
Sometimes it's nice to have family back in town after not seeing them for a while.... but for me, at this point in my life I need my own time and being the oldest of my mom's kids, it's hard to even think about my own life because she has all these expectations of me and to new, only being a sixteen year old, I have my own life and my own things I need to do. 

I feel like especially right now when we have family in town in being voulentold to do anything involving my younger siblings and cousins who are all younger than me and not only do I have all my readers on my mind, but also all my ROTC stuff going on this week and my doctors and dentist appointments.

I'm trying my hardest not to stress about all this stuff, but it's hard not to. 


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As a fellow author, I know how it feels to want to please your readers. But as a daughter I know the need to please parents as well. On the flipside im also a mom and sometimes we don't realize the strain put on our kids even when we don't think we are doing it. You need to take the time for yourself, maybe throw on some music and take a walk. Your readers will wait and understand. Even 20 minutes of relaxing to yourself in the shower is better than being so stressed at 16. I hope things begin to clear up for you. XOXXOO