kiss my

Who ever thought writing a story was freaking easy you can kiss my

The plot

The characters

The backgrounf stories

It has not been easy coming up with my first story. And since i dont have a laptop at the moment ive put everything in a little notebook. Plus with me working now it has been a major setback.

I want nothing more than to put my story out there. But this is my FIRST story. I am going to take my time. Plan this carefully. Use a freaking thesarus. Enjoy my time with this. 

Because if i do this fast paced for a group of people i dont even know ill get reading my story then it wouldnt be me. And i have to do me. But i know that its ok to make mistakes. Its my first story for goddess sake. Im not a professional writer. But im gonna make this a great first story so when i look back i wont be so embarrassed of my writing.

Ok well ive done enough of my ramballing.


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ahahahahaha. You are so, so right. I thought it would be easy, and I saw the low standards for what passed for 'good' on this site, so I just started writing. Then, I raised the standards for myself. Still look at TSTM and cringe at parts.

Have I put too much pressure on you? You really SHOULD enjoy the process. You write better when you're relaxed. So if you want to talk it out, I will not tell you what to, and not to write. I'll just ask questions.

Are you on your phone to get on aff? Have you tried the 'google drive' app? With that and a wireless keyboard(I've seen them for less than $20) you can start writing.