〈 크세논 〉YOON ARA。

xeno's very own



faceclaim. krystal jung
backup. park seul
additional.actress, model
stage name.YOORA
persona.ice heart (can't think of anything okay)
vocal twin. UJI (BESTIE)
dance twin. SEOHYUN (SNSD)
rap twin. sulli (fx)
additional twin. YOONA (ACTING), suzy (Modelling)
training years.6 years
trainee timeline.sm (4 years), miss records (2 years)
COMMENTS. this is the first time i applied with this character. i expect honest reviewss~ i just hope you like ara. and i don't have a love interest! yeayy! oh and, i want you to know that ara doesn't have a strong bond with the other members!
SCENE SUGGESTIONS. i got no idea... :(



my special girl!

- ara
ice child ; nicknamed after her cold attitude. nobody knows where this nickname comes from.
blank faced freak ; some secret nickname other people calls her. ara doesn't know the existence of this nickname.
- the expressionless ; the nickname is actually based on a ghost called the expressionless. the ghost has no expressions, and so does ara. that's why people calls her this.

- yoora ; her stage name. It's like YoonAra, minus the n and the a.

BIRTHDATE. 11/21/96
AGE. 18
BIRTHPLACE. Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN. Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICITY. Full Korean
HEIGHT & WEIGHT. 165 cm, 45 kg
- korean ; native tongue ( duh? )
   { - english ;
fluent ( the second language she learns. she used to take classes, and she's still learning it until now)
   { - japanese ; basics ( learnt it during her training years )


Ara has slightly shaped eyebrows. They are straight. Naturally straight. Stylists doesn't really put on eyebrow pencils or eyebrow products on her eyebrows, since it's full enough and straight enough. Her eyes weren't that big. They were the eyes that Koreans commonly have. Not big, and not really small either. Luckily, Ara passed the double eyelids surgery. Her double eyelids aren't that visible, but at least she has one. Ara has dimples. Well not dimples actually, she has a dimple. Only on the right cheek. And her dimples weren't as deep.
STYLE. Ara is a person who doesn't care about what she wears, and dressing. She hardly wears dresses. And she even has clothes that are originally made for boys. As long as she can wear it, then she'll wear it. She usually randomly takes whatever she can reach in her wardrobe and wears it. Sometimes they look fashionable, sometimes they don't. Ara mostly relies on stylists.


Around the world!

) positive: discipline, smart, independent, strong
) negative: shy, silent, jealous, cold


( silent, shy: "......i don't mind being alone." )  Introducing Yoon Ara: someone that will never notice your existence and someone who you will fail being friends with. she has friends though. those friends, however, are people who can stand her quite self and people who are awesome enough to know how to make friends with Yoon Ara. she's really shy, i tell you. greeting her is probably the hardest thing on earth. she's so shy, when strangers smile at her, she will automatically blush and look away. Ara isn't the type of person who made the first move on anything. how can she even do those things, when she completely has no idea how to make friends? people are the one who mostly introduce themselves to her. never has she ever introduce herself to them. her responses whenever people greet her are always the same. when people say "hi!" to her, she's always like: ".........". now you know how shy she is. moving on to her silent-ness. yes, she's shy, and silent at the same time. she's not bubbly and cheerful. she's completely far, far from that adjective. Yoon Ara is silent. she's someone who doesn't talk a lot.. someone quite serious. not the typical person who likes to chit chat or talk non-stop about herself. Ara prefers spending her afternoon in the library and read than spending it by hanging out with her girlfriends or something like that. it's really rare for her to go out with her friends to some place. whenever she gets invitations related to those stuff, Ara will always reject them. she finds excuses that will not make her feel guilty. excuses like she needs to finish her homework, she's quite ill, and stuff like that. basically trying to get away from her friends to spend time alone. sometimes, Ara hates herself. Ara hates herself for being so quite and shy. because she notices that people mistaken her for hating them because she doesn't really talk with them. and let me explain the part where i said she doesn't notice your existence. Ara here, likes to get lost in her own little world. she doesn't really look around much, she barely notices the people around her. Ara only notices interesting people. someone she founds interesting. if she never looks at you, it means that you're not interesting. even if you try to approach and greet her by yourself, she will keep silent and wear this poker face, signaling that she's uninterested. Ara is barely into conversations. if she holds a birthday party, people often forget that it's her birthday party. she doesn't even talk, really. when people invites her to sit with them, she just sits with them and basically not giving a about what their talking about. she keeps stuff to herself.. she doesn't talk a lot about her opinions, and feelings. and, no, Ara doesn't laugh or smile a lot. even her friends rarely see her  smile. when people see her smiling, they will immediately cheer and say like "Ara is smiling! Ara is smiling!".
( cold: "i always hate people." ) Like what they say; silent people are the coldest. that might be true in Ara's case. she looks really scary. first she's quite, second she's cold. everywhere, really everywhere she goes, Ara has her blank face mode on. people will always think she's a cold person as a first impression. she's.. what's the word.. hard to approach, i guess? not many people has the courage to be friends with her. she doesn't look that sweet. also the tone she uses when she speaks—it doesn't sound really friendly—it doesn't sound friendly at all. not only the tone, but the way and the words she use to speak. Ara hardly says 'please'. instead of; "it's okay, i can do it myself", Ara says "i don't need your help.". you can't expect the infamous Yoon Ara to give you sweet words and  hug you, can you? she truly isn't the first person you want to be friends with, more like the last. you know, she'd rather be alone than be with anyone, anyone in the world. well that's an exception for the people she trusts, like her best friend or something. and just so you know, it's really hard for Ara to open up, be kind towards you. but then, Ara always feels a drop of guilt whenever she acts cold towards somebody. she swore she would've used better and nicer words. the thing is, she can't. she can't do it. she can't be the person everybody loves. something in her just.. prevents her from doing it. i guess she's born cold, made out of ice, and she has a heart of ice; no one is able to get in to. this may sound harsh, but Ara said she kinda hates people—wait, no, she doesn't kinda hates people.. she really hates people. 
( jealous: "can you please stop flirting with the person i secretly like?—that's rude." ) Although Ara doesn't seem like she's into love... making her fall in love is possibly the hardest thing on earth, because you know, people hardly earns her trust, and she once said that she hate men. for a reason. in the past, she had a fair share of crushes, but that was approximately in grade 5. since then, Ara begin hating men. seeing another person; possibly a girl, (but then if the guy happens to be gay, then a boy) sharing some romantic interaction that seems a little distracting with her 'crush' hurts her feeling a little bit. but no, she's not the type of person who gets heartbroken and all (she's strong btw). Ara's rate of being jealous is possibly a tad bit higher than a normal person. not just jealous in terms of love, but also other things. she always made a mental note to herself that the Yoon Ara always has to be on the top of other trainees. Ara couldn't afford having low marks on her training. considering her biggest dream is to become a public figure, she knew she couldn't fail. if she fails, she will get kicked out of the training system, and never become one. you get the picture, right? basically, she doesn't like other people being on top of her.. when it comes to anything, really. however, she's not the type who would do anything to get rid of the person she feels jealous of. she'd rather ignore the feeling andor person.
( discipline, smart ; "skipping training? oh haill no." ) To Ara, in life, her dreams comes first. yes she may not like the freaking training system, but she just had to be good—it's for the sake of her freaking future. if she is somehow like, a rebel and a bad girl who likes to slack off and such, she's not going to have a bright future. Ara swore that if her dreams are not to become a public figure, she wouldn't be this discipline. moving on to the point; Ara always does what she is supposed to do. she has self-discipline. you don't really tell her what to do, she does what she thinks she's supposed to do and what she thinks is right, rather  than what she actually wants to do. for example: if your grandmother needs someone to look after her this evening, and you also have a party this evening. which would you choose? you'd rather go to the party, right? but Ara, she'd rather accompany her grandmother, even though she really wants to go to the party. after all, that's what you're supposed to do, right? everyday, she always has the same routine; wake up, go to school (she still goes to school), train, eat, practice, sleep. sounds so boring. she doesn't spend her teenage years in a proper way. if she has to choose whether she wants to do something now or later, she'd rather do it 'now'. yoora wants the fastest way possible. she makes sure she reaches her goals and does her best in clearly everything. because after all, "for every disciplined effort there is a multiple return.".
( independent, strong: "while the weaklings revenge, strong people ignore." ) She's so independent, she basically doesn't need anybody to accompany her do anything. she could totally live alone. if she was the only person who survived in this world, she will probably stay living for years. she totally accepts her self, well, sometimes she admits she hates herself for being so silent and all. but besides that, she loves herself. Ara believes in herself—well technically, at this point, she's also confident i guess. and you ask, who is her role model? her role model is herself. yep, herself. she's not vain, nor does she believe that the entire human race is cruel. although sometimes, yes she accepts that life is after all, unfair. Ara sees the world with it's good and it's bad, and she tends to stand up and be strong for herself—but harshly, hardly other people. her independence is built with her belief that she shall not trust anyone. with trusting no one, she doesn't want anyone to help her (except for the only person she trusts. only one.), and therefore, her life continues with no one helping her. after seeing all those negative traits above, you probably think she gets bullied a lot. you are actually half correct. anyone who ever laid their eyes on her only spots nothing but an unwelcoming, emotionless, blank, cold gaze. automatically, people are scared of her. and seeing how she acts scares them even more. Yoon Ara is infamous. nobody calls her names right in front of her face—only stupid people do that—because they know she will ignore them, roll her eyes at them—which they tend to find annoying (for a reason). a life motto that will be perfect for her will be; "ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore." in your whole life, you would never ever never see her shed a single tear. Yoon Ara isn't someone who likes to cry her heart out because of something really small. even if you prick her fingers, doesn't seem like she will shed blood. total opposite of weak. Ara had promised to herself that she will only cry when her mother died, or when somebody really really close to her died. she doesn't like anybody seeing her weak side. that's a terrible no no. Yoon Ara is probably the strongest girl you will ever met.

( on stage ; "my name is yoora, and i'm really playful!" ) Yoon Ara and Yoora are two totally different people. When Ara is an overall negative and cold person, Yoora is all-smiles, dorky, and she seems really charming and outgoing. But of course, the Yoora that the public knows is fake. Yoora only exists on camera and on stage. Ara disliked the person she has to be on cam. But after all, it's for the sake of her fans and her career. Yoora seems to laugh and smile a lot, and she looks so warm and welcoming. Like on variety shows, she's always the dorky one who always makes the viewers laugh. Ara is really smart in these things. She really knows how to fake her attitude, fake her smiles, fake her everything. Ara is herself only whenever she's in the dorm, and in private places. Besides that, she's completely the fake Yoora. It's something like.. two faced? I guess. So all idols that she knows, knows her as the fake Yoora she is. These are Ara's personality traits when she becomes 'Yoora';

➸ outgoing
➸ strong
➸ humorous
➸ stubborn
➸ dorky


 rillakuma ; she doesn't just like it, it pretty much has turned into an addict.
cotton candy ; it's her favorite sweet and flavour
arizona ( green tea ) ; it's her favorite drink. she brings a can with her everywhere. she tends to drink 2-3 cans when she gets angry, depressed, or stressed.
books ; what kind of loner doesn't?
calm and queit places ; basically her eyecandy.
music ; she mostly likes pop, and calm and soft music.
cleaning ; just something she likes to do.

shopping ; it's a really odd thing to dislike shopping. is she an alien or something?
people ; she's born already disliking them.
snobs ; she just hates them (?)
missing training ; she always feel guilty if she does it.
falling in love ; the tiest thing that will ever happen to her.

crowded places ; pure nightmare
trainee life ;  ara is an infamous trainee in both sm and miss records. everybody doesn't really want to interact with her, and so does she.
social medias ; she only has instagram: @yoonara ( dp )
in the dorm ; ara doesn't really talk much. she's the one who cleans up the dorm.
music video ; she starred in SHINee's Sherlock. eventhough she hesistated starring on it for a bit, she enjoyed it.
acting ; she originally wanted to become an actress. that's why she's so prepared and nice in acting.
dramas ; pre debut, she got a supporting role in Prime Minister & I (2013?) as Roori, and continued playing in The Heirs as Yoo Rachel.
modelling ; she is also talented in modelling. she has done a photoshoot for CeCI before.

the other members ; ara doesn't have a strong bond with the other members. she has bond with one member, which is the main rapper ( random okay :p )


   — Dad | Yoon Hyungdo |  Business Man | 8
   — Mom | Seo (Yoon) Nara |  Secretary ( office ) | 8
   — Sister | Yoon Nari | Student | 9
BFFE: Best Friend For Eternity | Lee Nayeon |  Student | 10

Yoon Ara arrived on Earth on November 21 1996. she is the first child of a couple with an average life. the family of three lives with her father's salary and her mother's salary (ofc). that is enough to pay everything they want. they had lived in seoul, south korea, eversince Ara was born. the couple used to live in busan, south korea. it was also strange that Ara is born with a cold face. as a baby, she never smiles. or even laugh. she was a silent baby. while other kids cry, laugh, and play, as a toddler, Ara would rather stay silent and sit in the corner by herself. from the way she acts, her mother could tell that she's going to be a rather silent and cold girl. she also didn't made any friends in kindergarten. the only people Ara interacted with would be her family, or the elders. on school visits and such, she would always be paired up with the teacher, because she got no pairs. since kindergarten, Ara had always been the teacher's pet. she was always the silent, still one in class. plus, she's smart. Ara only had one friend. her name is Lee Nayeon, and she was just like Ara. so she made her parents enroll her in the same elementary school with Nayeon. her parents could do nothing but agree, because it's for the sake of their child's social life. since then, she became best friends with Nayeon. in elementary school, Ara is considered really scary. no student would want to approach her. even, a stupid kid made a rumor that if you stare into Ara's eyes longer than 3 seconds, she will bring bad luck for you and your family (kimi ni todoke reference lul). that is why, not much people look at her face for a really lomg time. hearing that false rumor, Ara felt a little dissapointed. does this mean that not many people want to interact with her now? but as time passess by, she learnt to ignore it. she wasn't really bullied in elementary school, it's just that not many people would want to be around her. she's mostly seen only with nayeon, and vice versa. the rumor even reached the teachers, and even some teachers, didn't dare to look into Ara's eyes.

Ara got scouted when she was 12. She was going out of her school's gates, when a talent scout spotted her. She was actually first scouted because of her visuals. The talent scout was from SM Entertainment. Ara hesistated for a really long time. She still had to think for over a night or two and contact the talent scout three days after. She first thought that being a celebrity means she will stick around people and crowded places—which is pure nightmare for her. But hey; being a celebrity wouldn't be that bad right? She gets to sing, act, do every thing she loves, and get paid for it! So yeah, Ara ended up signing the contract. As an SM Trainee, Ara focused only on training, training, and training. She puts socialization way behind her. With no distractions, Ara is totally focused on her training and she managed to become one of those high trainees who have a high chance to debut. Her main treasure is her voice, and her acting skills. There are possibilities that she might be an idol, or an actress. Despite her good voice, Ara in dancing. She can fairly dance, but she just.. in it. Ara hardly remembers the choreography, and she likes to move on the wrong time, and wrong move. Not a lot of trainees liked Ara's presence. She didn't have any friends as a trainee. Just.. acquaintances. She only talked to trainers if necessary too. After 4 years of being labelled as a trainee under SM, she got transferred to Miss Records. Ara apparently liked Miss Records better. Because the amount of trainees in Miss Records aren't as much as the number of trainees in SM, the competition is lesser. Ara liked it. For another 2 years, she remained as a trainee under Miss Records. Ara got casted in several dramas and got roles as a supporting cast. As for her education, Ara attended SOPA, like other idols. She haven't graduated yet. Still studying in SOPA.



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asdjhkl...Krystal though.