Trapped in CandyLand Application.


AFF Username: Lovinghimx3
Profile Link 

Character’s Name: Kim Kayla
Character’s Nickname: Kay
Character’s Preferred Name: Kayla 
Ethnicity: Korean & Chinese
Place of Birth: California, Los Angeles
Birthdate: 10/13/92
Age: 19
Height: 167 CM // 5 ft 6
Weight: 56 KG // 124 Pounds
Blood Type: AB
Languages Spoken: English ; Fluent // Korean ; Fluent // Chinese ; Basic

Personality: On the outside, Kayla's a girl that gives off a cold aura.  Towards people she doesn't know or she just met, she may be quite cold.  That's only cause she doesn't really know who that person is and doesn't know whether or not she can trust them.  Once she feels that she can trust you, she will slowly open  up to you.  But when she's with her family, close ones, friends, or loved ones, she  a totally different person.  She becomes a totally outgoing, nice person with a laid back personality.  She even has a unique sense of humor that can make people laugh and smile.  She's a person that is willing to sit there and listen to whatever problems you have and will try to help you.  She's the type to encourage people and try to make them think on the positive/bright side.  Sometimes, she can be quite harsh, but she just wants the best for you.  Don't hurt her friends or close ones, cause things will not be pretty.  She's very protective of the ones she loves and she's the type that would go crazy if you hurt anyone of them.  She will do anything to defend them.  However, she's not the type of person that asks for help.  Negative feelings are always hidden and bottled up and she likes keeping it to herself.  This is why, she owns diaries.  She writes them all down.    

Ulzzang’s Name: Huang Yilin
Style: The clothes that Kayla wears are quite girly.  However, she prefers jeans over skirts.  You would most likely see her wearing things like -> hoodies, logo t-shirts, long and tight shirts, leggings, skinny jeans, boots, & high top sneakers.  As for acessories, she's a big fan of scarves, long chained necklaces, and those rubber 1 inch bracelets.  She also likes fashion glasses.  The only type of jeans that you'll ever see her wearing are skinny jeans.  Flare or boot cut's just don't look right, to her.  When it comes to sleeping, she wears things like baggy sweatpants, hoodies, t-shirts, shorts, & fluffy socks. 

Background: Kayla lived with her parents in California and she was the only child.  They lived a very happy and cheerful life because everything went well.  But that was until her parents got into a car accident.  Sadly, her dad died.  But Kayla's mom survived but is now on a wheelchair.  Throughout the years, Kayla took care of her mom.  Eventuallly, they moved to Seoul.  They lived a much better & easier life in Seoul.  
Family Members:
  • Kim Jason ; Dad ; Deceased 
  • Choi Sohee ; Mom ; Age : 47 ; Unemployed ; Though in wheelchair, she's a very cheerful and happy woman.  She's very supportive of her daughter.  
  • Winter
  • Bubble tea
  • Neon colors
  • Warm food/drinks combined with the cold weather
  • Anything that's strawberry flavored
  • Nature
  • Books
  • Candy
  • Animals
  • Music
  • erts/Creepers
  • Bugs
  • Cheese
  • Seafood
  • Extremely hot & humid weather
  • Smell of markers
  • Judgmental people
  • Spicy food
  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Drawing
  • Taking pictures of scenery
  • When wearing hoodies, she likes to chew on the strings.
  • Narrowing her eyes when she thinks someone's lying.
  • Nibbling on cookies or chocolate
  • Dunking cookies in milk
  • Applying chap-stick to her lips before sleeping
  • Height
  • Bugs
  • Syringes/Needles
  • Thunder
  • She has a Hello Kitty & Rilakkuma obsession.
  • Allergic to corn
  • Owns a lot of diaries
  • She only listens to KPOP.
  • She likes waking up early.
  • Likes reading mystery stories
  • Owns a lot of rubber bracelets

Attitude towards candy: She loves them.  When people offer her candy, she wouldn't take it.  But after being offered, she would definitely run to a nearby candy shop and buy it.  But towards the candy that she hates, she just doesn't care.  She would give them to the people that likes it.
Favorite candy(s): Kit Kat, M&M's, Gummy Worms & Bears, Candy Corn, Hershey Kisses, Rock Candy
Disliked candy(s): Licorice, Snickers, Babe Ruth, Nerds, Grape or Cherry flavored candy, Sweet Tarts
Favorite character from Candy Land: Lolly
Reason for Responding to Ad: Because Kayla's mom is unemployed due to being on wheelchair, Kayla needs the money to go to college and also pay for the things that her and her mom needs.

Love Interest: Woohyun/ Hoya
Love Interest’s Personality
Woohyun ; A very cheerful and happy guy that often does aegyo.  With him around, there's no such thing as silent moments.  He's a prankster and likes to prank people.  He's has a very good sense of humor and he doesn't act his age.  He doesn't like giving up.    
Hoya ; A very serious guy but he does know when to joke around.  Because of his seriousness, people don't really know when he comes up with jokes or even a prank.  He's very bright and smart.  He's a guy that would do anything to chase his dreams and isn't afraid to work hard.
How they meet: On the way to Ice Cream Sea, she saw him having trouble getting past Queen Frostine.  Together, they both worked as a team and got past her.  Her first impression was that he was quite cute.
Rival: No one, yet. o-o

Self Promotion: I think you should chose my character because i really love your plot.  I think it's very interesting. owo Also Also, i'm an inspirit. So i really hope i get chosen. o-o  & Being in this fic would be a whole new experience when it comes to working with others and Infinite.

Extra: GOOD LUCK <3 :3

Password: INSPIRIT OwO


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