This won't take long. Still fed up with SM here and I just had to share this thought =.= I have a weird feeling that this guy is a douche. Have you read the article from allkpop when Sports World questioned their BLANC business? ( ) But anyways, they stated some things about Tyler and his past life before Jessica. I dunno. I think Jessica is being used or something and it doubled - - No. TRIPLED my worries for her and GG's career.. And to all the hate GG is getting now, its POINTLESS to talk sense in those people because everyone is hurt. Who knows how hurt the girls are now more than the Black Ocean incident.. Oh well. Still heartbreaking. x.x FANDOM HUGS AND STAY STRONG.


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I swear if that plays my sica I will officially hunt him and fry him alive and let sones chop him off to peices
Whoo,sorry,pissed off.
i don't even know anymore :O

Angel05 #3
wow! this world makes no sense. I really hope this is not the case.
If it really is true then I hope Sica will just stay away from him. Like idc if he funds her business partly if he's just using her for the fame then just off man you're just asking for trouble from Sones
sunshiner95 #5
i already read it...while i was reading my hate for that guy just double more...ever since jessica n that guy scandal i already have a bad vibe about him...specialy when i saw his face...i donno why but i hava very2 bad vibe about him --,-- ps i refuse to write his name or i may curse when i write or say his name ^©^