. for example, if a guy dropped something and seulmi picks the thing up for the guy, sehun would get mad too, but he won't admit he's mad. 




sehun and seulmi went to the same highschool and met during their sophomore year. they had the same art and math classes together, but they weren't really close at all. at that time, sehun was a trainee under sm already, but he never told anyone. seulmi became a trainee few months after he did under sm as well and they were both surprised to see each other at their dance practice classes while training. that was when they both first started talking to each other. their friendship all started with, "hey, aren't you the person from my math and art class?" and after that day, they began hanging out with each other more often, became close friends, and eventually, best friends.

sehun likes to be around seulmi. he's really protective of her and he cares a lot about her. almost everyone that knows them knows sehun has some sort of affection towards seulmi but seulmi only thinks that sehun is just being a big brother to her and doing what a best friend should do.  they tease each other a lot often, but sehun usually teases seulmi about how she's shorter than him. sehun would sometimes take her stuff and raise it up high in the air with his arms so seulmi can't reach up. seulmi would always call him a brat. sehun would always point to the things he likes and he would pout and go, 'get me that please'. if seulmi refuses, he goes all whiny and stuff and seulmi always end up giving in. they hug like it's nothing and they link arms also. they're really close. other people would tease them a lot by making up ship names for them, but neither of the two minds. they would just act along, pretend to be couples, call each other 'honey', 'darling', 'baby' and be all cheesy and stuff for like one second. but after that, they would go "ew, that would be like ". but since sehun is now a popular idol, the company tells the two to keep their skinship as minimum as possible to avoid any scandals and rumors. so that means they can't share any link arms or get extra clingy around one another anywhere unless they're in the sm/ks building or at their dorms. but when both of them are free, they would visit each other's dorm often. 

i guess you can say that their relationship is like in the 'best frends' phase, or you can say it's 'skinny love', which is a term used to describe two people who likes one another but is too shy or scared to admit it

LOVE rival » jung daeun (2eyes)

BACKUP LOVE rival » bae suzy (miss a)



she's sensitive and she gets hurt emotionally and mentally easily. she's possessive and she also gets jealous really easily.she gets attached to people easily, so she hates it when the people she likes interact with someone else. daeun also tries hard to get attention, because she needs attention at most times. she often feels lonely a lot, when she sees everyone else having someone else to interact with and talk to. not saying she's a loner but, she feels insecure when she walks down the street alone because of the feeling of emptiness and loneliness without a person next to her. she gets really clingy and loves skinship. 


Story » she's one of sehun's childhood friends and she's currently in a girl group called 2eyes. they met through sehun, who introduced them to each other when they had a music show together, backstage. daeun notices the way sehun and seulmi acts around each other, the way they look at each other, and the amount of skinship they share, and she can't help it but to feel jealous and hurt inside, because she used to have a crush on sehun. if they see each other, daeun would usually give seulmi a cold shoulder.


last words.

comments/suggestions » here's my character! hope you like her and good luck on your story!

scene requests »
– seulmi and sehun getting into a dating scandal after she debuts. ooo
– seulmi was being lazy and she didn't want to get out of bed. her other members call sehun over to try to get her up. sehun ends up tickling her non-stop. seulmi gets angry when sehun doesn't stop when she tells him to, so she tries to push him away. sehun just hugs her tightly and laughs. seulmi's group members were all just standing there spying on them. when sehun and seulmi  hugged, the other group members were just chanting. "date. date. date"
– sehun and seulmi kissing scenes. coughs. oooooo
– sehun starts singing some random parts of the song 'some', by soyu and jungigo next to seulmi, hoping that seulmi would get the message he's trying to tell her.
"these days, i feel like you're mine, it seems like you're mine but you're not..it feels like i'm yours, it seems like i'm yours, but i'm not.."
"it feels like we're lovers, it seems like we're lovers but we're not...i hate hearing that i'm just a friend"
"i want to hug you in front of a lot of people as if i'm showing off.."
– sehun and seulmi covering one of troublemaker's dances.
– maybe sugar having their own reality show?

password » candies


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