No Korean or Any Film Festivals For Me This Year

Exactly what my title sad. I hate how work and studying/review had taken over my life that I barely could do the things I want or usually do without feeling guilty of not studying~ sigh~ 

And yet when I'm home, I feel too tired or lazy to study~

Aw...I really wanted to go out with friends or heck maybe even meet a friend from aff like like last year~ but I'll be working until 4pm or maybe more~ I don't want to get super tired as I will be attending our company's anniversary party the next night~ I'm gonna try to study and get a hair cut whatever free time I have and a good afternoon sleep before the party.

Sigh~ lemme just suffer a few more months~ and please let me just pass this exam so my suffering and sacifices won't go to waste...ugh...

Holding myself back from writing fics makes me feel depressed and I feel like I don't know how to write anymore.


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meh I was actually hoping that I would meet you again by chance this year hehehe next year nlng and good luck sa imong exams!!
Aww man, I'd love to go to a Korean Film Festival. Have you seen the movie Night Flight? Well, really just about anything from Lee Songheeil.
I understand you. I had that break especially for my last school grade, and i seriously forgot how to write -.-