S.o.s.!!!!!! 2min fan book!!!

Caline showed me this picture of this 2min fan book. It's calling darling be darling?? Not sure about the name. But it's on this website- its all inkorean and I'm scared to sign up into it and GIVE OUT MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Considering there are frauds out there. I ing SERIOUSLY WANT TO ORDER IT. But I can't sign up cause I'm scared to lose my SSN. So if SOMEONE HAS BOUGHT ONE FROM THAT WEBSITE OR ANY website PLEAAAAAASSSSSEEEE LET ME KNOW! I really want to order one! This is my first time ordering something online! I BEG YOU GUYS TO HELP ME OUT PLEASE!


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honeyramen #1
Hi there! Are you still interested in buying the book? I'm selling mine! :)
AliciaRose #2
NEVER give your SSN... you should never need to give that out online for any reason.
Sounds really fishy to me. :/